Who: Celegorm, Pandora
What: Pandora finds out in conversation with Celegorm about his involvement in Finrod's demise.
When: After he got his last dose of flaily from Galadriel, of course.
*Is on the patio, resting her eyes though she doesn't need to, keeping her mind out for Celebrimbor, mostly.*
*well, here's a - somewhat broodier than she remember him Celeuncle, walking, today with a makeshift sling, though. can be smart sometimes!*
*probably more tonight than today, vampire, here! She'll look at him from afar, pondering if she should say hello or not.*
*isn't doing anything important - or anything at all, really, except maybe watching the woods*
*she'll observe him, and after a while, she'll walk, loud enough to be heard, but not terribly conspicuous either, and when close enough, she'll greet him, quiet because she knows the Elves have good ears....* Good eve, Tyelkormo.
*tenses automatically and then nearly hisses, but turns to face her* Lydia.
*she takes a step back.* Forgive me.
--for what?
I startled you
It's nothing. *waves it off*
You seem... troubled. How are you?
I'm well. *quickly*
Hmm. Of course. Pardon my mistake.
*she sounds like Galadriel! adfnnngh*
*typist is so sorry that the only puppets of hers Tyelko knows are telepaths... we suggest he meet Steerpike, for a change.*
*XD it's good for him. really.*
*well, Pan is still there, and it's his turn to talk... XD*
*gaah, she sounds like Galadriel!* ---*slightly scowly face, because nnngh.* I /am./
Pardon my presumption. *softly*
------*getting confused now* What presumption?
I thought you'd seemed troubled, you're not. I'm so sorry I misread your expression. *gently. It's a lie, but a good one, and it comes with a touch of persuasion.*
*struggles with that for a moment* ...you didn't. *now wait. Why'd he say that?*
*another touch of persuasion* It's alright, even if I did. I am your nephew's friend, and loyal to your family. *softly.*
You didn't misread it, I mean. I know Celebrimbor likes you. *oh, if only you knew, Pan*
*if only she knew?* *a soft smile* And I him, very much so. What ails you? *gently.*
*about Finrod XD* *a slight hesitation* More than I care to think about. *that's honest, at least*
Is there aught I might do? *oh dear, yes. Finrod is special to her, dammit.*
I don't know.
*and because his reaction to that is a little screwy*
*nods.* I understand. *a pause* You are wounded.
It's not bad. *quickly*
*despite the useless arm, you know. just a flesh wound!*
There are wolves in the woods.
*nods* a dark presence. I feel them.
I went hunting. *that is, it wasn't accidental*
Hmm mmm.
...*what's that supposed to mean? doesn't say that.* *just is quiet for a moment*
*stays quiet too, for a bit.* How many were they?
Two against me. More than that, deeper in.
*nods* Should you go again, I would go with you, if you let me.
I can take care of myself.
*visibly not* I don't doubt it, but working as a team never hurt anyone. I will fight in the upcoming war.
*a nod* Maitimo said as much.
*oh good. not talking about him any more.*
*eyebrows* Your family does communicate much, don't they. *oh, the irony*
I asked.
About allies, here.
Of course.
*awkward little shift*
*mindgiftsuggestion, here, and it's not lite.* Yes, it is important to have allies, to have friends. People one can talk to freely. *wham, Tyelko. Unless you're Marius or Maharet, you're not resisting that one.*
*almost not quite stagger, mentally* Yes, it is.
Aye. Now, tell me what is on your mind. You cannot keep all this to yourself, the weight of it is too much. *wham again*
*blink* I don't know where to go from here. *which sums it up, more or less*
you lost your purpose. *gently.*
That's an understatement.
*makes a soft sound of understanding* you will find another, in time.
There are some things that can't be replaced so easily.
*nods* I understand better than you think. When I arrived, my purpose of several millenia was shattered in one night.
It's not so much the purpose that concerns me. It's - *shuts his mouth, even with persuasion does /not/ want to talk about that*
It is? *re-wham.*
---peoplecan'tbereplacedandthere's- *Finrod. nnnngh. Huan. nnnnnnnnnnnnnngh.*
no, they cannot. *so, so softly. Marius.*
*looking at the ground*
But he is alive, now. *softly*
*blink* What?
*turns and looks at him, eyes golden and gleaming* Finrod is alive, now. *and no, she's not going to attack, and it's carried in her voice, even if there is anger in there, too.*
*oh, that's a flinch and a twinge of fear in his eyes, looking back at her though, still* *and squirm thinking about that* And?
And so you can at least beg his forgiveness. He is better than the one I lost, and he will give it, in time. *it's not cold, but it's not gentle either.*
Perhaps. *doubts that, and nnnngh doesn't like that voice much*
Finrod is my friend - though I may love Celebrimbor dearly, Finrod was the first Eldar to befriend me, and he has my loyalty. I cannot hide it. *pause* but I will not hurt you, for the love of your nephew.
*headsnap, didn't even really /think/ of that, and now he's nervous*
*sternly.* I took an oath - I am not a killer, Tyelkormo.
*right. sure. and weeeee believe that. because it's not like there isn't a whole range of /other/ things people can do.* *takes a step back* I should go.
You should. Apologize to Finrod. Make amends. Second chances are not to be waisted. *still stern, looking in the distance.*
*is going to be leaving, not taking his eyes off Pan*
*she's not looking at him, her gaze is lost on the deep of the forest, her body immobile as a statue, save for her hair, dancing in the wind.*
*is so /gone/, and more unnerved than he'll admit*.