Part I of an Epic Snogging Log

Jun 05, 2008 17:34

[17:31] *comes strolling in, whistling perhaps?*

[17:31] Karla! *waves*

[17:31] Ernst! *pounces gleefully*

[17:31] *curls up against the sofa a little*

[17:31] Hi, Karla!

[17:31] Oof! *snuggles Karla*

[17:31] You're as bad as Hansi.

[17:31] ... *sits with Thea*

[17:32] *fuzzes his hair* Don't let Hansi hear that. He'll be even worse. Hey, Georg! I'll spare you the snuggle. *grin*

[17:32] *grins back* Thanks. How're you?

[17:32] ... Thea? Are you alright?

[17:33] Good. Great. Glorious. It's spring. *beams* *and - notices Thea* ------

[17:33] Oh. Hello.

[17:33] *tilts his head at Thea* What's wrong?

[17:33] I'mfine.

[17:34] *sighs and flops in a couch* No point lying about that one. You look like you're trying to disappear into a couch cushion. I'm not going to kill anyone today, don't worry.

[17:34] ... Alright. But... you can always tell me, if you aren't.

[17:36] Oh -- right, I was getting tea. Would you like to help me, Georg?

[17:36] Sure! *grins at him and stands*

[17:37] Oh - I could come with you two?

[17:37] gadis [pu_put@] has joined #desperatefans

[17:37] Oh -- um. If... you wanted to? *awkward look*

[17:37] *eyes Hansi warily*

[17:38] Hansi: *flops on the ground and puts his head on his paws*

[17:38] ...I'll stay here. *sits down* Hansi! *whistles*

[17:38] ... Perhaps it would be best if you brought... er, Hansi with you in there?

[17:38] I don't think Thea's very fond of him.

[17:38] Hansi: *oo -- goes over to see if he can get in Karla's lap :D*

[17:38] Oh I'm so sorry, I can let him outside to run around.

[17:38] gadis [pu_put@] has left #desperatefans

[17:38] *oh - would love a Hansi in her lap! :D*

[17:40] *gives Otto a look that seems to say: WHO ARE YOU, OTTO. WHO ARE YOU REALLY.*

[17:40] *goes to let the puppy out, then, so Thea doesn't have to be scared*

[17:41] *awww* *leans back in  her chair and looks up at the ceiling then looks at Otto* --have I met you?

[17:41] *and comes back and resists taking Georg's hand* Shall we go get the tea?

[17:41] *~whoever you want me to be. baby~*

[17:41] (XDD)

[17:42] okti [dinda_arju@] has joined #desperatefans

[17:42] okti [dinda_arju@] has left #desperatefans

[17:42] --Yes. As I recall, you and an irritable gentleman saw fit to try and kill us for no particular reason.

[17:42] *nods* Yes, let's *and now it's his turn to resist holding Ernst's hand, which leads to him awkwardly starting off for the tea*

[17:42] ....oh. Lucivar. That was Jaenelle, actually. *helpfully*

[17:43] And actually, I heard that it was /Jaenelle/ trying to kill you, and Lucivar intervening, which makes me wonder what in /Hell's/ name you did to piss off Jaenelle, but. That's none of my business.

[17:43] *follows him quickly to the kitchen -- not that he's like, eager to be alone with Georg. or anything*

[17:43] *XD of course not*

[17:44] *kisses Ernst as soon as they're alone* /Oh/ I've been wanting to do that since you started fussing at me.

[17:45] Regardless, it wasn't much appreciated.

[17:46] *giggles and wraps his arms around him* Mm, I've wanted to kiss you as well... how are you, my love?

[17:46] No, I don't imagine it was. But I can't apologize for Jaenelle.

[17:47] Oh, good. *hugs and nuzzles him* I had fun playing in the lake. Maybe tomorrow all of us can go down, Hanschen and Hansi too. *kisses his cheek* And you?

[17:47] gadis [pu_put@] has joined #desperatefans

[17:47] gadis [pu_put@] has left #desperatefans

[17:48] --Are you feeling better now, Thea?

[17:48] Yes, thank you. *maybeblushing*

[17:49] Oh -- that sounds quite lovely. I've been reading today, being lazy. *another kiss, and sighs* We should make the tea.

[17:49] *sighs as well, lightly touching his cheek* Yes... Though I almost don't want to go back.

[17:50] *just sitting here - feeling vaguely tense and awkward*

[17:50] Did you know that Robert's here?

[17:50] We have to, though. *leans into the touch*

[17:51] Robert Maylor? Really?

[17:51] *grrr, Robert Maylor*

[17:51] (*helpful wave* I did say something about that, didn't I?)

