(no subject)

Aug 23, 2005 11:43

I promised Peri a log and, well, I had nothing better to do while attempting to wake up.

So, once again, to summarise: Set harasses Horus and Loki, demons plot against enemies, Loki finds out what Kaos did, Kaos gets torn apart, Set gets his powers back, Jacquel fails at getting drunk, Horus and Loki break Set's heart again, Jacquel and Ibis finally admit their feelings and Jacquel and Set prove that, screwed up as things might be, family is still family.

Sutekh: *flops back and rests his head in Horus' lap*
Horus: .... *blinks at Set* ...What are you doing?
Sutekh: *smiles at him* Resting my head in your lap?
Horus: ...Why?
Sutekh: Don't worry. I'm harmless. If you object, you can always do something horribly painful to me.
Horus: That wasn't what I asked. *doesn't have the heart to push Set away when he's so broken*
Sutekh: I wanted to.
Horus: ... *sighs and looks away*
Sutekh: Ask me to move, and I will.
Horus: ...I know.
* Verity is now known as Kaos
* Balthazar has joined #desperatefans
Balthazar: *saunters in, does not see Constantine and pretends not to be disappointed*
Sutekh: *tenses at Kaos' entrance*
Kaos: *looks around cautiously*
Horus: *also tenses at Kaos's entrance* *never did like him*
Kaos: *so isn't scared of Egyptian gods in groups*
* RobSPierre is now known as Loki
* Hastur has joined #desperatefans
Hastur: *walks in, whistling*
Horus: *has a Set in his lap, and doesn't notice Loki cause he's distracted by Kaos*
Sutekh: *also doesn't notice Loki because, well, Horus. lap.*
Kaos: *sneers at pile of Egyptians, but ignores*
Loki: *comes in behind Horus' couch* Hi, people.
Balthazar: Hallo, Hastur.
Sutekh: ... *frowns* Loki.
Hastur: *waves at Bally* Hello!
Horus: *leans back and gives Loki an apologetic look* Hi. *pulls his head down for a kiss*
Sutekh: *rises and indicates at the space on the couch where he was sitting, giving up his spot for Loki*
Sutekh: *returns to the chair where he'd been before, and curls up there with his back to Loki/Horus*
Balthazar: How's tricks?
Hastur: Not too shabby, actually.
Kaos: *smirks at the gods, but decides, amazingly, not to cause trouble, and looks around for fun somewhere else*
Loki: *leans over the back of the couch and kisses Horus* *climbs over and frowns, not nastily, at Set*
Balthazar: Good to hear. *smirks* Good to hear.
Horus: *sqeezes Loki's hand and shakes his head slightly, silently asking him not to pursue it*
Hastur: Just as good to be, I assure you.
Tim: *hops down from Horus' shoulder and looks all confused*
Balthazar: Well, I think Constantine's well on his way to hell.
Kaos: *ears prick* The mortal drip?
Hastur: Oh, that's always fun.
Horus: *blinks at Tim* What?
Loki: *kisses Horus' hand, still looking at Set, but doesn't ask* *tilts head at Tim*
Tim: *points at Set* Why goes away?
Balthazar: *raises an eyebrow at Kaos* You know him?
Horus: I don't think he likes Loki very much.
Tim: *looks pitiful* But... was -good-. Hurts less.
Kaos: We've met.
Balthazar: Arrogant little prat, isn't he?
Hastur: *laughs a little*
Kaos: *smirks* Same could be said for a few people I know, but yes.
Horus: *sighs* You're certainly insistant, aren't you. I'm sorry, but there's nothing more I can do.
Tim: *points at Loki* Him leaves.
Balthazar: I don't believe we've met. *smarmy smile* Balthazar.
Kaos: *cold smile* Kaos.
Horus: *shakes head* No, he stays. *leans against Loki*
Kaos: I think you're the one Eris mentioned.
Tim: But. ;_;
Tim: Him not breaks! ;_;
Loki: *wraps an arm around Horus and kisses the side of his head* Should I ask?
Horus: *sighs and puts his head on Loki's shoulder* Long story that I'm not sure if I should go into, but the short version is that Kaos is more of a bastard than we thought.
Loki: *squeezes him* I'm not surprised.
Tim: *nods at Loki* Hurts. *not that loki can understand him, but, y'know.*
Kaos: *hears Horus mentioning him and smirks, but refrains from commenting*
Kaos: *smirks* Something about not liking to be between us.
Horus: *sees the smirk and glares at Kaos* *pats Tim* We know. Anubis and I are trying to help.
Tim: More hugs. ;_;
Kaos: *smiles brightly at Horus*
Balthazar: *an eyebrow threatens to ascend to the stratasphere* Between us?
Balthazar: She's bloody nuts.
Loki: *gives Kaos a narrow look*
Horus: *resolutely ignores Kaos*
Kaos: *laughs* You've got that right.
Hastur: *listens quietly*
Tim: *notices Loki's look and tugs on him*
Metatron: *crosses his arms* Can you really do that?
