More Mandos Prisoner Stuff

Aug 04, 2005 07:01

This is several days old, but I don't wanna lose it if the HD goes...

I should also log into my regular journal, but I'm lazy.

Session Start (Armand-mun:#df-mandos): Tue Jul 26 18:38:08 2005

Rosier: *is all about the not wanting his hands to get gangrene and fall off*
Rosier: *quietly* There is a difference, my lord, between lasting and permanent.

Feanaro: Indeed there is. But seeing as you will in all likelihood not live to see the next week, I should say permanence would not mean anything too permanent for you anymore.

Rosier: I really and truly don't understand what you want from me.

Feanaro: Still not? How unfortunate.

Rosier: Regret doesn't change what happened

Feanaro: No, it does not. But it might at least make sure that it wouldn't happen again, if you had the chance.
Feanaro: *ties hands then. Yes, just as tightly*

Rosier: *winces* *bites tongue*

Dolohov: *slowly awakens from the land of Scary Guilt-Ridden dreams*

Rosier: *attention is suddenly on D if he is stirring*

Feanaro: *follows Rosier's eyes*

Dolohov: *sits up slowly* Ow.

Rosier: *whispers* Sly.

Feanaro: *calmly* Good morning.

Rosier: Sly?

Dolohov: Is it? *blinks*

Feanaro: *shrugs* 'tis not noon yet.

Dolohov: *smiles weakly at Rosier*
Dolohov: I feel like I've been out for days.

Feanaro: Ah, you did not ask which day it was. *smirks*
Feanaro: 'twas only one night, though. ...breakfast?

Dolohov: ... please.

Rosier: *hopes Fea's kindness towared Dolohov continues*

Feanaro: *hands over the bowl of porridge* I'm afraid it has gone cold by now, but we were to busy to wake you. There's water, too, and half an orange, should you care for it.

Dolohov: Thank you. *looks over at Evan*

Rosier: *quietly* I've already eaten, love.

Feanaro: *takes a look at Dol's back, meanwhile*

Dolohov: *eats his porridge*

Rosier: *watches that anxiously*

Dolohov: Are you alright, love?

Feanaro: *salving a bit* Well, Mr Dolohov, I am shocked to find that your dear friend is still utterly unrepentant, nay, even proud of his crime. What would we say about that?
Feanaro: *is like sooo unsubtle*

Dolohov: I would say that I would worry if it were otherwise.

Rosier: I'm going to lose my hands, Sly. Maybe my feet too. *quietly*

Feanaro: *clicks his tongue* Is that so.

Dolohov: ... why?

Feanaro: Because I had hoped that his time here would at least teach him some decency.

Dolohov: Please stop hurting him.

Feanaro: Oh, but as your dear friend has just explained to me, you have the right to do whatever you wish with someone whom you have at your mercy and who is too... weak to defend himself.

Dolohov: *bites his lip* Are you enjoying it, then?

Feanaro: *coldly* Not much. But your friend here seems to be of a different mind.

Rosier: *glares*

Dolohov: I suppose we deserve it.

Rosier: Not we, Sly. I do.

Feanaro: *coldly* Probably.

Dolohov: You think I would have done no less, Ev?

Rosier: Not to a Muggle, Sly. Your taste is much better than mine.

Feanaro: *involuntarily clenches his fist* *which is not good because he's still busy with Dol's back*

Dolohov: *cries out in pain* Ev.

Feanaro: *is sorry* *is not going to apologize, though*

Rosier: It's always been wizards for you, Sly. Even if it's had to be mudbloods.

Feanaro: *narrows his eyes*
Feanaro: Silence.

Dolohov: There was a time... *stares at the floor* It was after you died.

Rosier: Now I can't even talk to him?

Feanaro: Oh, you can talk... but I should be very surprised if the kind of talk you're having is not meant to anger me. And it does not fail to do so.

Dolohov: *didn't actually mean to upset Feanaro*

Rosier: My lord, do you know how much longer you're going to have to hold me?

Feanaro: No. But if you are tired by my hospitality, I am sure I can ask that the wizengamot takes care of you soon.

Rosier: What I want doesn't matter.

Feanaro: Why else would you ask?

Rosier: I was interested in the answer?

Feanaro: Ah.
Feanaro: *smirks* but what do you want? Assuming that your wishes are realistic?

Dolohov: *sets his half-eaten bowl aside and watches Ev intently*

Rosier: I just want to spend what little time I have left with Sly.

Feanaro: Well, you are together...

Rosier: My lord, I want to be able to touch him.

Feanaro: *shrugs* He is free to come to you.

Rosier: *looks pleadingly at his lover*

Dolohov: *half-suspecting a trick but awkwardly crawls over to Ev and leans against him*

Rosier: *leans gratefully against D* My love. I'm sorry I got you into this.

Dolohov: I'd rather be here with you, Ev.

Feanaro: Touching. You should have chosen a smarter lover, really.

Dolohov: *glares* You have no right to say that.

Feanaro: *amused* Is that so.

Rosier: *whispers to D* I didn't have to swear in the first place. I was scared, and you were dragged into this without me being able to ask you.

Feanaro: *has Elven hearing, so whispering is rather pointless* Aye, but had you not broken your oath so abominably and foolishly, it would have served you well enough.

Rosier: I have said this over and over again. I had no idea you had some claim on him.

Dolohov: Ev. It's alright. I would have done the same.

Feanaro: What? You swore on him! That should have given you a rather clear idea.

Rosier: Not Sly.

Feanaro: Aye, him.

Rosier: That's not who I was referring to.

Dolohov: *is suddenly relieved that he never had a chance to lay hands on Eomer*

Feanaro: Then whom?

Rosier: That harming St. Just was breaking the Oath. I had no idea he was yours.

Feanaro: Well, maybe you might have looked into that before you acted. Not that it would have made your crime any less abominable, but then your punishment would not have been in my hands.

Rosier: *leans against Sly and sighs*

Dolohov: Why not just kill us both then and have done with it?

Feanaro: Because Rosier's death is not in my power to give; the Manticorans have claimed his life before I could, and by rights, the Wizengamot are the first to judge him. I only get the time between his crime and his final judgment. As for you, master Dolohov, I do not kill you because I chose not to.

Dolohov: For now.

Rosier: *whimpers*

Feanaro: *shrugs* Until you chose do break your oath. Which you claimed you would not do, so you would not need to fear death at my hands.

Dolohov: *tries to soothe Evan*
Dolohov: How do I know you will not kill me when my 'usefulness' to you is over? If it's not, already.

Feanaro: *coldly* Because I do not do that sort of thing anymore. Are you questioning my honour?

Dolohov: No, my lord.

Feanaro: *glares* Good.
Feanaro: Well. Are you eating no more?

Dolohov: 'm not hungry.

Feanaro: *raises eyebrow* I do not quite believe that.

Dolohov: I'll eat the orange later.

Feanaro: Will you.

Dolohov: *testily* If that's permissible.

Rosier: Sly, please. Eat.

Feanaro: *shrugs* Your decision.

Dolohov: *sighs and starts eating the orange*

Feanaro: *lips curl* Well, I have other business to attend to. I shall leave you lovebirds on your own, then.
Feanaro: (to Dolohov) You will not loosen his bonds, or do anything of the sort. Is that understood?

Dolohov: *nods* Yes, my lord.

Feanaro: No escapes, certainly no attacks when I return. Yes?

Dolohov: Yes.

Rosier: Yes, my lord. *quietly*

Session Close (#df-mandos): Tue Jul 26 21:22:45 2005

harry potter, tolkien, death eaters

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