Log: Galadriel makes Tyelkos flail.

Sep 03, 2008 15:23

*is in the main room again, trying to decide if it's worth getting up the stairs again. it really is a bit of a pain. ...yes, literally.*

*is on her way out, actually, and sighs when she sees the MUC (Most Undesirable Cousin).* Celegorm.

*oh, lovely. that one. still doesn't know quite how to act around her. carefully* Galadriel.

*would gladly just ignore him. But.* You're downstairs.

Keenly observed. *because sarcasm is easier!*

*rolls her eyes* Yes. Indeed. Be well, /cousin./

*twitch, aggggh that conversation scraping at the edge of his nerves* Your well wishes are comforting.

*They're not intended to be. She's just being polite.* Good that you find them so. Have you seen your brother?

*slightly unhappy face. he wasn't very pleased, either.* Yes. *pause* He wanted to know if you were...well. *and so would I, a little, because honestly, /what happened?/*

I'm fine. *sternly*

*a nod. you sure? because you weren't /acting/ fine. I, was, of course, completely normal. nothing out of the ordinary with me. nope.* *uncomfortable shift*

And you? *not that she actually cares, of course not.*

Why wouldn't I be? *not twitchily, really!*

*points practically at the stitches on his shoulder or wherever*

*mostly there, yeah* *right, that. um.* I'm fine. *:|*

You don't need me to tend them? *not being cruel, not at all.*

*tenses just a bit and then winces* No. That's not necessary.

As you wish. *a very careless shrug*

*oh good. she's not pushing it. is quiet, wants to say, you didn't have to do it in the /first/ place.* ....*oh, hell with it* You didn't have to in the first place.

*shrugs* On the contrary. No use waisting a good blade.

I would have been fine. *:|*

You would have healed slower, and would have been a liability come the next attack.

*tempted to say 'would not!' but knows she's right, and senses that that would be childish. is silent. :|*

*Galadriel: 1, Tyelko: 0. Yay.* So, I ask again. Let me see that you are healing cleanly.

If you insist. *any surprises there? We knew who was winning. XD*

I do. It is my duty to make sure the family is well. *even the MUC*

*shrug. and then a wince* Very well.

*points at the sofa* sit. *dryly*

*does go and sit. though he wants to argue about that, too.*

*he should argue. She'd shut him up, but it'd be fun* You shirt.

*just isn't sure how to argue about sitting down.* This really isn't necessary. *:|*

You would prefer to be worthless in front of the Ennemy?

I won't be useless. *:|*

Then be silent and let me make sure you're not.

--- *point, because there's nothing he can say to that. why do you bother sounds sulky.*

*yes, it does. So she checks his stitches then. How are they?*

*probably puffy, a bit. wolf bites aren't very clean. and a little hot to the touch, irritated definitely. The moving about has not been helpful. And painful, as indicated by the little twitch if she touches things.*

*she frowns, then.* It is festering. Come. I need the waters and herbs. *stands, and goes, fully expecting to be followed.*

It'll heal. *isn't going anywhere dammit*

*doesn't care that much. Just stands in the door and waits.*

*isn't!* You're already low on supplies. *appeal to her dislike!*

*is stubborn* I'm also low on skilled warriors.

It'll be /fine./ *can do that too!*

You should ask your brother how it goes, to fight with only one arm. *that's a low blow*

*aslkdyfslflskdhfdsf* *that's /not okay!/* *and it shows, too, /staring/ at her*

I garantee that you will not need to ask if you let your shoulder fester. *flatly.*

------*and Maitimo wouldn't like that. no he would not.* *gets up, the useless arm making it awkward, a touch*

*does wait for him, though.*

*will get there eventually, though he does not look happy about it.*

*does she look like she cares?* *she opens the door to her room*

*waits for her. ladies first. :|*

*enters, then, and goes to prepare the herbs etc.* *points at the bed* lie here.

*sits, watching her* *wants to mention that she needn't feel compelled to waste herbs on MUCs, but doesn't.*

*feeling guilty, aren't we?* *but not wasting them if it's to save a limb. So.* Lie still.

*NO OF COURSE NOT.* *stays sitting. small stubbornnesses.*

I cannot heal you this way. *frowns.*

What way?