Loki: *looks down at Tim* Yes?
Balthazar: *shrugs* That explains Constantine's attraction, then.
Tim: *shifts into a little loki and a little kaos, and the little kaos proceeds to be burninated*
Tim: *shifts into little set form, tugs on Horus, and points at Loki* Him knows?
Loki: *grins at the burnination* Good idea
Horus: About what happened to Set? No, he doesn't.
Kaos: She did have a chance to achieve greatness, but threw it away.
Balthazar: Oh? Do /tell/.
Tim: *points at Loki* Him helps?
Kaos: *smirks* Fairly simple. She threw me away for -that-.
Balthazar: ... *starts to smirk* Did she now? Interesting.
Balthazar: I don't suppose you'd be in for a bit of ... revenge?
Kaos: *takes a step closer, raising an eyebrow* What where you thinking?
Balthazar: *takes a coin from his pocket and plays with it* She strike you as the jealous type?
Kaos: More posessive than jealous, I would have said.
Balthazar: Mmm. That will work well enough, I think.
Kaos: What are you thinking?
Horus: ... I don't know. *glances at Loki*
Balthazar: If you could perhaps let certain details slip...
Loki: *catches his glance and raises a brow*
Horus: He wants to know if you'll help Set.
Kaos: *crooning* What sort of details?
Tim: *turns begging mousey-eyes on Loki*
Tim: *represents little Set figurine, which then proceeds to break and dissolve into a miserable pile of sand*
Loki: *raises both brows* This will have to with Kaos being a bastard, will it?
Kaos: *calls across to Egyptians* It's not nice to talk about people behind their backs.
Balthazar: Oh, perhaps something like the deal I made with Constantine only required a kiss.
Balthazar: The rest was of his own free will.
Loki: *to Kaos* No one ever accused me of being nice.
Horus: *stares down Kaos* And you'd know so much about being nice.
Tim: *tiny burninating kaos!*
Tim: *so helping*
Kaos: *notices tiny figure of self* How quaint. *returns attention to Balthazar*
Kaos: Go on. I believe I missed some details here.
Loki: *ignores Kaos* *looks at Tim* Didn't you people like him before? What'd he *do*?
Tim: *hesitates, unsure*
Balthazar: The rest being the begging for, shall I say, a relief from tension.
Kaos: Do you really think that would distress her? I would have expected her to be more worried by threats to her pet mortal.
Horus: *bites his lip and glances at Set, then back at Loki* What's the worst thing you can think of?
Tim: ... *displays tiny scene of Kaos raping a snarling, struggling and very pissed off Set*
Balthazar: No doubt Constantine has explained to her just where she stands in relation to Lucifer.
Tim: *then shifts back, looking worried*
Balthazar: I was actually thinking the explicit details would make her dropkick him into next week.
Kaos: That explicit?
Balthazar: *whispers into Kaos's ear just what he and JohnBoy have been doing on the porch*
Kaos: *smirks* Well, then....
Loki: ...That. *scowls*
Loki: *angryangryangry* *looks over as Kaos is picked up and flung through the wall, and could swear he didn't actually intend to do that*
Horus: *approves, regardless*
Kaos: *is flung through wall, completely unexpectedly*
Loki: *with bruises and lacerations and splinters in unfortunate places, hopefully*
Balthazar: .... well.
Kaos: *lying in pain for a moment before pushes self to feet and stalks back through hole in wall* Who did that *growls*
Balthazar: *to Loki* We were having a conversation.
Kaos: *glares at Bal*
Loki: *evenly to Balthazar* So were we.
Sutekh: *starts out of his trance at the sound of crashing, and looks up, startled and confused*
Kaos: *growls some more* WHO DID THAT?
Balthazar: *blinks at Kaos* I most certainly didn't.
Sutekh: *sits up, interested*
Kaos: *mistrustful look*
Balthazar: *tosses his coin* I save the violence for mortals.
Sutekh: *looks over at Horus* You?
Kaos: Then who... *remembers gods over at other side of room* *GLARES*
Loki: *grins at Kaos* Couldn't resist, mate.
Sutekh: ... *jaw drops*
Sutekh: *closes mouth* *totally not staring*
Kaos: You bastard. *throws him to the floor*
Loki: *on the floor* Pot. Kettle. Black.
Horus: *jumps to his feet, glaring*
Tim: *worried squeak, hiding on Horus' shoulder*
Kaos: *laughs* So the Bird wants to come to the rescue. Just try it.
Sutekh: *dips his hand in the bag of sand he's been carrying around* Kaos.
Kaos: *smiles* Set. Got all your friends to protect you now?
Horus: *keeps tight control of his temper...though -really- would like to punch Kaos right about now...*
Sutekh: *pulls out a fistfull of sand and throws it at him* Tear him apart.
