DE Angst and the Return of Bellatrix Black Lestrange!

Aug 09, 2005 12:40

The first log leads right into the second, but I separated them so that you may skip over the copious amounts of DE emo-ness in the first half, if you are so inclined.  The second part...well, let's just say Bella has good timing.  ^__~  And we now know who wears the pants in the relationship...

*still sitting in chair next to couch, facepalm'd*
*enters and sees M*  *goes right over to him*  Per?
*looks up* Hey, Roddy. are you?
Tired. Emotional. You?
*sighs and sits down on the couch*  About the same.
*gets up and sits on the arm of M's chair instead*  I'm sorry.
For further complicating things for you.
No, no, I asked you to. *smiles slightly* I needed you.
*swallows and nods*  Alright then.
Hey. *leans to kiss his cheek* Don't worry.
*sighs*  *forces a little smile*  I'll try not to.
You look awful, love.
Tell me what the matter is.
*shakes his head*  I'm fine, Per.
*concerned* Are you really?
I'll be fine.  You have enough to worry about.
I'll worry more if you don't tell me, love.
Come on.
*quietly* I'm just worried.
Let it out, love.
Tell me.
*sighs*  Well...
*takes his hand encouragingly*
There's you...and Cissa.  And Evan and Sly...
And you're upset about last night?
Not upset...just afraid it'll only result in problems for you.
I'm not sure what Cissa will do... But I wouldn't take it back.
...Oh, and I got a message from Ev...
*looks at him suddenly*
What did he say?
My headmate says he loves and misses me... That was it.
She said she'd've asked for a message for you, if she'd thought.
*smiles wistfully*  It's alright.  Tell her not to worry.
I will.
*watches him for a few moments*
*is just kinda staring blankly ahead*
*suddenly pulls Roddy into his lap* Rodolphus.
*blinks* ...Rodolphus...since when...?
Since I need you to tell me what the -hell- is the matter.
I hate seeing you like this.
What -is- it?!
*stares at him blankly for a few moments*
*suddenly just clings to him*
*holds him tightly* If I mean anything at all to you, Roddy, tell me what's doing this to you.
*weakly*  Life.
Tell me. Keep going.
Cry, Roddy, if you have to.
Just be honest with me.
I want you to be happy, dammit.
I'm worried about Evan...what if he's convicted...what the hell?  Of course he's going to be!  And he'll die, or -worse- and I'll never have gotten a chance to say a proper goodbye.
And Sly...just...God....he's...I'm so worried about him.
And then you....I want you so much, and I wanted last night so much.  But I'm so freaking scared that I've messed things up for you and Cissa permanently...and you'll hate me for it and so will she.
And I just....bah...where the hell is my wife?!
*just stares into space, confused by all that has just spilled out of him*
Oh, love. *kisses his hair* I'm worried about them, too.
And I'll never hate you. Things will work out. It wasn't your fault, and I wanted it to.
I wanted it so much it hurt.
And Bella will be back.
*just nods, not competely convinced*
*looks up at him*
Please believe me?
What don't you believe? I know I'm not getting through to you.
*quietly*  That things will be okay.
Which things, love?
*wibbles just a little*  Bella...and Ev and Sly.
Bella will be back. She loves you, you know that.
And Ev... I don't know about Ev...
But Romy is going to take care of Sly. Do you want to talk to her?
*looks at him* ...m-maybe...yeah
I'll get my typist to call her.
* Romy has joined #desperatefans
*slips in cautiously* Peril?
*looks over at her* Romy? Come here, won't you?
*a little apprehensive* *goes over to him*
...Er... Hello?
*looks up at Romy nervously*
...Are you Rodolphus?
*nods*  Yes.  I am.
My typist said you wanted to speak to me? *looks at Per for affirmation*
*nods*  ..yes...
*nods, too*
Ah... *pulls up a chair next to them* What do you need?
*strokes Roddy's hair encouragingly*
Peril said you're taking care of Sly...
...Oh. *looks away for a second, taking a breath* *looks back* Yes, I will be.
How is he?
*watches the two of them quietly* *doesn't really get on all that well with Romy, in reality*
...He's not doing well... I fear for his life.
*swallows and nods*  I'd figured as much...
*squeezes him gently*
...He doesn't see any reason to live, after Evan... yes.
*nods*  Do you think i could...come see him?
If... if Lord Feanaro is agreeable.
He lets me visit.
...I'd like to visit, too, if I could.
You can try...
*bites his lip*  I'll talk to...or maybe you could ask for us?
I'd be glad to.
