Part II...

Jun 05, 2008 17:37

[19:20] Hey. *waves* Caliban.

[19:21] We were trying to decide what kind of tea to make, before we decided on cocoa. *reaches for his cocoa without meeting anyone's eyes*

[19:21] Lovely to meet you, Caliban!

[19:21] ... Oh.

[19:22] Thanks? *surprised by friendliness*

[19:22] Are you new here? *is made of sunshine and rainbows, he's always friendly*

[19:24] *XD ILU Ernst* could say that, I guess. Not so much new as still very confused. *sort of smile*

[19:26] Well -- welcome!

[19:26] Yes! *offers him some cookies*

[19:28] *pours herself some tea*

[19:32] *not looking at Thea*

[19:33] .... so!

[19:34] So-- Georg! Where have you been keeping yourself? I hardly see you these days.

[19:34] *jumps because she's skittish*

[19:35] Oh... I've been around! Outside mostly, now that it's been nice. And you?

[19:35] --Catching up with friends.

[19:35] *giggles a little into his cocoa*

[19:35] *raises his eyebrow and tries not to smile, but fails* So I've heard.

[19:35] *:| :| :| :| :|*

[19:36] *was giggling at Georg, rly! :O*

[19:36] --Really? What have you heard?

[19:36] *flicks his eyes obviously between Otto and Thea and pointedly sips from his cocoa*

[19:37] *flicks Georg's shoulder lightly*

[19:37] *nudges Ernst's foot with his own*

[19:37] *coughs*

[19:37] *stands quickly* I think I'll go -- fetch -- something. Yes! *hurries into the kitchen*

[19:38] Tell me what happened! *he and Otto used to be friends, so -- he hopes he'll get the scoop now* And you kissed Martha?!

[19:38] ... I'll see if I can help Thea. *ew, boytalk -- ... right, goes to the kitchen*

[19:38] (XDDD)

[19:39] Yes, yes, I kissed Martha, which somehow led Thea to believe I was /courting/ Martha, which is ridiculous, and I told her so.

[19:40] Needless to say, she didn't believe me, so I suppose I just... kissed her, to prove my point to her.

[19:40] *in the kitchen, switching between hyperventilating, giggling like a schoolgirl, and hyperventilating some more*

[19:41] ...well. Why did you kiss /Martha/?

[19:41] Why not?

[19:42] *softly* Thea...? Are you alright? Can I do anything?

[19:42] *shrugs* I was just wondering if there was a reason, if you liked her. ... or if you liked Thea, and that was why you kissed them.

[19:44] Oh, Ernst -- I've never kissed a boy before!

[19:44] *shrugs* Martha's a pretty girl.

[19:45] She is. I've always thought so. *sips his cocoa and picks up a cookie to nibble* That's exciting for you then. Was it your first kiss?

[19:46] Oh -- *hugs her, carefully* I'm so sorry -- that was horrible of him!

[19:47] --Don't be ridiculous. *sure, he's lying, but... whatever*

[19:48] He's a horrible boy all around! He tells me I'm undesirable -- and that I have boy's hair!

[19:48] You have lovely hair!

[19:48] *nods* I didn't think so, but I had to ask. *knows Otto's lying -- that's how things work* Are you going to court one of them, though? Or are you just going to keep stealing kisses?

[19:49] Court /Thea/? I wouldn't make it out alive.

[19:49] *laughs* Perhaps not. She has a strong arm for pillow throwing

[19:51] *quietly* Mama says it suits my face.

[19:51] Martha might be a possibility, but... I have my eye on others.

[19:51] Ooh, like who? *sets his cocoa down and scoots closer*

[19:52] Oh Thea -- I think you're quite pretty. Your hair /does/ suit you.

[19:53] ... Ilse, for one.

[19:53] -- but -- but Ilse has Moritz!

[19:53] Thank you, Ernst. You're a nice boy.

[19:54] That is something I will /never/ understand.

[19:54] *comes back*

[19:54] Ilse could have her pick of the world and she chooses him?

[19:55] [Ilse: ~I am beyond your comprehension, bb~]

[19:55] But... she loves him, very much.

[19:55] I've heard stories.

[19:55] You are now known as Karla

[19:56] What about?

[19:57] *kisses her forehead -- in a very big brother "I'll  protect you, you poor dear" type of gesture, not meant any other way* I'm sorry he's so awful.

[19:57] Moritz. Melchior. Ilse. Wendla. All of them.