Loki: *standing again* *not Set's friend, thanks*
Sutekh: *the sand, with a life of its own, leaps around Kaos with the fury of a desert sandstorm, but worse, with teeth and claws*
Horus: *takes a half-step back, watching the sand spirits work*
Kaos: *tries to stand strong, but tensing with the extreme pain in every inch of skin*
Loki: *moves closer to Horus, watching them appreciatively*
Kaos: *falls to knees*
Balthazar: *watches*
Kaos: *can't stand it any more, and curls in ball on floor, trying to protect as much of his skin as possible, and trying to lash at the sand with flames, but doesn't dare open his eyes, so can't aim*
Sutekh: *walks over to stand by Loki and Horus, watching* Why did you attack him?
Kaos: Stop them!
Kaos: *lashes out furiously with flames, probably causing random fires all through room*
Loki: *glances at Set, a bit uncomfortably* ...Didn't really mean to.
Sutekh: *blinks at him* Explain.
Kaos: *finally manages to melt all the sand, but remains curled where he is, whimpering slightly, scared to move because of the pain*
Sutekh: *looks down at Kaos and frowns*
Loki: *looks at Kaos and gets a slightly evil glint in his eyes* In a minute. *walks over to Kaos, produces a small bag of salt, and tosses handfuls into Kaos' wounds*
Kaos: *screams and lashes out wildly with the flames again*
Sutekh: ... *approves*
Loki: *can handle flames*
Kaos: *tries to push self to feet, but every movement is so incredibly painful*
Sutekh: *kicks him back down*
Sutekh: Stay down.
Loki: *was about to do that, but Set appears to have beaten him to it*
Kaos: No..... Let me....
Sutekh: *kicks him again* Shut up.
Kaos: *grunts with pain*
Kaos: *lashes out with flames in Set's direction*
Sutekh: *has no problem with pain* *kicks him hard in the head*
Kaos: *neck breaks, but is immortal, so isn't fatal* *growls and tries to launch himself at Set, but with the pain of the wounds and the neck, barely manages to move*
Sutekh: *blinks at Loki* Finish him.
Kaos: *whimpering* Please
Sutekh: *snarls at him* I hope you're begging for death.
Kaos: *hurting too much to speak because of demons that got inside mouth, so nods*
Loki: *looks at Set for a minute, then nods* *taps some of the glass around Set* How do you release these?
Sutekh: Just put a bit of destructive magic into them. Destroy them, but with intent to release them back to their natural sand.
Loki: *nods* *freezes, to shattering point, with intent to release*
Sutekh: *the sand leaps up and swirls around Set, tempesting around him and making him look like a god again* *smiles* Return. *indicates the bag, which is suddenly filled as the spirits calm*
Sutekh: Thank you.
Kaos: *cries out despairingly at sight of spirits, then is relieved when he sees them go into the bag.
Kaos: To think I brought you those things *spits*
Sutekh: Put it out of its misery. *kicks Kaos again*
Kaos: *whimpers*
Kaos: *would be begging for death if it didn't hurt so much*
Loki: *watches the spirits go away a bit dissapointedly* *freezes every part of Kaos that can freeze, and then steps on the ice, shattering him*
Kaos: *is shattered?*
* Kaos is now known as Kaos-pileofshards
Sutekh: *smirks, pleased* Scatter the pieces. I don't want him reforming.
Loki: *summons a cold wind to blow Kaos-shards out the window and far, far apart* *watches them go*
* Kaos-pileofshards has left #desperatefans
Sutekh: Good. *offers his hand to Loki to clasp*
Loki: *looks at it for a minute, unsure, then reaches out and takes it*
Sutekh: *clasps his hand firmly, then releases it*
Sutekh: You didn't explain why you attacked him.
Loki: *shrugs* I got carried away?
Sutekh: *smirks* Well, I'm grateful.
Tim: *sneaks up onto Set's shoulder in the form of a tiny man*
Sutekh: *pets him with a smile* I'm sorry I put you at risk.
Tim: *nuzzles happily*
Loki: *wry smile* You're welcome.
Loki: *sits on Bob*
Horus: *curls up on Bobcouch next to Loki*
Sutekh: Although I am still powerless. *frowns*
Loki: *hugs his knees* Find Bilious?
Horus: Killing Bilious may release your power, or Eris may know how to get them back.
Sutekh: ... *flops down on the couch next to them, and stretches his legs across Horus' lap*
Horus: *gives Set a -look-*
Sutekh: *beams at Horus and ruffles his hair*
Horus: *brushes Set's hand away and rolls his eyes* Would you take your feet off of me?
Sutekh: But you're comfy. *moves his legs anyway*
Horus: *rolls eyes again* Thank you. *leans against Loki*
Sutekh: *leans against Horus*
Horus: *looks at Set* ...-What- are you doing?
Loki: *wraps and arm around Horus, and peeks around at Set reprovingly, but slightly amused*
* Pup-in-waiting is now known as BiliousSet
Loki: *sits up* Hi, Bilious.
BiliousSet: *is currently half camel, as is hopeless with powers*
BiliousSet: *warily* Hello...
