(no subject)

Aug 22, 2005 22:30

Long story short? Kaos is an ass and Jacquel is guardian of the Egyptian pantheon.

* Sutekh has joined #desperatefans
* Kaos has joined #desperatefans
Sutekh: *curls up in his chair miserably*
Kaos: *saunters in*
Sutekh: *doesn't' even notice him. doesn't notice anything*
Sutekh: *is brokied*
Kaos: *notices Set* Awww, look at the poor little godling.
Sutekh: *stirs and looks up*
Kaos: *Approaches him and crouches by the chair, though out of arms reach* What's the matter, little godling?
Sutekh: *snarls* Do not call me that.
Kaos: *laughs* Oh good. You are alive.
Sutekh: You had best hope I never get my powers back. *deathglare* Because I will kill you.
Sutekh: *stands, rising to his full height*
Kaos: Now there's the spirit!
Sutekh: *slaps him, hard*
Sutekh: Get out of my sight.
Kaos: *doesn't flinch*
Kaos: But I quite like it here.
Sutekh: *punches him, hard*
Kaos: *bleeds, and can't keep from staggering, but stays facing him*
Sutekh: Get out.
Kaos: No.
Sutekh: *sits, tensely, hand in his bag of sand*
Kaos: Oh good, play time.
Sutekh: *snarls* I warn you only once. Leave now, or I'll make you regret it.
* Jac-out is now known as Jacquel
Kaos: *yawns*
Jacquel: *slips in somewhat distractedly*
Sutekh: Anubis. *sees him, eyes widening slightly, but there's gratefulness shining in them*
Kaos: *eyes Jac* Going to introduce me, Sandy?
Jacquel: *glances over and nods* Set. *quirks a brow at Kaos*
Sutekh: *snarls at Kaos* Do not call me that.
Kaos: Yes, oh Sutekh, mighty Lord of the Desert *mocking bow*
Sutekh: ... *snarls, tensing, more than he already was, which is hard to do*
Jacquel: *crosses his arms over this chest* Friendly, aren't you?
Sutekh: Anubis. *looks at him pleadingly, but trying hard to keep his hold on being a strong, dominant god* You're a stronger god than he is. Make him leave.
Kaos: I do my best.
Kaos: God? I'm no god.
Jacquel: *cocks his head to the side slightly, looking over Kaos* Who are you? And is there any particular reason you've decided to torment powerless gods?
Kaos: *shrugs* He deserved it.
* Maat has joined #desperatefans
Jacquel: While I'll agree that he's an asshole, how does he deserve this?
Kaos: He's a selfish bastard.
Jacquel: And? He's currently at the weakest he's ever been. What point is there to kicking him while he's down?
Kaos: *still has blood trickling down his face* Even powerless, he's hardly defenseless.
Maat: *frowns thoughtfully*
Jacquel: True enough. I still fail to see the point to tormenting him, though.
Sutekh: *can't help smirking at that*
Kaos: *shrugs again* I felt like it.
Sutekh: *snarls*
Jacquel: *snorts* Yes. Feeling like it. Always a wonderful reason.
Maat: *looks at Kaos* Who are *you*?
Eris: *totally ignores Kaos*
Kaos: I like to think so.
Kaos: *totally ignores Eris*
Sutekh: *answering Ma'at* He's even more of a bastard than I am.
Kaos: Kaos, fifth horseman of the Apocalypse, at your service *mocking bow* I don't think he knows any other type
Sutekh: Which I'm sure you know is hard to accomplish. *deathglares Kaos*
Kaos: *smirks* You're right, though.
Sutekh: Anubis. *hesitates*
Maat: *glances at Set* Yes. That would take effort. *looks back to Kaos* I am sure you are anything but at my service.
Jacquel: *eyes narrow slightly at that* Kaos. I should have figured as much. You make it a point to torment gods, apparently.
Kaos: *raises eyebrow* I see my reputation preceeds me.
Sutekh: Anubis. *hesitates, this is really a blow to his pride to ask* ... May I stay with you, and Ibis? *can't meet his eyes, ashamed*
Maat: Your name does, at any rate.