[19:57] What sort of stories...? *slightly worried*

[19:57] *wanders in* Stories? I like sto- *stops*

[19:58] *just gives him a 'duh' look*

[19:59] (And now I'm tempted to throw Moritz in XD)

[19:59] What sort of stories? *carefully*

[20:04] *shrugs* I don't know. Robert and I were just discussing.

[20:05] Well /I've/ discussed it with Ilse.

[20:05] Discussed what with Ilse? *curiously*

[20:05] *frowning slightly* Why does it matter to anyone other than Moritz and - oh, hello.

[20:05] ... um. Painting.

[20:05] ... You've all gotten much nosier than I remember you being at home.

[20:06] Moritz? Nosy? Mother Night, hardly.

[20:06] *flinches a little*  Yes, well -- sometimes he can be quite --

[20:06] I'm a little more alive than you remember me being at home, too.

[20:06] ... quite... ? *eyebrow raise*

[20:06] *snork*

[20:07] Nothing. *blushes*

[20:07] A regular miracle.

[20:08] Um -- cocoa? *points to the tray* Or -- there are snacks! Please, eat them. *and don't argue*

[20:08] Like Lazarus, risen from the grave. *deadpan* What were you discussing that ended so abruptly when I arrived?

[20:08] You can talk to me, Thea. I'm not -- I'm not a gossip, or anything.

[20:09] --What sort of snacks?

[20:09] *takes a snack, frowning at Moritz, though more thoughtfully than anything*

[20:09] Cookies, it appears.

[20:09] Yesyes, cookies! That Ernst made. Very good. Eat.

[20:10] *takes one*

[20:11] Sometimes he can be quite sweet.

[20:11] It lasts only a moment or so.

[20:11] Are  -- are you fond of  him? *:O*

[20:11] *a bit too quickly* No!

[20:13] So! Moritz. How's Ilse been? Speaking of.

[20:13] Pretty as ever, I should hope. *:)*

[20:13] Oh -- *grins and steals a cookie* Lovely, thank you. -- and she's gorgeous, as always. *glares a little at Otto*

[20:13] *... scowls a little at Otto and -- grabs a cookie*

[20:14] Oh -- well. I shouldn't -- it's alright if you do. You  should be able to be fond of whoever you like!

[20:14] Of course she is. She's Ilse. *grins* I'm glad she's well. And how about you and your fine very /not dead/ self? *grabs another cookie*

[20:15] I'm lovely as well. And as gorgeous as ever.

[20:15] Why would I be fond of a boy who treats me so horribly?

[20:15] We often can't help who we fall in love with... *faint blush* But -- you should find someone who treats you well. You're a nice girl. *mostly -- he thinks*

[20:16] I'm much too young to fall in love!

[20:16] If you say so.

[20:16] *laughs* Well. That goes without saying, clearly.

[20:17] *smiles through his cookie crumbs and sips his cocoa*

[20:17] I know so. -- *primly* Thank you, Ernst. I feel much better now.

[20:18] Do you -- truly? If there's anything I can do to help, please tell me. I hate to see you upset.

[20:19] Well. Isn't it nice to have Robert with us? And Martha?

[20:19] I haven't seen them yet, but I'll  be sure to look for them.

[20:19] It  is -- how's Martha doing? Is  she well? *worries about her a little*

[20:20] Martha is /just fine/.

[20:20] Good, good.

[20:20] *gives Otto a look and fiddles with his cup*

[20:20] I'm fine now, yes. Thank you. I should like to have my tea.

[20:21] Alright. Let me know if you need someone to talk to. *:)*

[20:21] *innocent smile at Georg*

[20:21] What's the matter with Martha? *worriedly - she worries about Germans*

[20:22] Lucivar met her, I think...he was worried. *:\ if Lucivar is worried...*

[20:22] ... *blinks a little at Otto, but eh* It's nothing -- I was just wondering how she was settling in.

[20:22] I shall. *makes her way back into the main room*

[20:22] Oh, right. I forget how alarming this place can be. *laughs, a bit*

[20:23] *sighs and heads  out, too*

[20:24] Especially when you were last standing at your grave. *bites his lip, thinking of the flowers Martha gave him* Or at your friend's grave...

[20:24] ....Moritz... *wants to say somethiing, but has no idea what*

[20:24] *meep* -- Hello, Moritz.

[20:24] -- Thea, hello. How are you?

[20:25] *fidgets and looks to Ernst for support*

[20:25] *waves a hand* Nothing's wrong with her that some beer and a late night chat can't fix.