Loki: *stares at the camel-ness* You look ridiculous.
BiliousSet: I'm...stuck.
Sutekh: *smirks at Loki* Any ideas?
BiliousSet: *concentrates, and manages to turn into a walking cactus*
Loki: About the camel bits? Sure. *godmods Bilious back to his normal shape*
BiliousSet: *look of massive relief at Loki* Thanks. I'm really not getting the hang of this temping thing.
Loki: *dryly* I'd noticed.
Sutekh: *stands and walks over to him* Give them back.
BiliousSet: Do you know how I can?
Sutekh: Focus on the unfamiliarity inside you that is my powers, then force it outwards, towards me. *puts takes Bilious' hand and puts it on Set's chest*
Loki: *watches*
BiliousSet: *concentrates, and finds Set's powers within him, then gives them a shove, as hard as he can*
Sutekh: ... well?
BiliousSet: *gags and runs to plothole to be noisily ill therein*
Loki: *to Set* Well? Did it work?
* BiliousSet is now known as Bilious
Horus: *is shoved back into the couch by the powers* Oof. *looks at Bilous* ...kid, you're hopeless.
Sutekh: *snaps his fingers* No.
Loki: *looks at Horus* Evidently not.
Bilious: *wiping mouth* I don't have them.
Bilious: I wanna die.....
Sutekh: *blinks, and has yet to notice Horus* Nor do I.
Loki: No. Horus does.
Sutekh: *turns* Horus?
Loki: You have all the aim of a blind platypus on speed, kid.
Sutekh: *laughs* I was standing right -there-.
Horus: *sighs and stands up* Just hold still. *puts his hand on Set's chest and -pushes-, sending the powers back into Set. Finally.*
Bilious: *whimpers* Not so loooud.
Sutekh: *grins and snaps his fingers, this time a head of lettuce appears* Better.
Sutekh: Thanks. *kisses Horus' cheek*
Sutekh: *munches lettuce*
Bilious: *is sick again at sight of food*
Horus: *gives Set another -look-, and sits back next to Loki*
Sutekh: *also goes to sit back next to Loki, on the other side of Horus*
Horus: *oddlooks Set* Any particular reason you're continuing to follow me around?
Loki: *wraps an arm around Horus and leans on him*
Sutekh: ... Because I feel like it. *grins, happy, also leaning on Horus*
Horus: ...Stop that. *pushes Set up and snuggles into Loki*
Sutekh: *laughs* Would you rather I leaned on Loki?
Horus: No. Why don't you find someone -else- to lean on?
Sutekh: Because I like you. Lettuce? *offers a bite*
Horus: No.
Tim: *appears and waves happily at Horus*
Sutekh: *snuggles, dozing comfortably*
Horus: *pushes Set off him and stands* I need a drink. *heads for the kitchen*
Sutekh: *flops back into Loki's lap because is too lazy to sit up*
Tim: *follows Horus, riding on his shoulder*
Tim: *tugs at him for attention*
Loki: *folds arms and stares down at him* That makes even less sense.
Sutekh: *shrugs* He moved, you're here. It works.
Horus: *tugged at* What is it now? *enters the kitchen and heads for the refridgerator*
Tim: *tugs*
Tim: *sees Jac and waves*
Loki: *sighs and settles for poking Set*
Horus: *tugged* *again* What? *nods to Jacquel and rummages in the fridge for a beer*
Sutekh: *is poked* *too comfy to care*
Jacquel: *leaning back in a chair, feet up on the table* *waves slightly and keeps drinking*
Tim: *scampers over to Jac's table and waves at him*
Loki: *innerfacepalm* *will tickle if this keeps up*
Tim: *represents the scene of Set/Horus/Loki on the couch, leaning on each other*
Jacquel: *quirks a brow at Tim and blinks*
Tim: *then turns back into his mouse form and looks up at Jac with a questioning head-tilt*
Horus: *pulls a beer out of the fridge and sees Tim* You're as bad as he is, you know.
Tim: *waves brightly at Horus* *still confused, but is very happy now that Set is happy*
Sutekh: *is probably going to keep this up. can you deny Loki's comfylapness? just ask horus*
Jacquel: *chuckles and takes another drink*
Horus: *hops up on the counter and motions toward the empty cans* Bad day?
Loki: *no, no one can deny the comfy lapness* *butstill*
Jacquel: *shrugs* Long day. Or two, actually.
Sutekh: *tickle him. just try it. although reactions may break brains*
Horus: *nods* Still haven't talked to Thoth? *opens his own beer and sips*
Loki: *what sort of reactions are we looking at here?*
Sutekh: *like I"m warning you?*
Loki: *I'm a cautious bastard*
Jacquel: Nope. *takes another drink*
Sutekh: *then you'd better not tickle Set*
Sutekh: *or at least not until Horus is heading back*
Sutekh: *for maximum brain shatterage, jo*
Horus: *nods and sips* If it helps any, Set appears to be back to the insufferable bastard he always is. And he has his powers back.