Sutekh: At least until I regain my powers.
Kaos: *so not smirking*
Maat: And I could hear the lie on your tongue when you said so.
Jacquel: Horus mentioned you when I first came here. *eyes him a moment, then turns to Set in slight surprise at the question*
RobSPierre: *sneaks into the kitchen to avoid being set on fire*
Kaos: *spares a bright smile just for Rob*
Kaos: *and sets him on fire*
RobSPierre: *...sneaks faster*
RobSPierre: *while on fire*
Kaos: Ah, the Bird! How is the dear fellow?
Sutekh: ... Please.
Jacquel: *slowly* I would...have to ask Ibis, Set. ...but I believe you could, yes.
Sutekh: ... Thank you. *slowly removes his hand from the bag of sand, relaxing just a little*
Jacquel: *shoots something of a glare in Kaos' direction* He's well. Relatively happy, last I checked. And no longer complaining of your harassment.
Kaos: *laughs* Oh good. He's finally gotten over his little complex, then.
Maat: How odious.
Sutekh: *snarls at Kaos* Little complex?
Jacquel: *eyes narrow a bit further* *yeah...insulting Horus is only second to insulting Thoth*
Kaos: The boy was convinced I meant he and Loki harm. *laughs* Can you believe it?
Sutekh: Yes. *snarls*
Sutekh: *hand clenches again in the bag of sand* You'd mean anyone harm, if it entertained you.
Kaos: You flatter me.
Maat: Truth, not flattery, it seems to me.
Sutekh: I hate you. *deathglare*
Kaos: *sighs* Such a strong word.
Sutekh: Get out.
Jacquel: *watches the exchange closely, still looking far less than amused*
Sutekh: *totally shaking*
Kaos: *eyes him and eyes other Egyptians before bowing mockingly* Anything you say.
Sutekh: *looks up at Jacquel, studying him for a moment, still trembling, like a frightened pup*
Kaos: *disappears flamily, being sure to burn Set on the way*
* Kaos is now known as Pup-in-waiting
Jacquel: *growls quietly, staring at the place Kaos had been standing for a moment longer before dropping into a chair somewhere not terribly far from Set*
Maat: *shakes her head slowly*
Sutekh: *lowers his head to hide his face in his arms*
Sutekh: *so needs a hug*
Jacquel: *looks over with a sigh, brow slightly furrowed* Set...
Sutekh: Yes? *doesn't raise his head, which is even odder*
Jacquel: *isn't sure if he's going to regret this whole familial instinct thing later or not but what the hell* What's wrong?
Sutekh: *raises his head slightly, nodding in the direction Kaos disappeared* Him.
Jacquel: That much I could tell. But, from the looks of it, there's more to it than his simply tormenting the powerless.
Sutekh: *trembles slightly, tense and hesitant* ... he dominated me. Forcibly.
Maat: *hears Set and positively glares at the spot Kaos disappeared*
Jacquel: *just stares for a long moment, then looks away, taking a deep, calming breath and clenching his fists on the arms of the chair*
Sutekh: *lowers his head back into his arms, weak and humiliated*
Jacquel: *takes another deep breath and rubs at his temples for a moment* *quietly* I'll talk to Ibis tonight, Set. We'll make a place for you at the house.
Sutekh: *rises his head and attempts some of his own pride and stature* Thank you.
Sutekh: *hesitates* is... is Horus there? I don't want to be in his way. *frowns*
Jacquel: *shakes his head* No. He hasn't been staying with us for a while now. You don't have to worry about that.
Sutekh: Good. Thank you. *puts his head back down, trembling again*
Tim: *little sand spirit, sneaks out of Set's bag of sand, in mouse form, and scampers over to Anubis*
* lurking is now known as Horus
Tim: *scampers up into Anubis' lap and tugs on him for attention*
Horus: *enters*
Jacquel: *watches Set for a moment, then glances down at Tim and blinks* Hello, there.