*oh. fine. doesn't like the frown and lies down with a bit of a face tightening for the weight on his shoulder*

*there you go.* *she proceeds to disinfecting him, then, gently.*

*isn't going to wince, no rly, isn't going to. or feel guilty, of course not.* *does half close his eyes, though, maybewatching her*

*makes a point of being extraodinarily gentle, even singing softly a song of healing* *yes, she's doingthat on purpose*

*you're weirding him /out!/ is so /baffled/ right now, and undoubtedly it shows*

*good. she's doing it on purpose, to make him feel /guilty/. Lightly. *something the matter, cousin?

*aksdlfysdflakdfs. so /confused/* *with you? yes* No. *slightly tensely* *does not feel guilty ever! it's not working! of course not. :|*

Hmm mmm. *resumes the sedate caregiving, then, but being a telepath, she knows. haha.*

*nnnnnrgh* What are you /doing?/ *tensely*

*sedately* tending your festering wounds. Be quiet.

*gdslkf.* No, I mean - *pretending to like me* - you know what I mean!

I'm afraid I do not, cousin.

*nnnnnnrgh* *not quite flail* Pretending to like me. Whatever /this/ is. *eloquent gesture*

You are quite deluded. *puts a hand on his forehead* But not feverish. Be assured that I do not like you at all.

I /know/ that. *growled a bit, tries to twitch away and nearly makes a pained noise* So why are you /acting/ like you do?

I am healing you. It is what the women of the Eldar have done for generations. It is my duty, nothing more.

*gaaaaah!* *is going to try to get away, this is just /weird/* You were a couple days ago, too. *supposedly. :|*

*well yes, but she got a bit of a talking to from Angy. Well, a look, but it was enough* And?

*doesn't want to /directly/ accuse her of purposefully making him suffer.* And - you - *gaaaaah* You're acting like - *snaps his mouth shut. oh no! almost admitted that that conversation actually happened!*

Like what? *lightly*

*stubborn silence*

*well then.* *gets back to work*

*nnngh* Maitimo said - you were - *knows she must know what he's talking about! arrrrgh*

What did he say? *absently*

He said you were behaving oddly.

I don't know what you're referring to. *evenly*

*is she going to make him admit that he remembers it?* *this is so aaah!*

*apparently, she's that mean, yes.*

*this is /so not fair/* He said you were...uncommonly...cheerful. *still avoiding it. hopefully*

I have no recollection of such a thing happening. *still very even*

------------*nnnnngh* Funny. I do. *trying to make it nonchalant, maybe she really /doesn't/ remember!*

*well then. He does admit it.* And what do you recall? *an arched eyebrow, sedate tone.*

*daaaammmmmit* I agree with Maitimo's summation. *yes, about you, Galadriel, I was completely normal. of course.*

I'm afraid I have absolutely no memory of it. You both must have misunderstood me, cousin.

That's odd. It seems clear to me.

Perhaps you might refresh my memory, then.

*has a bad feeling about this* I don't remember everything you said.

Well then. It's nothing ot be concerned with.

*squirms and then winces* You were....very friendly.

*eyebrow* Was I, now?

Yes. *pause* To me.

That's.... very generous of me.

And uncharacteristic.

*flustered* thank you.

---for what? *genuinely bewildered*

Nothing. *grumph*

*blink* *baffled* ....do you remember, though?

Remember what? *is not going to acknowlede that*

------*sigh* We---talked. *about things I'm not going to think about dammit*

Oh? What about? *innocently*


.... that's eloquent.

Well--you must remember.

I'm afraid I do not.

We discussed....*gaaaaaaah how is he supposed to phrase this* *carefully* More recent events.

.....*he makes it sounds like the weather* Recent events?

*squirms, a little* *after I died? how things turned out?* ...yes.


And you - were - *pause* sympathetic. *avoid explaining about what, that's right!*

Really? What about?

*jerks upright, ignoring the ow feeling in the puffy flesh and tug of stitches* You /know/ what I'm talking about! You're just trying to get me to /admit/ - *wait. stops*

*innocently* to admit what?

*mouth twist* /Nothing./

I'm afraid I don't follow.

*flailing and tries to push himself to his feet. one armed. ow.* You /do/ remember. You're just doing this - this /farce/ to get me to - to - *gaaaaaah!* I do /not/ - I'm not - *nasldyf;lakdfhlad!*

...... *is pondering sedation, at this point*

*well, makes it to his feet somehow and paces a few steps, /not/ wobbling* /Don't/ you?