Jacquel: *laughs slightly* Good. At least that I know how to handle. *finishes off his fifth can of beer and stares at it for a moment before setting it down with the others*
Loki: *can make an educated guess* *therefore, no ticklage* *sits with arms folded*
Horus: *surveys the empty cans* Are you trying to get drunk for any particular reason, or just for fun?
Jacquel: *shrugs* For lack of better things to do.
Sutekh: *thinks Loki has very comfy lap, by the way*
Horus: *smirks and sips his beer* Like talking to Thoth?
Sutekh: *looks at kitchen* Is he coming back?
Horus: *is avoiding that situation for a bit, kthx*
Loki: *knows he has a very comfy lap* *which would explain the inwardfacepalming* *looks as well* Not right now.
Loki: *no, please stop avoiding and come save me?*
Horus: *but teasing Jacquel is -fun-*
Sutekh: Because I have to say his lap is comfier than yours.
Loki: *but I'm being flirted at by Set!*
Jacquel: *glances over at Horus with a slight smirk of his own* You're possibly enjoying this too much.
Loki: Well, if my lap is so far below standard, you'll have no reason to keep lying in it, do you?
Horus: *smirks and finishes his beer* Possibly. Five thousand years of watching you two pining over each other, I think I'm allowed to enjoy this a bit.
Sutekh: Oh, I didn't say -that-.
Sutekh: I said it was less comfy than Horus' lap.
Horus: *stares at the empty can for a moment, then gets another beer* *will probably need it*
Jacquel: *shakes his head and sighs, sinking down in the chair, letting his head fall back and closing his eyes*
Sutekh: But you're pretty damn comfy, even if you're not Horus.
Loki: Yes, well. *sulks* *and pokes Set's nose, half-viciously*
Horus: *sips his beer* You alright?
Sutekh: *can't help laughing at him* That was effective.
Loki: *sulks more*
Sutekh: *eyebrow* ... are you sulking?
Jacquel: I'm not fond of anticipating things when I have no idea when they'll happen.
Horus: *sips* Don't worry so much. It'll work out. ...You could always just grab him and snog him senseless the next time you see him. *grins*
Jacquel: *opens one eye to look at Horus* Sometimes, you have the ability to be just as bad as Set.
Loki: Might be.
Sutekh: *not even trying to stop snickering at him* You're sulking.
Horus: *points at Jac with his beer* You can't deny that it would definitely get the point across. Knowing you two, you'd talk around the subject for ages before actually saying anything. *sips*
Loki: *grins* Well, your head isn't as comfortable as Horus'.
Sutekh: *laughs* I can't deny that.
Jacquel: *snorts softly and closes the eye again with a smirk* More like -he'd- talk around the subject and I'd sit there dumb.
Sutekh: Although I notice you haven't moved it, so it can't be that bad.
Horus: *laughs* Point. So don't let him. Just get straight to the point and -say- it.
Loki: s:Or my typist is evil and won't let me/s: Maybe I'm just lazy.
Sutekh: *smirk* As am I.
Jacquel: First, I have to see him to talk to him. Second, I have to know exactly what to say. Words, as you might recall, are not my specialty.
Horus: The words are the -easy- part. You only need three of them. Don't try to overcomplicate things and go on for half an hour, that's Thoth's job. *grins and sips his beer*
Jacquel: Mmph. All right. So I know -what- to say. It's getting the words out that's the hard part.
Horus: Just don't think about it too much. You can think all you want after. *sips*
Jacquel: *smirks* Right. Don't think. Hence the alcohol.
Bilious: *is, uh... still being sick and feeling sorry for self*
Loki: *poor Bilious*
Horus: *laughs* Right, just don't over do it. I doubt Thoth would like if you slurr a declaration of love at him and kiss him smelling like alcohol.
Bilious: *whimpermoan*
Jacquel: *snorts* True enough. That sad part is that it's not doing any good anyway.
Bilious: *sniff*
Bilious: *pause* *sniffs again, looking towards kitchen*
Bilious: *snarls and heads towards kitchen*
Sutekh: *sits up* Where's he going?
Horus: *finishes the beer and pats Jacquel on the shoulder* Good luck. ...And you might want to stop pretty soon. *nods toward the empty cans*
Bilious: *sees Jac* *sees empty cans* *growls*
Jacquel: *sighs and smiles tiredly* I think I'm done. Thanks.
Jacquel: *blinks at Bilious*
Horus: Good. And you're welcome. *smiles at Jac, then looks up at Bilious in surprise*
Loki: *draws his legs up and hugs his knees* To the kitchen?
Sutekh: *dashes for kitchen, frowning*
Loki: *follows Set*
Bilious: You.....awful person! Do you realise how sick this will make me in the morning?
Horus: .... *raises eyebrow at Bilious*
Sutekh: Who are you talking to? *frowns*
Jacquel: *blinks again and quirks a brow*
Bilious: *flails at Jac, since he isn't enough of a drunk to warrant strangulation*
Jacquel: *flail'd at?* ...eh?