Tim: *shifts into a little Set figurine and says something, but it'll only sound like wind and sand to Jac*
Horus: *glances at Set and sits near Jacquel, smiling faintly when he sees Tim in Jac's lap*
Feanaro: *decides against it, as there are enough other people around Set*
Tim: *sees that he doesn't understand and frowns, trying again* -Thank you.-)
Jacquel: *quirks a brow slightly at Tim and glances over at Horus with a small, tired smile*
Horus: *leans over to Jacquel* *quietly* He said 'thank you.'
* Maat has left #desperatefans
Tim: *shifts back into mouse form, sitting and watching them curiously*
Jacquel: *laughs slightly, looking down at the spirit again* You're welcome, I suppose. *sighs and leans back in his chair*
Sutekh: *hears the laugh and looks up with a soft frown, seeing Horus, and forcing himself to pull himself together*
Tim: *hopefully presents little scene of a tiny Jacquel figurine hugging a little Set figurine*
Jacquel: *raises both eyebrows for a moment, then glances over at Set again, honestly looking worried though it's hidden well from those who wouldn't know him well*
Sutekh: *watches, confused, since he can't see what Tim's representing*
Tim: *upon noticing being watched, immediately returns to sand mouse form and looks innocent*
Sutekh: ... Horus. Hello. *tries to be less broken* *at least isn't shaking at the moment*
Horus: *isn't fooled* *nods to Set* Hello.
Sutekh: *frowns at the little sand spirit* Timys.
Tim: *looks worriedly up at Jac and Horus with little 'save me ;_;' eyes, then scampers back over to Set*
Sutekh: *frowns* What were you doing?
Jacquel: *watches the spirit go, then looks across the room thoughtfully*
Tim: *fret-fidget* *shifts nervously* *melts into a puddle of sand*
Sutekh: ......
Sutekh: *drops the sand back in his bag, annoyed*
Sutekh: ... *sighs and looks to Jacquel, hating himself as he asks* ... do you have anything to eat?
Jacquel: *shakes his head but shoves himself to his feet with a slight smile* I was just about to go get a beer. Would you like me to get you something while I'm in there?
Sutekh: *nods* Please.
Jacquel: All right. Anything in particular?
Sutekh: *almost smiles* if there's any lettuce.
Horus: *notices Eris and realizes something* *ponders*
Jacquel: *chuckles slightly and places a hand on Set's shoulder for a moment* Right. *heads into the kitchen*
Sutekh: *blinks at the hand and watches him go, relaxing slightly in the chair, staring into space again.
Jacquel: *returns with that beer for himself and, what do you know, lettuce for Set, handing the plate over before claiming his seat again and opening his drink*
Sutekh: Thank you. *watches him for a moment, then eats hungrily*
Jacquel: *stares at the can in his hand for a moment before taking a drink, somewhat lost in his thoughts*
Sutekh: *finishes his lettuce, and rests his head on a wing of the chair, dazing out again*
Tim: *sneaks back over to Horus and Jacquel again, in a little generic female form*
Tim: *waves, touching a finger to it's little lips*
Jacquel: *glances down at the spirit as he takes another drink*
Horus: *smiles at the spirit and offers it his hand to stand on*
Tim: *scurries up onto Horus' shoulder and sitsS*
Tim: *tugs on horus* Still breaks.
Horus: *pats Tim* I know. I'm working on it.
Tim: Hugs?
Jacquel: *stares down at his drink, totally lost in his thoughts, and is quite possibly singing under his breath*
Horus: ....*shakes head*
Tim: *watches Jac curiously, then tugs on Horus and points at him*
Horus: *glances at Jac, then back at Tim* Yes, he's helping too.
Tim: Hugs?
Jacquel: *gods of the underworld should likely be less oblivious, shouldn't they?* *definitely singing very quietly* Inside a second you can hear a flower growing in the wind but does it reach you when there's darkness all around?
Horus: Well, you'd have to ask him. *glances at Jacquel, amused by the singing* He looks a little proccupied at the moment, though.
Tim: *looks questioningly at Horus*
Horus: *looks back at Tim* What is it?
Jacquel: *still singing and will probably keep it up until the song's over or someone interrupts so...yeah* How many days will this go on? How many thoughts? Can I obsess? Why do we come apart and watch it all go down?