He's worried about you two, also, I think...
*actually sort of smiles at her*  Thank you.  Really.  You don't know what that would mean to me.
*smiles tentatively back* Certainly. you have any contact with...with Evan?
*looks down* Yes.
*bites his lip*  I know I wouldn't be allowed to see him...but...
...You might...
I see him.
He's terrified for Antonin
*nods*  I know he is.  *sighs*
Could you...could you give him a message for me?
Yes. I can. I'd be pleased.
Can you tell him...that I love him...and that I'm sorry I can't be there for him, but I think about him?
Th-thank you.
Of course.
Thank you, Romy.
I'll leave the note for him as soon as I leave here...
...I think I should go...
I'll let him know, all right? *stands*
Thank you, Romy.
*nods*  Thank you.
Better, love?
*nods slowly*  Somewhat better...yes...*sighs and rests his head on Peril's shoulder*
Good. *strokes his hair gently*
*sighs and tries to relax against him*
Is there anything else you need to tell me? *moves his hand down to stroke his cheek*
*looks up at him and bites his lip*  *nods*
*gently* What is it?
*looks away*  ...a note...he left a in the mansion...
...did you see it?
*quietly* Yes.
*buries his face against Peril's shoulder and clings to him*
*kisses his hair gently* My poor Roddy
*silently clings and shuts his eyes tight*
Oh, Roddy...
*whimpers a little bit but doesn't cry*
*quietly* Cry if you need to, love. It'll help.
*shakes his head, against M's shoulder*  *muffled*  No...don't want to.
*caresses his cheek* Why?
...need to be strong...
Not with me, love.
Not with me.
...for you...
You can't always be strong. Sometimes you can't.
Love, I hate to see you like this.
*finally raises his head and looks at him just a bit tearfully*  I know you do.  I'm sorry.
*kisses him very softly* Just trust me. I can be strong for you sometimes. Go ahead.
*blinks back the tears*  I don't want to feel this anymore...
Just don't leave me.
Break if you need to. I'll help patch you up.
Just don't leave.
*tears up even more hearing his words*  *flings his arms around Peril and clings*
*hoarsely*  I won't.
*holds him tightly and whispers in his ear* I'm here for you. Always.
You're the only reason I stay... *voice breaks*
Then stay for me. Please. I need you.
N-need you... *clings and cries quietly* 
I'm yours... *kisses his hair and caresses it, trying to comfort him*
*clings and cries against his shoulder*  *is somewhat comforted, but is just...too broken*
*whispers softly* I love you. I'm here whenever you need me.
Per...*buries his face in Peril's neck*
*tenderly* My poor Roddy...
*slips in cautiously, looking around for Peril and Rodolphus*
*makes her way quietly over to them, but stays silent, not wanting to interrupt*
*doesn't notice her, as his back is to her, and he's too busy angsting*
*wouldn't care even if he did notice*
*sits cautiously in the chair next to them, but turns respectfully away*
*murmurs* We'll be all right... I'm not going to leave you...
*hears M and tries not to cry, herself, wishing Ev could tell Antonin that*
*whispers*  Don't ever...
I won't.
I'm right here with you.
*clings tightly*  My Perry...
Your Perry, yes.
*kisses his hair yet again* Yours.
*leans back a little and wipes at his eyes*
*puts a hand on his cheek tenderly* My love?
Are you feeling better/
*nods silently*
You sure? *gentlesmile*
*nods*  *hoarsely*  Yeah. 
Good. *kisses his cheek*
*sighs, feeling a little relieved*
*looks over and sees Romy* Hallo again, Romy.
*tuns back to them, surpised* *wipes her eyes* Hi.
*looks over at her*  Hi... *feels a little embarrassed*
I have a message from Evan...
*actually, a LOT embarrassed*
*blinks at her*  Really?  So soon?
*nods slightly*
What is it?
He loves you and misses you. Wants you to visit.
*just stares, a little in shock*
You all right, love?
*smiles a little*  I want to see him...if it's possible.
I made a request to Lord Feanaro on your behalf. Sent him a letter.
Thanks, Romy.
Thank much.
*smiles* *stands and leans down to hug Roddy awkwardly* I'll let you know as soon as I have news.
*is surprised but -GASP- hugs her back?*
Thank you.  For everything.
Hang in there, all right?
*nods*  I'll try.  Thank you.
*stands up straight* *looks at Per* You, too, Peril. Even though I don't like you too awful much.
I'll do my best. Join the club, cat.
*smiles and leaves*
* Romy has left #desperatefans
*hugs Peril*
*smiles and hugs him back*
I actually feel somewhat better...
*smiles a little*
*kisses him softly*
I'm happy, then.