[20:25] Fine, thank you.

[20:25] *sits next to Georg -- and glares at Otto* You're a horrible, /dreadful/ boy. You ought to be ashamed of saying things like that!

[20:25] * -- O_O* Ernst?

[20:25] *shuts up again when she notices Thea*

[20:26] *>:| at Otto*

[20:26] ... Hello to you, too.

[20:26] *sits and sips her tea :|*

[20:27] *decides to try - if Ernst talked to her...* ...Thea?

[20:27] What are you talking about Ernst? * -- just barely stops himself from taking Ernst's hand*

[20:27] You shouldn't speak like that to a lady! It's rude and -- and awful. *frowns into his cocoa*

[20:28] I just had a nice chat with Martha, really--

[20:28] ...*firmly* He's right, you know.

[20:28] What did he say -- ?

[20:28] I meant Thea.

[20:28] Thea? Before or after she nearly broke both my feet?

[20:28] *frowning a bit*

[20:29] And -- just now! What he said just now. About the -- drinking.

[20:29] Well -- you were rude to her first. She had every right.

[20:29] Wait - what's going on here? *a bit confused*

[20:29] *blinks at Karla* Yes?

[20:29] ... *gapes* Thea's been rude to me since we got here.

[20:30] ---from what I can tell you deserved it. There. I'm done. *looks at Thea* Oh. Just - saying hello. *waves?* And - well. We got off on the wrong foot.

[20:30] She blamed me for getting her stuck here, and I daresay there is only so much that a person can take.

[20:30] We're-- equally dreadful to one another, I think.

[20:30] That doesn't mean you have to -- do what you did.

[20:31] ... so how are you, Georg? *we're  lost*

[20:31] You mean kiss her? I already told her I wouldn't kiss her again if it upset her so much.

[20:31] ......*jerk* Wait - you /kissed/ her when she didn't want you to? *:|*

[20:31] She didn't ask for it! You shouldn't have done it in the first place! Would you like it if I kissed you without your permission?

[20:32] *oh dear*

[20:32] Um.. Confused. And you?

[20:32] About the same.

[20:32] *frowning. a good bit*

[20:33] Glad I'm not alone... Cookie?

[20:33] I really think you ought to have been there for the conversation, in order to judge this.

[20:34] *eyebrows* Oh, probably. It just sounds awfully - well, sketchy. *carefully*

[20:35] Mmph.

[20:35] Got one, thanks. *takes another bite*

[20:35] Are you all through with your interrogation, now?

[20:36] Oh, he didn't -- really -- *feels a little guilty. a little.*

[20:36] *eyebrowwwws* Interrogation? ...I think I just asked one question. Mother Night. I can see /why/ Jaenelle'd get pissed with you. *tartly* *looks at Thea and offers a smile* I promised I wasn't going to kill anyone, didn't I?

[20:38] *winces a little -- doesn't like to think about how she almost offed Melchior*

[20:38] It wouldn't be very polite.

[20:39] *leans against Ernst a little*

[20:39] *is really sorry about that! really!* And of course, I'm always very polite.

[20:40] *sighs and kisses his hair without really thinking*

[20:41] ......

[20:41] *:D?*

[20:41] *blinks*

[20:41] *gheoat blushes a little and smiles -- awkwardly at Ernst, totally confused as to what to do*

[20:41] -- hmm?

[20:43] Awwwww. *smile at Georg and Ernst*

[20:44] -- oh -- oh! *blushes deeply* He just -- looked upset. I was comforting him. I did the same for Thea.

[20:44] *smiles a little to himself as he picks his cocoa back up* That's all it was.

[20:44] I will never understand boys.

[20:45] Me neither. I've decided it's pointless to try. *wisely*

[20:45] I'm sorry, I'm used to being around my sisters. *slightly nervous giggle*

[20:45] They tell you you're undesirable and then they kiss you. *:|*

[20:45] ... *slight frown*

[20:46] Um... So Ilse showed me the house that you all made.

[20:46] Girls are equally confusing. They accuse you of every awful thing you can think of, nearly break your toes, and then /cry/ when you get angry about it.

[20:46] ...well. That's just. Only pricks do that.

[20:47] Oh yeah, our fort. *grins* I love it there. It's our hiding place. We can go and just... be. Read, paint. Anything we want.

[20:47] *have sex. you know, whatever*

[20:47] *nods* I saw her mural! Very... artistic.

[20:47] (XDD)

[20:48] Ilse makes beautiful paintings. *smile*

[20:48] I didn't cry.

