Jul 23, 2005 15:23

So. Maja's going to be getting a character on August 16th, she's decided. A character named in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. So.. in spoiler chat.. Maj and I decide to do a little.. RP-ish-thing with this character. It gives a rather tantalizing glimpse of.. RP that will be happening post August-16th, but... because of spoilerbuffer, NONE OF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. It's rather like an anti-OTP log in that regard. Only.. uh.. Anti-spoiler buffer?


So yes. Maj's impending char? Tobias Snape. Sevvie's abusive muggle father. Keep in mind that the.. verrrry end of the log would likely not happen in actual RP, but.. in the OOC chat, Maj kept going 'ZOMG, SPOILER, JUST KILL SPOILER ALREADY' or something, and since it didn't count, I couldn't help agreeing. ;)

[11:56] Maja> Tobias: *smirks at Snape in here*
[11:56] Erin> Snape: *glares* I am *warning* you...
[11:58] Maja> Tobias: *smirk* About -what-? *zomg has spoken!*
[11:59] Erin> Snape: You will find that I have not.. grown into a man to be crossed without... consequences.
[12:01] Maja> Tobias: *sneer* Oh, really? You may fool the rest of the world, Severus, but I know who you are.
[12:02] Erin> Snape: You... stupid... idiotic.. *Muggle*..
[12:03] Maja> Tobias: *smirks* I quiver at your skill with insults, Severus.
[12:04] Erin> Snape: *draws his wand* I have other skills you should be *much* more concerned with.
[12:05] Maja> Tobias: *quirks an eyebrow* Oh? The wand? I'm utter -terrified-. You saw how much good that did your mother. *sneer*
[12:06] Erin> Snape: *trembles with RAGE* One. More. Word.
[12:08] Maja> Tobias: *smirk* And then what? You do to me what your mother never could? I'm just waiting to see what you have up your sleeve, Severus.
[12:08] Erin> Snape: Very well. *Crucio*!
[12:10] Maja> Tobias: ...*oh, wasn't expecting that* *lets out a startled yell and twitches in pain*
[12:11] Erin> Snape: *releases the cruciatus* Consider yourself lucky I offered you a warning. You never concerned yourself.
[12:15] Maja> Tobias: ...*sort of beyond snark at the moment because...still twitching like crazy*
[12:16] Erin> Snape: Ah, *dear* father. You did want to see, hm?
[12:19] Maja> Tobias: ...*twitchtwitchtwitch*...*manages a glare*
[12:21] Erin> Snape: Although, somehow, I doubt you'll learn a thing from this.
[12:21] Maja> Tobias: *...yeah, probably won't* *glaaaaare*
[12:22] Erin> Snape: You see.. you neglect to realize I am no longer six years old.
[12:24] Maja> Tobias: *glares, but manages to growl* You're...still...the same.
[12:25] Erin> Snape: Oh?
[12:28] Maja> Tobias: *nods, still glaring* Inside...you're exactly the same as you always were. A -coward-.
[12:30] Erin> Snape: I am *not*! A *coward*!
[12:31] Maja> Tobias: *smirk* Hit a nerve, have I? Can't stand hearing the truth? *smart guy*
[12:32] Erin> Snape: You... have the *nerve*.. *You*, who attacked a woman who would not fight back. And a child who *couldn't*. You have the *gall*.
[12:35] Maja> Tobias: *smirks broader* I do. Her mistake, not mine. And...well...YOU turned out fine, didn't you? *sneers*
[12:36] Erin> Snape: You... *vile*...
[12:37] Maja> Tobias: Oh, do go on. Your creativity is inspiring. *smirk*
[12:40] Erin> Snape: I could *crush* you.
[12:40] Maja> Tobias: Could you? Go on and try. *smirk*
[12:41] Erin> Snape: *flicks his wand absently and slams Toby to the wall*
[12:43] Maja> Tobias: *...really shouldn't keep challenging the guy with the wand* *smirk slightly, although that...more than winded him* Go on, Severus. Go on. Pick the fight your dear mother never could.
[12:44] Erin> Snape: I have killed better men than you could *dream* of.
[12:45] Erin> [Literally. Cuz.. Dumbledore >>>>>>> Tobias.]
[12:45] Saint-Alona> [Rather. Ooh. Are we in brackets today? :D]
[12:45] Maja> [OMG, I know. If Dumbledore = the universe, Tobias = ...like...less than an atom.]
[12:45] Erin> [Um... I dunno! Apparently.!]
[12:45] Maja> [Yay brackets!]
[12:45] Saint-Alona> [I love brackets.]
[12:45] Erin> [Whee brackets!]
[12:46] Maja> Tobias: *smirk* Oh, I heard about that...your murder of the one person who really trusted you. Shame, isn't it?
[12:46] Saint-Alona> [*sits around organizing her arguments in her head* *is VERY VERY VERY determined to try her ABSOLUTE hardest and THEN SOME GAH*]
[12:46] Maja> [*sends luck!* *and not!cheers!*]
[12:47] Erin> Snape: DO NOT SPEAK OF THAT.
[12:47] * Saint-Alona is now known as Alona-movie
[12:49] Maja> Tobias: *laughs unpleasantly* You keep handing me ammunition against you, Severus. Tell me of this man. He treated you kindly, didn't he? How did he die? In pain?