* Bellatrix has joined #desperatefans
*strides in like she owns the place*

[oh dear]
*is practically lounging on M and doesn't notice her yet*
*looks around lazily*
Oh shit! Roddy!
It's Bella!
What?  *disbelief*
Look! *points*
*turns and sees Bella*
*blinks a few times*
*leans against the wall, not seeing Rodolphus*
...*looks around* Roddy?
*climbs off Peril's lap*  *glances back at him*
*nods encouragingly*
*eye lands on Roddy* *breathes* Come here.
*strides over to Bellatrix obediently* 
I've missed you. *smirks*
*grins stupidly*  Bella...
Yes, darling? *still smirking*
*watches them, torn*
*lunges forward and kisses her*
*kisses him back fiercely*
*looks away*
*pushes her against the wall and continues kissing passionately*
*wraps her arms around his neck*
*happy for Roddy, but... torn*
*kisses a little longer and then breaks*  Mon dieu...Bella...I've missed you terribly...
  *caresses his cheek lightly* And I have missed you, my love. I'm sorry I left you alone so long.
*sharp look* I assume you were alone? *raised eyebrow*
*freezes and has an ohcrap! moment*  *smiles nervously*  Just my mates.  Tha'sall.
There's been no one but you, love.
*watches him for a moment* *purrs dangerously* Then what was that hesitation?
*smiles at her charmingly*  Nothing at all, love.  I'm just so surprised to see you.  Overjoyed, but surprised.  *takes her hand and kisses it*
*smiles slightly* I am sorry I was so long away.
*pouts and wraps his arms around her waist*  I was distraught without you, Bella love.
Mmm... were you? *plays with his hair*
*bites his lip and nods*  Was most certainly.  *kisses her*
*slides her hand down to the back of his neck and pulls him close, retunring the kiss*
Mmm...Bella...s'been so boring without you here, love.  Of course, our friends have been here.  But I've needed you.  *remembers Peril is still sitting in the room and feels a bit torn*
Have they been taking good care of you?
*bites his lip to keep from grinning*  They have, love.  They've been taking very good care of me.  *ponders how soon to tell her about what the other DEs have been up to*
I'd like to take care of you, I think.
*grins at her and caresses her cheek*  I'd like that too.  Very much.
What are you waiting for, then? *raises her eyebrow*
*grins*  *kisses her softly*
*pulls away, smirking* Come on.
*listens, a little empty*
*leers at her*  *leans in and kisses her a little rougher and more forcefully*
*smiles against his lips* *bites his lower lip hard*
*watches Mione sleep*
*inhales sharply, but enjoys it*  *runs a hand through her hair*
*bites a little harder*
*facepalms quietly*
*pushes her against the wall again, still kissing*
*pulls him close*
*is gladly pulled close*  *kisses more*
*whimpers quietly*
Mmm...Bella love...should we take this elsewhere?  Home?  *is eager, can you tell?*
Oh, yes.
*purrs and grins at her*
*disapparates under his hands, smirking*
* Bellatrix has left #desperatefans
*grins*  Bitch.  *means that in a totally loving way, seriously*
*looks over at Peril*
*looks at Roddy*
*looks between M and Roddy, eyebrow raised*
*goes over and quickly hugs him*  I'll talk to you later.  Thank you, Peril.
*returns the hug* Have fun.
*grins*  *disapparates*
*bites his lip*

A/N:  And then Bella and Roddy went home to...enjoy themselves and make up for lost time.  *grin*

harry potter, death eaters

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