[20:48] She's a brilliant artist. *affectionately -- and rather proudly*

[20:48] She is, I think. *smiles*

[20:49] She is! *wicked smile at Moritz* You know what they say about artists, too.

[20:49] [Ilse: ;D]

[20:49] ... what do they say about artists? *amused  look*

[20:50] Well, that - *stops* *primly* Perhaps I shouldn't mention in present company.

[20:50] Oh -- no, please do. I'm curious.

[20:50] *raises his eyebrow* Which present company?

[20:50] Well - Ernst might blush.

[20:51] *grins at Ernst* Lots of things make Ernst blush.

[20:52] Oh -- that's not true! *even though it is*

[20:52] Actually, on second though, Ernst is adorable when he blushes. *grin*

[20:54] Then by all means, share

[20:54] !

[20:57] Wellll, they say - not that I would know this, or anything - that artists make the best lovers. Because they're ~creative.~

[20:57] Mm, this is very true. *trying not to blush too much, either* Ilse is -- fantastic. And a superb kisser. *sort of beaming, just a little*

[20:57] *eyebrow eyebrow at Ernst*

[20:58] Well, there you go. We have confirmation!

[20:58] *totally bright red*]

[20:58] *gaping*

[20:58] *having bad thoughts*

[20:58] ...of course. They say that about /cooks/ too.

[20:59] ... *squeaks* Cooks? Really? I -- well!

[20:59] *glances a little at Georg, but says nothing*

[20:59] They call it culinary /arts/ for a reason, dear. *:D*

[20:59] I don't -- I just follow recipes!

[20:59] False modesty! Horrors. *grins at him wickedly*

[21:00] What do they say about girls who wear spectacles?


[21:00] ...or he might just mean it. Do you think he's actually unaware of how /wonderful/ his /artistry/ is?

[21:00] (NOW ERNST)

[21:01] What do they say, Karla? Since you seem to know these sorts of things.

[21:01] */blushing/ and biting his lip, looking up to catch Moritz's gaze for a second and looking away*

[21:01] *not double meaning there RLY* *blink and at Thea* Hmm. Let me see. I may not have heard one there.

[21:01] *gjkflajkgl hides his face against Georg's shoulder*

[21:02] But of course, it's what you like to /do/ that counts, not so much appearance.

[21:02] *laughs at Ernst*

[21:02] *giggles and wraps an arm around him because clearly he's just shielding his friend from embarassment*

[21:03] Touche, Ernst. Haven't you anything scathing to say back? *cheerfully*

[21:03] What I like to do?

[21:04] Not a thing.

[21:05] *at Thea* Yeah! - aww. Oh well.

[21:08] I like to shop for ribbons...

[21:08] --Ribbons are very nice...

[21:09] *suspicious of Otto being nice*

[21:09] *as well*

[21:09] Hmm. I'll have to think on that one. Or ask Lucivar, he knows more of them than I do. And it'll embarrass him, so thanks for giving me the opportunity.

[21:10] I wouldn't expect you to care about ribbons, Otto.

[21:10] *so much for being FRIENDS, Georg :|*

[21:10] Well, not for myself, of course, but they're lovely on girls.

[21:10] *still half on Otto's side! Just suspicious. :|*

[21:11] I like pink ones the best.

[21:11] *nods* Pink suits you.

[21:11] Pink is a good color. Horrible on me, but. *nod*

[21:11] *confusedly looks at Ernst*

[21:11] Oh -- it does! *no idea, really*

[21:12] *pleased* Yes, that's what everybody says.

[21:12] *wonders if Ilse likes ribbons -- maybe blue ones to match her stockings? ... well that's not a good train of thought to start on*

[21:14] And I like to take walks by the stream, and watch when the raft is taken out!

[21:15] Ooh -- I like rafts!

[21:15] *:|* Yes. The raft.

[21:15] Rafts? I like rafts. Except when Jaenelle sends them over waterfalls.

[21:16] Oh -- we should build a raft here!

[21:16] Just as long as I don't have to do it. I almost killed myself, making that damn fort.

[21:16] ... *awkward*

[21:17] ... what?

[21:17] A raft would be nice.

[21:17] ....I think it was the 'killed myself'.

[21:17] Oh -- *shrugs* I didn't think about  that.

[21:17] Heh... Well, I'd help make the raft!

[21:18] I will too!

[21:18] What about you, Otto? *not that she wants to watch you take it out or anything*

[21:18] I wouldn't have either. But. *shrugs* ...I'd offer, but that might be weird.