Well, whether I do or not is irrelevant, now that you've spoken of it so much.

You're trying to - *stops* */flails/*

to what? You're going to hurt yourself.

I'm fine. *savagely* To make me- I do /not/ feel /guilty!/ *except for how he does. hahahaha.*

*ok, you pissed her off* about /what/?

About - everything! Gaaah! *twitches and then winces*

About how you are responsible for my brother's death, perhaps?

*oh, that's a /twitchsquirmflail/* /Stop that/. *maybesortofalittle*

Do not order me.

*oh, that still makes him flinch* Perhaps I should go. *use the telepath thing, Galadriel, you're making him flail both obviously and on the inside. yes, with that thing he's not feeling*

Perhaps. Perhaps you should stay.

*twitch* Why?

*Sits across from him, then.* Because I can heal you. *no, not your body, you idiot.*

*is standing by the door* I'm fine. *is such a liar. and it's obvious, too.*

Of course you are. /Sit./ *yes, that's an order*

---*sits, there really isn't any arguing with /that/ voice* *trying not to wince*

*sits in front of him, then.* It will eat at you until you are mad. Tell me what is in your heart.

I'm- *stops* *that didn't really work, did it* I think you already /know/. *a little irritably*

*denial is not a river in china.* I think you must own that which is eating your mind, cousin.

*nnnngh. squirms a bit* I'm fine. *tries that again*

*a Look. Coming from Galadriel, it's probably very unsettling*

*yes, it /is/* *flails a bit more* You've already heard it.

You are in denial.

*wants to say 'am not' but /does/ know that's not true*

*just waits*

In denial of what?

That is for you to say.

*look of consternation. wants to say "I don't know' but can't quite make himself.*

*just waits, again*

-------*isn't quite sure how to go about this. might need some help.*

What is your purpose, now?

*kind of flatly* I don't have one.


*nnnnnngh this is where it gets hard* *squirms, a little*

*waits patiently*

Maglor said...we can't touch the Silmarils. *twitch*

*nods* you cannot, no. Why is that?

*twitchlies* /I/ don't know.

Your father made it so, cousin. Recall.

I-- *trying to take offense at the insult. really. just can't.*

*wasn't intended as an insult* yes?

*well, yes* *tries not to clench his teeth* I know.

*nods* You feel just as awful about it as Maglor and Maitimo.

*twitch. can't admit that out loud*



If you do not, I cannot help you.

*wants to say 'I can't, look what it's done to /them/' but can't quite do that* I just don't know what to do.

I cannot help you if you do not tell me what is in your heart.* Because you need to acknowledge it*

*is starting to flail again, so forces himself to his feet and paces, a bit* If I acknowledge...it...what will become of me? Maglor is half-mad with it, and Maitimo... *threw himself into a fiery chasm. yay. not.*

perhaps there will be another chance for you.

As there has been for them? *not quite ironically. damn arm, he uses the functional one to support it, it's so freaking /useless/ right now*

There is, for Mai, and I believe he sees it. Maglor..... *she sighs* Maglor is different.

*Maglor is /crazy/ is what Maglor is, says Tyelko, who really can't talk* I can't let regret rule my life. *:|*

Regret is the painful passage to peace.

*almost grits his teeth* That I doubt I'll have.

Then you are lost. *softly*

That I already was. *quietly*

Only because you have lost hope.

*mouth twist* And is that surprising? What have /I/ to hope for?

*softly* Forgiveness from those who can give it.

*those who can, or those who will? says nothing.*

*those whose power it is to forgive, really. Finrod.*

*doesn't really have any faith in getting that forgiveness. or really, any.*

*you can't get it if you don't ask, Tyelko*

*well, yes, and the asking part is the justaboutimpossible part* *is just quiet*

*stands, tiredly* Do you want tea?

I'm fine. *tiredly as well* *default answers, hello*

*nods* You need to rest.

*nods* I'll go. *turns for the door*

*opens the door*

*steps out and turns to face her, makes a little bow as well as he can supporting the one dysfunctional arm*


*will be going, then, without another word, making his way back to his own room*

*he didn't even say think you.*

*does pause, halfway down the hall, and take care of that.* Thank you. *quietly* *and his shoulders are a touch more bowed, like he's taken on more of a weight,

celegorm, galadriel

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