Horus: *looks at Jac and Bilious* What's going on?
Sutekh: *moves his hand, and suddenly a large sand snake wraps around Bilious and turns to glass, so he can't move*
Sutekh: *not to hurt him, just to restrain him*
Sutekh: What's going on?
Bilious: *struggles* Make him stop drinking! Make him stop now! I can't stand it!
Sutekh: That's none of your concern.
Bilious: Yes, it is.
Loki: He's the oh god of hangovers. It will be in the morning
Bilious: *whimpers*
Jacquel: ...I was...stopping...anyway. *cocks his head to the side and is...very confused*
Bilious: After being so long without a hangover, it's such a shock... I can't stand it....
Sutekh: Well, as long as you don't -touch- anyone, you damn pest.
Sutekh: *sends Bilious elsewhere*
Sutekh: *runs a hand through his hair with a sigh* Everyone's in one piece, right? *smirks at Horus and Jac*
Horus: ...*blinks* That was odd. *looks at Set* We're fine. *is a bit surprised at Set coming to the rescue*
Jacquel: *blinks one more time at where Bilious was, then shakes his head and lets it fall back again*
Sutekh: *raises eyebrow* Which of the two of you drained all those? *points at bottles*
Jacquel: *raises a hand*
Sutekh: Still trying to get up the balls to tell him?
Loki: *brow arch*
Jacquel: *said raised hand now shows no more than a middle finger before dropping to the table*
Sutekh: *smirk* Good to know.
Sutekh: Oh! I just remembered! I DO have blackmail!
Horus: *raises eyebrow at Set*
Loki: *hops up on the counter next to Horus to watch the fun*
Jacquel: *raises his head and quirks a brow at Set* Lovely.
Sutekh: Do you remember, back in... oh, what was it, Dynasty of the guys with the weird ears, and Ibis went on that nudity phase?
Horus: *leans up to kiss Loki, resting one hand on his thigh* *watches the...taunting? Yeah, that's a good word for it*
Jacquel: *blinks, then groans and facepalms, head falling back again* *mutters* And everything's back to normal.
Sutekh: You know he has this birthmark on his ass the shape of denmark?
Jacquel: *shakes his head and sighs* You're impossible.
Sutekh: I enjoy it. *wanders over to counter to lean against Horus again*
Jacquel: *grunts, as he is ever so eloquent* I noticed.
Horus: *pushes Set away* Stop that.
Sutekh: *leans on Loki instead*
Horus: *gives Set a -look-*
Loki: *prods Set away* Go tell him more about his naked lust object.
Sutekh: ... I can't tell him from here?
Jacquel: *rubs at his temples and mutters* I didn't drink enough to have a headache.
Sutekh: I'd lean on Jac, but he'd kill me.
Horus: No. *-Mine- look*
Sutekh: *smirks at him* What?
Horus: Don't you have anyone -else- to irritate?
Sutekh: Other than JacJac? You. And him, now. He's been upgraded.
Jacquel: *eyetwitch at the wonderful little nicknames*
Horus: *rolls eyes* I mean anyone someone -else-. The farther away the better.
Sutekh: Nope. Just you. *hops up on counter and leans on Loki from there*
Loki: *gives Set a Look out of the corner of his eye, and snuggles up to Horus more*
Horus: *mental grrr* *liked Set better when he didn't have his powers, since he wasn't being such an arrogant bastard*
Jacquel: *sighs and shoves himself to his feet, luckily not too drunk to walk, and heads out of the kitchen*
Sutekh: *and whose fault is it that he has them now?*
Horus: *regrets it, trust me*
Sutekh: *points* He going to be okay?
Sutekh: We need to track down the bird.
* Ibis has joined #desperatefans
Jacquel: *is currently headed from the kitchen towards the door to the back grounds*
Ibis: *heads for the kitchen in a way that implies he could really use a drink or two at the moment*
Sutekh: ... *GRINS* ANUBIS!
Loki: *looks up at the shouting*
Horus: *blinks at Set, then looks and sees Ibis*
Jacquel: *twitches slightly at the shouting of his name because so didn't see Ibis come in and, thus, only knows Set's trying to get his attention*
Sutekh: You've got a visitor, puppy. Get back in here.
Ibis: *looks a little startled, then flushes* It's all right, really.
Sutekh: *grins at Ibis* It absolutely is, if we get to watch.
Horus: *looks at Set* Do the words 'tact' and 'subtlety' mean nothing to you?
Ibis: *bites his lip, frowning slightly* I should probably go.
Sutekh: Mm. *kisses Horus* No.
Sutekh: Birdie, I will tie you down if necessary.
Horus: *shoves Set off* You're an ass, you know that? *looks at Ibis* It's fine, we were just going. *tugs Loki in the direction of the main room*
Jacquel: *twitches again and turns around, looking back into the kitchen just in time to see...Set kissing Horus* ... *growls quietly* Everything's. Back. To normal.