[12:50] Erin> Snape: Shut. *Up*.
[12:52] Maja> Tobias: *laughs harshly again* To be killed in cold blood at the hands of one he trusted...what do you think was going through his mind when he died, Severus? Did he beg for life? Did he fight? Did you corner him, defenseless? It'd be fitting....
[12:53] Erin> Snape: You know *nothing*.
[12:54] Maja> Tobias: Don't I? Why don't you -enlighten- me, son?
[12:58] Erin> Snape: *glares murderously* I need not justify myself to *you*.
[13:02] Maja> Tobias: *laughs again* Can I continue to speculate, then? What could have possibly motivated you to kill someone who trusted you? He put his life into your hands, didn't he? Didn't realize he was making a mistake...
[13:03] Erin> Snape: *GLARES* He... *asked*.. me.
[13:05] Maja> Tobias: *stares, then laughs loudly and mockingly* He ASKED you. He ASKED you to kill him...oh, Severus, if you're going to committ a murder, it makes sense you would justify yourself...
[13:08] Erin> Snape: *glares, shaking like whoa* And why should I care if you believe me?
[13:09] Maja> Tobias: *smirks* Oh, my opinion doesn't matter to you. I know that. But you don't believe yourself entirely.
[13:09] Erin> Snape: I know what happened.
[13:13] Maja> Tobias: *sneers* Do you? Do you really? Are you SURE you did the "right thing"?
[13:14] Erin> Snape: I did what I had to do.
[13:15] Maja> Tobias: Did you? Since when is betrayal of trust necessary?
[13:16] Erin> Snape: I betrayed *nothing*.
[13:17] Maja> Tobias: Oh? Was it a mercy killing, then? *sneer*
[13:21] Erin> Snape: Shut your ignorant mouth.
[13:23] Maja> Tobias: *laughs again* Ignorant, am I? Don't insult me if you aren't willing to enlight me, Severus m'boy.
[13:27] Erin> Snape: I am not a boy. And I am *certainly* not *yours*.
[13:29] Maja> Tobias: *snickers* You're my son, Severus, much as you would like to deny it. Although I'm considerably proud of you for managing to lure the man into trusting you before killing him...you've a talent for manipulation, it seems...
[13:31] Erin> Snape: *swoops up to Toby and punches him in the face*
[13:32] Maja> Tobias: *punch'd!* *lets out a snort of laughter and spits blood* Following in my footsteps perfectly, Severus...
[13:34] Erin> Snape: You... *bastard*.
[13:36] Maja> Tobias: *smirks, spitting blood again, this time in Snape's face* Like father, like son.
[13:38] Erin> Snape: *flinches and speaks quietly* I will never be like you.
[13:40] Maja> Tobias: *smirketysmirk* Prove it. *grabs Snape's hair and yanks his head back, sneering* Seems I neglected to teach you proper hygeine along with manners.
[13:41] Erin> Snape: *clenches his jaw tightly, wordless*
[13:47] Maja> Tobias: *sneers and spits blood in Snape's face again* No fight in you anymore? Maybe you -have- learned something.
[13:48] Erin> Snape: I've learned.. that *you*.. are not worth it.
[13:48] Erin> [Wah! At the root of it all, he still IS a scared little four year old.]
[13:51] Maja> [Awwwww Snape.]
[13:59] Maja> Tobias: *smirk* Or maybe you're still scared...you really ARE still a child at the root of it all, aren't you? *laughs* How delightful. *throws him to the ground by his hair*
[14:00] Erin> Snape: *glares up* You are *nothing*.
[14:03] Maja> Tobias: *laughs harshly* You're afraid, though.
[14:04] Erin> Snape: I have no room for fear.
[14:05] Maja> Tobias: *smirk* You're hiding that well.
[14:06] Erin> Snape: *glarey* You have no power over me.
[14:09] Maja> Tobias: Don't I? *sneers and kicks Snape in the stomach* We'll see, Severus, we'll see.
[14:10] Erin> Snape: *winces a little, but bursts into laughter* You think... I don't.. know *pain*?
[14:14] Maja> Tobias: *snorts* If you didn't know pain by now, I would be very disappointed in myself.
[14:15] Erin> Snape: Oh, you had *very little* to do with it. *grabs wand again* Crucio!
[14:18] Maja> Tobias: *leans against the wall, shutting his eyes and clenching his fists, hissing involuntarily and twitching heavily again*
[14:20] Erin> Snape: *stands and stalks over to Tobias, not relaxing the curse* _This_, father.. If I leave this on you long enough.. you can be driven to madness. Or death. I've felt this *many* times. But even this, father.. Even *this* is *nothing* compared to the pain I know. *finally stops the curse*
[14:23] Maja> Tobias: *twitching, eyes still shut* *hisses shakily* What...is...worse?
[14:24] Erin> Snape: Remorse. Something I'm sure you have *no* experience with. Avada kedavra!
[14:25] Maja> Tobias: *omg DIES*

harry potter

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