[21:18] Oh... er. I suppose I could lend a hand, certainly.

[21:19] Just don't drown. Melchi Gabor almost drowned.

[21:19] ... he did what?

[21:20] I'd heard that, yes.

[21:20] *blink* That's not good.

[21:20] Oh -- that's awful!

[21:20] I daresay poor Wendla would have been heartbroken.

[21:20] What happened? When was this?

[21:21] Oh, ages ago! Back home.

[21:21] ... Back home, don't you remember?

[21:21] Oh -- lord, I thought you meant recently.

[21:21] Don't frighten me like that.

[21:22] ... *looks at Georg like "THESE ARE THE STORIES I WAS TALKING ABOUT"*

[21:22] *HEY, HE'S HIS BEST FRIEND :|*

[21:22] Melchior can swim.

[21:22] *figured these were the stories, and maintains his belief that Moritz loves Ilse, so he gives an I KNOW, SO WHAT look back*

[21:23] How did he almost drown?

[21:23] He's a good swimmer.

[21:23] Fell off the raft, or something like that.

[21:24] Well - but if he could swim - oh, never mind. *shrugs*

[21:25] From what I remember, the water was quite high.

[21:25] Ah. Running water, that explains.

[21:25] Wendla told /me/ of how Ilse told /her/ of the stream carrying all that debris...

[21:25] *sighs* I'm going to go get coffee. *doesn't like to think about his best friend almost drowning*

[21:26] ... *STARES AT GEORG*

[21:26] *looks back and forth from Otto to Georg*

[21:26] *goes to make himself coffee :|*

[21:27] *... STARES BACK?*

[21:27] *stares at Otto -- I mean what*


[21:27] *XD Thea*

[21:27] *.... NODS AND SHRUGS. IT'S NO BIG DEAL. :|*

[21:28] *is baffled by life*

[21:29] *sips decidedly at his cocoa :|*

[21:29] *just - blinks slowly*

[21:29] *.... takes Ernst's hand and gives Otto a WHAT NOW look*

[21:30] *ohSNAP*

[21:30] ... *this is why he's biffs with Robert*

[21:30] *blinks*

[21:30] ......I have the strange feeling I'm missing something. *slowly*

[21:30] *sits up straighter :| (..lolwordchoice)*


[21:31] *repeats herself* I will never understand boys.

[21:31] *squeezes Ernst's hand and snuggles closer to him*

[21:32] .... *blushes and smiles, snuggling against him a little*

[21:32] --So. Thea. You and Martha and Robert and I should all have tea one day. ... If you'd like.

[21:33] (... oh that's low)

[21:33] *headshake* I do know what you - mean...awwwww.

[21:33] That sounds...nice, I suppose.

[21:33] *at Georg and Ernst, of course*

[21:33] *smiles at Karla*

[21:33] *returns, with coffee -- and aaw, Ernst and Georg. he doesn't get it -- the whole Ernst/Georg/Hanschen thing (mostly because Hanschen makes him wtf) but whatever, they're cute*

[21:34] You don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought I'd ask.

[21:34] *beams* *quietly* You're adorable, you two. Just so you know. Again.

[21:35] *soft laugh, just -- omgcan'tstopsmiling* *andwantstokissGeorgbutwouldthatbetoomuch?*

[21:35] I want to. It wouldn't do to have poor Martha alone with two boys.

[21:35] *this is her excuse*

[21:35] *says GO AHEAD but isn't the best in the 'too much' department*

[21:36] *:D* Oh, good--!

[21:36] *wonders what they would do if they /did/ kiss... asks Ernst silently if they should, leaning in a little and raising his eyebrows*

[21:36] *oh --  smiles and nods, leaning in a little as well -- butisalittletooshy*

[21:36] *sjdkfhla -- reaches out and gives his hand an awkward pat*

[21:37] *watches them, smiling a little bit*

[21:37] *leans in the rest of the way, kissing him very softly*

[21:37] *oh -- ohmelts and returns the kiss sosoftly, and rather shyly*

[21:38] *asldfks Awwwww*

[21:38] *duifh :)* *gives Thea an awkward, goofy smile*

[21:39] *kind of completely oblivious to the boykissing because of this*

[21:39] *well, good thing*

[21:40] *but it's omgboykissing! XD* *looks away politely, smiling*

[21:40] Hanschen [] has joined #desperatefans

[21:40] *omgomgomgkissingGeorg :)*

ernst, moritz, karla, hanschen

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