Loki: *is tugged* Hate to leave them alone with him, though
Horus: *mutters* 50-50 chance of him following us anyway. Don't worry about it, Anubis is bigger than he is.
Sutekh: Hey! So not fair! *glares*
Jacquel: *smirks* Because you're one to talk about fair.
Loki: Good points. *sits Horus down on Bob and attempts to get as tangled up in him as possible before Set can come in and try to snuggle*
Ibis: *frowns again, shakes his head, and turns to go*
Jacquel: *grabs Ibis' arm* *quietly* Wait.
Horus: *thinks that's a wonderful idea* *reciprocates*
Ibis: *stops dead, tensing, and glances at Jacquel questioningly*
Jacquel: *sighs and so doesn't actually look at Ibis* We need to talk.
Sutekh: *so fighting to stay quiet and not help*
Loki: *kisses Horus once he has him safely in his lap*
Horus: *snuggles closer and kisses back*
Ibis: *...yeah, that was -exactly- what he needed to hear* *bites his lip and doesn't look nervous at all, no* On what? *lackofverbosity is...kind of eerily persisting here*
Jacquel: *glances over at Set* First, we have to go somewhere else. *hesitates a moment, letting go of Ibis' arm* Come on. *heads for elsewhere in the mansion, totally leaving it up to Ibis whether he follows or not*
Sutekh: ... damn.
Ibis: *pauses, gives Set a "this is your fault, isn't it?" look, then takes a deep breath, looking vaguely lost, before following*
Sutekh: *wanders back into main room*
Jacquel: *makes his way into a room where there's no one around to make any of this more awkward than it already is and leans against the wall slightly with a sigh*
Loki: *is completely tangled up with and snogging Horus in a way designed to exclude third parties*
Horus: *is quite happily snogging Loki on bobcouch*
Loki: *and not really noticing anything but the snogging*
Horus: *-is- there anything to notice other than the snogging? I wouldn't know.*
Loki: *probably not, and it certainly couldn't comapre*
Sutekh: *smirks, amused, and causes the couch under them to turn to sand, which then promptly proceeds to... collapse into pile of sand*
Loki: *that was Bob omg!*
Ibis: *follows, standing in the doorway more than a little nervously* *tilts his head slightly and looks at Jacquel* *quietly* What is it?
Horus: *omg no Bobcouch?* *...falls into the pile of sand on top of Loki?* *blinks*
Loki: *is suddenly in a pile of sand with a Horus on top of him* *this isn't so bad, really*
Jacquel: *doesn't look up and is once again practicing his inner flail* *he is such crap with words, zomg* ...I...talked with Set.
Sutekh: *is going to have to implement stage two if they start snogging again*
Loki: *oh? what's stage two?*
Loki: *laughs softly and grins up at Horus*
Horus: *smiles back and shakes head* *kisses*
Sutekh: *leans against nearby wall with a smirk*
Loki: *kisses back*
Sutekh: *waves his hand and causes the sand beneath them to spin around them, gentle, playful, and very very ticklish*
Sutekh: *and oh, that sand will get just about anywhere. clothing is no obstacle*
Horus: *jumps and glares at Set* *pulls Loki up and over to a non-sandified couch to continue snogging*
Sutekh: *sand isn't stopping with the tickling, by the way*
Sutekh: *and is quite capable of following them around*
Ibis: *this is doing wonders for his nerves, really* *bites his lip* ...ah. *pauses, then forces the question out* What about?
Horus: *is also quite capable of turning the sand into glass* *does so to the sand still on them*
Loki: *brushes bits of glass off and snogs Horus thoroughly*
Sutekh: *frowns and stops*
Horus: *oooh, yay* *snogs back*
Sutekh: *leans back against wall with a sigh and lets hair fall around his face like a curtain*
Sutekh: *sinks to floor, waving his hand and repairing bob*
Jacquel: *runs a hand back through his hair* You. *...yeah...so crap with words...oi*
Ibis: *freezes, as this was exactly what he was afraid of* *...this is -so- not going well, and they need to stop being stupid - that was the typist, duh, as she doubts they realize they're being stupid* *looks down, biting his lip, and barely audibly* ...I see.
Tim: *spins shapes for him, worried about the return to depression*
Sutekh: *wanders over and taps Loki's shoulder*
Loki: *looks up from the wanton snogging* Yes?
Horus: *blinks disappointedly and looks up*
Sutekh: Can you not do thatt?
Jacquel: *opens his mouth to speak, fails, closes his mouth, tries again* Right. Forget all the damned words. *takes a deep breath, hesitating for...what really seems like forever, then finally looks up with the first physical sign of nerves he's allowed* ...I love you.
Loki: . . .
Sutekh: Please.
Loki: *looks at Horus*
Ibis: *very faint smile at the first bit, but still nervous beyond nervousness...and...whoa, wait, what?* *looks up, eyes wide, and sways slightly, gripping the doorframe for support* ...wh...-what-?