[17:52] Really! I think he and I are going to get on quite well.

[17:53] *and for a nice parallel* Oh -- *sighs* Robert's here.

[17:53] He's a nice boy.

[17:53] *tilts his head* Who's Robert?

[17:54] Robert Maylor, in our class?

[17:54] -- oh, oh him. *Georg can mostly only remember his ass* That's... nice?

[17:55] We have quite a lot in common. I think we'll be the best of friends.

[17:55] I suppose... *nuzzles into Georg's chest*

[17:56] -- what's wrong? Did he do something to hurt you? *frowns and holds Ernst tenderly, kissing his hair*

[17:59] No -- no, of course not. But a time or two, I thought perhaps I -- I saw Hanschen looking at him.

[17:59] Oh... *kisses Ernst's temple and nuzzles him* Like... Like you looked at me?

[18:00] What do you have in common?

[18:00] Our... interests.

[18:01] Mm. *nods*

[18:02] okti [dinda_arju@] has left #desperatefans

[18:03] What sorts of interests do boys have?

[18:03] (Other boys :) -- I MEAN)

[18:03] (XD)

[18:03] ... Girls.

[18:04] Well... I'm sorry it hurts you... *kisses Ernst* But I know Hanschen still loves you. If you could look at me like that and still love Hanschen, and Hanschen can look at me and still love you, then surely the same is true for Robert.

[18:05] I know he loves me -- I just worry sometimes I'm not good enough for the two of you. *sighs and kisses him again* Let's make the tea.

[18:06] Oh -- oh! *blushes again*

[18:07] * -- takes Ernst's face in his hands and looks him directly in the eyes* Ernst, you're more than I could ever ask for in a lover. I /love/ you, you bring me more happiness than I deserve.

[18:09] ... *smiles* You're so sweet to me. *and one more, slightly deeper kiss* Ahgod... the tea -- before you  distract me.

[18:09] *nods* We were talking about... about Wendla, actually. And Martha.

[18:11] *hugs Ernst, pressing a few kisses into his neck* Yes, tea. *goes off to start getting it ready*

[18:12] ...yes. Of course.

[18:12] *his eyes flutter a little at the neckkisses -- before he remembers right, in a kitchen* And I can -- find the cookies. *murmurs about what a wicked boy Georg is and starts looking around the kitchen*

[18:12] * Ernst a wicked grin over the tea* You're not complaining, are you?

[18:13] *awkward shrug* We were in agreement about them.

[18:14] Only because I can't do anything about it now. *pouts and starts gathering snacks together*

[18:16] okti [dinda_arju@] has joined #desperatefans

[18:16] *blushing a little as he waits for the tea to be done, going over to kiss Ernst's shoulder* I'm terribly sorry.

[18:17] okti [dinda_arju@] has left #desperatefans

[18:17] Did you really kiss her?

[18:18] Martha? *nods* Quite a lot.

[18:18] I might, perhaps, forgive you. *nuzzles him*

[18:20] *gives him a Pout* Perhaps? *whimpers*

[18:20] Did she kiss /you/?

[18:21] *nods* But only after I kissed her first.

[18:21] Oh don't do that, darling. *kisses his pout* Or you'll distract me and I'll never be able to leave the kitchen.

[18:23] Are you courting now?

[18:24] I'm not sure I /want/ to leave the kitchen. *smiles*

[18:24] They'll wonder where we went.

[18:25] Maybe they'll be glad to see us gone -- maybe Otto and Thea would enjoy the privacy as much as we would. *winks*

[18:25] *gasps and looks rather like :O!* Do you think -- are they -- are they together?

[18:26] Courting? Nooo. No. I don't think so--

[18:26] *can't be tied down! needs to ~play the field~*

[18:26] But you have to! You can't kiss a girl and not court her!

[18:26] *shrugs* Why not? They seem to have a lot in common. They're both... somewhat... Sour? *there's a devilish glint to his eye, teasing Ernst now*

[18:28] ... Yes you can.

[18:28] Oh  be nice! *swats his chest lightly* Thea seems like a very nice girl.

[18:28] Martha will be heartbroken!

[18:29] Unless you live in sin. *his voice is dry, and he leans against the counter, sulking a little*

[18:29] You are now known as Lurk

[18:30] I never said I wouldn't consider it, but there's no need to make such a decision right away--!

[18:35] Then you shouldn't have kissed her. *frowns*

[18:37] I could kiss anyone in this whole mansion and it wouldn't mean I'm courting them.

[18:39] *... doesn't wish to be kissed by Otto, thank you*

[18:39] *had the same thought, actually*

[18:40] *gapes at him*

[18:40] *would not kiss a boy if his life depended on it*

[18:41] ... *KISSES HER* *just to prove a point, of course*

[18:41] .........................................