Tim: *slips into mouse form and scampers down Horus, hesitating with a paw on Jac's leg, watching him, little head tilted curiously to the side*
Jacquel: *yup, you guessed it, singing* Take me away. I can't deny it. And all that I want is to touch the sky. Show me the way - a simple mind - and no one can say it can't be done. *stops and blinks down at Tim*
Tim: *blinks, then nuzzles his leg fondly*
Horus: *watches them and smiles softly*
Jacquel: *smiles slightly and finishes off his drink before leaning back in his chair again*
Tim: *scampers into Jac's lap and replays the scene of Jac hugging Set, and then both the littleJac and littleSet look at him hopefully*
Jacquel: *laughs quietly again* I'm not sure if I'm the best person for that.
Tim: *turns back into mouse and looks from Horus to Jac with little begging eyes*
Jacquel: *sighs and looks from the little spirit to Set again*
Sutekh: *still staring brokenly into space, completely oblivious*
Jacquel: *furrows his brow slightly, hesitating a moment before moving Tim from his lap and standing* Set. *walks over and crouches down beside where the other god is sitting* Is there anything I can do?
Sutekh: *takes a moment to emerge from his daze* ... Anubis?
Jacquel: *smiles ever so slightly and, yes, looks worried because that's exactly what he is* Is there anything I can do?
Sutekh: *forces himself to sit up and have proper posture like the Egyptian god he is* I don't understand.
Jacquel: *eyebrows raised* What is there not to understand?
Sutekh: You have no reason to help me.
Jacquel: Do I need one?
Sutekh: *blink* Thank you. *looks away* There's nothing.
Jacquel: *nods and rests a hand on Set's shoulder again* If there ever -is- anything...
Sutekh: Nothing you can give me.
Tim: *fidgeting hopefully, practically hopping up and down with impatience*
Jacquel: *shakes his head with a bit of a smirk* You're such a stubborn little ass sometimes. *wraps his arms around Set in a tight hug before he can talk himself out of it*
Sutekh: *freezes, stunned*
Sutekh: .... *suddenly hugs back, clinging, so tight his nails are digging into Jac's back*
Sutekh: *completely shaking*
AmandaStJust: *decides to try to see if she can actually help someone for once* *goes to Set* Lord Sutekh?
Sutekh: *is just a little busy right now what with the desperatehugging*
Jacquel: *can stand the pain and sighs* You can't see the future, Set. If you need anything, ask.
Sutekh: *nods once and slowly lets go* Sorry.
AmandaStJust: *ah good* *watches hopefully*
Jacquel: *rocks back on his heels with a slight grin and shakes his head* Don't apologise. For anything. I'm not sure I'd know what to do if you started making it a habit.
Sutekh: *smirks a little* Thank you.
Jacquel: You're welcome. *stays crouched there a moment, then stands and laughs* I think I need another drink. *pats Set's shoulder almost fondly before heading towards the kitchen*
Sutekh: *smirks after him, then walks over and sits down next to Horus* Horus.
Horus: *blinks in surprise and looks up* Yes, Set?
Sutekh: Still too scared of me to hug me yourself? *smirk*
Horus: *leans back into the couch, glancing away* I thought you were going back to Alexandria.
Sutekh: I did. I came back to talk to Thoth and Anubis.
Sutekh: And now I can't leave. Or else I would.
Horus: *nods faintly* *motions toward Eris* I think she may have had something to do with Kaos losing his powers, so she may know how to get yours back.
Sutekh: And what possible reason would she have to help me?
Horus: Because Kaos wouldn't like you getting your powers back. She may decide to help just for that reason.
Sutekh: How do you know this?
Horus: Eris and Kaos were together, but had a bad falling out when she seduced a mortal. They fought over it, and she would probably take any opportunity to get back at him.
Sutekh: But how did you find out about it, and why do you care? *watches him curiously*
Horus: They didn't exactly keep it quiet, he threw her through a wall. ...You looked like you needed help. And your sand spirits are worried about you. *nods toward Tim, who's presumably still around*
Sutekh: *frowns* Then I'll have to talk to her, I suppose.


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