Horus: *sighs and grumbles, putting his head on Loki's shoulder* *mumbles into Loki's neck* We could just go somewhere else....
Sutekh: Please. Horus. Please.
Sutekh: *looks at him, desperate and a little weak*
Horus: *blinks at Set, unsure why exactly Set is so upset* *gives Loki a 'what do we do?' look*
Loki: *gives Horus a flaily look... doesn't want to stop snogging, and doesn't want to make a habit of giving into Set, but is feeling guilted as hell*
Jacquel: *takes a moment to get his voice to work again* *quietly* I love you. Five thousand years and I'm only just saying it now but...I do.
Sutekh: I'll behave. I will. I just... I need companionship right now.
Horus: *...isn't entirely convinced about the behaving bit* *looks at Loki and shrugs a bit helplessly*
Loki: *sighs* I have to be going anyway, because mortals need their sleep. *kisses Horus once more and stands up to go*
Sutekh: *light frown* ... goodbye.
Horus: *grabs Loki's hand and stands, too* *to Loki* Can I join you?
Sutekh: ... *breaks*
Sutekh: Horus...
Horus: ...Yes?
Sutekh: Please.
Horus: *looks at Set and steps closer to Loki*
Loki: *squeezes Horus' hand*
Sutekh: Forget it. Go. *turns away, totally breaking* *walks off and slides down to sit against the wall again*
Tim: *worried confused blink from Set to Horus/Loki and back*
Tim: ;_;
Horus: *slips his arm around Loki's waist* *very quietly* Lets go.
Loki: *nods and leads Horus out*
Horus: *follows Loki out*
* Horus is now known as lurking
Ibis: *shakily grips the doorframe tighter and...just stares at Jacquel for a while* *attempts to speak a few times and fails, lowering his eyes and shaking his head* *quietly* There's...so much I could say, and I...can't...*closes his eyes and murmurs dryly, almost to himself* And perhaps it's the shock of Set being right...
Ibis: *takes a deep breath, opens his eyes, and looks at Jacquel, his gaze steady even though he's still shaking* *faint smile* I love you too.
Jacquel: *corner of his mouth twitches upwards with the slightest hint of relief* At this point...definitely good to know.
* Loki has left #desperatefans
Ibis: *laughs quietly, relievedly, and more than a little shakily, and nods* Very good. *pauses* I...need to go.
Jacquel: *grins slightly, still just a biiiit awkward* Right.
Ibis: *smiles faintly again and turns to go, then pauses before walking over to Jacquel, gripping his collar, and kissing him quickly but firmly*
Jacquel: *blinks in surprise* Well, then. *pulls Ibis close and kisses him again, grinning broadly as he pulls back* Until next time.
Ibis: *kisses back and beams* Which will be as soon as possible. *smiles and heads out*
* Ibis has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Sutekh: *smirks at him, totally leaning in the door* Took you two long enough*
Sutekh: *is also, y'know, holding a camera*
Jacquel: *rolls his eyes and shakes his head, grin dropping into a smirk* You really don't have -anything- better to do with your time, do you?
Sutekh: Congratulations. *smiles* I'm really really happy for the both of you.
Sutekh: And no, I really don't. *broken smirk* I don't have any friends.
Sutekh: So I just have to bug my family.
Sutekh: Now. *indicates camera* Are you going to want prints?
Jacquel: *laughs and heads out to the main room* -You- are amazingly impossibly. Truly.
Sutekh: Oh, and by the way, *ahem* You're welcome.
Jacquel: *laughs again, shaking his head, then sighs and genuinely smiles* Thank you.
Sutekh: *surprised, then smiles* Anubis?
Jacquel: *heads over to a chair a drops into it, looking back at Set with eyebrows raised* Hmm?
Sutekh: I love you, too. *kisses him with a grin*
Sutekh: *and, laughing, scrambles for the door*
Jacquel: *blink* *twitch* You. Are such. A bastard. *yeah...that almost sounded like he was oddly -fond- of him* *shoves himself up and...chases after him*
Sutekh: *flees~!*
Jacquel: *totally changes into his jackal form while running and tackles Set from behind*
Sutekh: *goes down with a crash* Oof.
Jacquel: *dog-grin* You're as slow as ever.
Sutekh: I’m slow? It took -you- how many thousand years?
Jacquel: Point. *bites Set's shoulder, though not hard, before moving off towards a chair again*
Sutekh: *considers a minute, then follows him, sitting down on the floor by Jacquel and resting his head on Jac's side*
Jacquel: *glances to Set, somewhat amused, but doesn't say anything and just curls up, apparently perfectly content to be used as a pillow*
Sutekh: *falls asleep, peaceful*
Jacquel: *if a dog could truly smile, he would* *closes his eyes with a sigh and falls asleep as well*
* Jacquel is now known as Jac-asleep
* Sutekh has quit IRC (Quit: AbleNET IRC http://www.AbleNET.org/)

egyptians, ibis/jacquel

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