[18:41] (GASP)

[18:41] *jsdkhfljashdflaskjfhaldfkjah*

[18:42] (XD *amused*)

[18:43] Mmmmph! *tries to shove him off*

[18:43] You are now known as Caliban

[18:43] See? We're not courting.

[18:43] The world is actually just the same as it was before.

[18:44] .............. I /hate/ you!

[18:44] You are now known as Lurk

[18:44] Oh -- did she tell you something like that? That you were living in sin?

[18:44] So you've said.

[18:47] That -- that was my first -- HOW DARE YOU!

[18:48] Sorry. *grin*

[18:49] Sorry? SORRY?! *hits him*

[18:50] Ow!

[18:50] ... *hears the yelling and pokes his head out* What's going on out here?

[18:50] *HITS HIM AGAIN*

[18:52] I said I was sorry--! Stop /hitting/ me!

[18:52] *nods to Ernst and trails after him* What happened?

[18:52] Thea's hitting Otto. And Otto is apologizing for something.

[18:52] Apologizing for what? *interested now*

[18:53] *covering his head with a pillow to fend off Thea*

[18:53] Haven't the faintest.

[18:54] Maybe we should have left the kitchen. All the fun is out here.


[18:54] Stop it you're going to kill me--!

[18:54] I feel as though we should rescue him. *not moving*

[18:54] That is the /least/ I could do!

[18:55] How do we know that Thea wasn't wronged first?

[18:55] I would prefer if you didn't!

[18:55] A good point.

[18:56] *whispers* Knowing Otto, she probably was.

[18:56] *giggles*

[18:57] Don't EVER kiss me again -- !

[18:57] ... *GASPS! :O!!!*

[18:57] I WON'T! I didn't plan on it! Stop /hitting/ me!

[18:57] * -- shockface and /almost/ laughs*

[18:57] *gives Ernst an I TOLD YOU SO face*

[18:58] *collapses back on the sofa, panting a little*

[18:58] (....;D)

[18:58] *peeks out from behind the pillow*

[19:00] [;D ;D ;D]

[19:00] (*so amused*

[19:00] *glares*

[19:00] You are now known as Caliban

[19:01] *wanders in, being gloomy and Calibanish*

[19:01] .... do you think they still want tea?

[19:01] ... do you think Thea would throw it at him?

[19:01] ... she might.

[19:01] I'll kiss Martha again, instead. Good /Lord/.

[19:02] ... he kisses lots of girls, my.

[19:02] *sputters* Martha?

[19:02] You do that. You kiss every girl and be an awful boy and -- and you /do/ that.

[19:03] ...what's this?

[19:03] *points as he explains* He kissed her, and she threw a pillow at him.

[19:03] It's  quite dramatic. Would you like tea?

[19:03] We're watching from here, where it's safe.

[19:04] ...what is it with these people here and /tea/? Sure. *goes over by them* ...she didn't want to be kissed, I take it?

[19:04] I will. I /will/.

[19:04] I could make cocoa instead, if you wanted.

[19:04] Ooho cocoa!

[19:04] I'll help!

[19:06] Alright. *^_^*

[19:07] *tugs Ernst into the kitchen again and kisses his cheek before he get cocoa things*

[19:07] *attempting to recover from this traumatic event*

[19:08] *blink* ...

[19:08] *attempting to recover his dignity*

[19:09] Where is that /tea/, anyway?

[19:10] I think they just - fled to the kitchen. *points*

[19:10] They SAW?

[19:10] No - just heard. I think.

[19:10] Oh no -- oh no --

[19:11] ...what's the matter with that?

[19:11] *steals a kiss while  he's  in there, and starts on the cocoa*

[19:11] Now everyone will know!

[19:11] *of the SCANDAL*

[19:11] I don't think they'll /care/.

[19:12] They seemed - *stops*

[19:12] Know /what?/ It's not that big a deal.

[19:13] *resumes collecting snacks*

[19:15] *absently wondering who his next conquest will be*

[19:15] Are we ready, then?

[19:16] I think so -- no wait. *leans over and kisses Ernst* Now we're ready.

[19:16] .... *happy smile* Alright. *puts everything on a tray!*

[19:17] *leans the way out there*

[19:18] *is just standing looking confused*

[19:18] *covering her face*

[19:18] *cheerfully* We have tea, cocoa, and snacks!

[19:19] Oh, Jesus, that sounds great. Have I met you?

[19:19] *sits and smiles*

[19:19] Ernst Robel!

[19:20] What took you so long?

[19:20] *blushes  faintly and sips his cocoa* Nothing.
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