(no subject)

Nov 15, 2006 16:38

Because Maja asked for it:

[17:53] Ariel: *wanders in, having gotten over his hangover (and washed the chocolate sauce out of his hair)*

[17:54] Lucy: *wanders in a bit after him*
[17:55] Lucy: *and, we know the drill-- miniskirt and all that*

[17:56] Ariel: *oh shiny, still 'his' Lucy* *goes over and gives her a kiss on the cheek* Morning, babe. Or whatever time it is.

[17:58] Lucy: *^_^* Hi, baby. How're you?

[17:58] Ariel: I'm alright, I was kind of hung over this morning, though. How're you doing?

[18:00] Lucy: Aww. *pets* Do I need to take care of you?

[18:02] Ariel: *laughs* Nah, I'm fine. I was feeling pretty shitty earlier, though, and I don't really remember much of last night.

[18:03] Lucy: *mock!pouts* Don't remember /anything/?

[18:03] Ariel: Aww, of course I remember /you/, gorgeous. *winks* But not much after. Like why I woke up with a bloody lip. *rubs it*

[18:07] Lucy: Good. Cause we had /quite/ a good time. --Ow. Looks a little painful. *kisses!*

[18:08] Ariel: *purr* Yes, we did. *kisses back* Doesn't hurt, I just don't remember getting it.
[18:12] Lucy: --Can't take credit for it, sorry, baby. *couchflops*

[18:13] Ariel: Oh well. *flops next to her* Doesn't matter, it'll come to me or it won't. *leans on*

[18:14] Lucy: *sits on* I can do better than that, anyway. *nuzzles*

[18:15] Ariel: *puts his arms around her* Oh really? *nuzzles back*

[20:15] Ariel: *still nuzzling a Lucy*

[20:16] Lucy: --Yes, baby, I really /could/ do better than that.

[20:19] Ariel: Do tell. *grins and nips her ear, just because he can*

[20:22] Lucy: It's not conversation for decent company. *grins and leans back into him*

[20:23] Ariel: *looks around* Company? What company? *snuggles*

[20:27] Lucy: *laughs and nuzzles* I don't know.

[20:28] Ariel: *nips at the tip of her nose* So why can't you tell me? *grin*

[20:33] Lucy: *shrugs* Guess I like being.... mysterious. *smirk*

[20:35] Ariel: *amusion* Fine, be that way. *kisses her cheek*

[20:39] Lucy: I will be. But that's why you love me. *necknuzzle*

[20:41] Ariel: *purr* You know it, beautiful.

[20:43] Lucy: --You're a sweetie, you know that? No one's ever complimented me so much before.

[20:45] Ariel: *laughs* Clearly they don't know a good thing when they see it. *also, just has this thing with affectionate pet names for people he likes*

[20:50] Lucy: Works out nicely, though. I get to feel pretty, and you get... /special treatment/. *kisses*

[20:51] Ariel: Oooou, 'special treatment.' *grins and kisses back*

[20:56] Lucy: Mmhmm. Chocolate therapy, maybe? *nuzzles his neck some more*

[20:59] Ariel: *purrr* I like the sound of /that/... *griiins*

[21:04] Lucy: Thought you would. *nuzzlesmore. cause it's fun :D*

[21:07] Ariel: *enjoys....spending time...with Lucy, and is a bit of a chocoholic, what's not to like?* *chuckles and nibbles her ear*

[21:15] Lucy: *hasn't slept with anyone else here, so obviously rather likes him* *makes a little pleased sound and snuggles up to him*

[21:19] Ariel: *has (and the pretty of Ariel snogging Denis made the universe explode), but /quite/ likes Lucy* *doesn't want to get too attached to her in case she changes back, but is kind of failing* *snuggles her close and kisses her hair*

[21:29] Lucy: *might possibly have a slight crush, which is weird for her because she's trained herself not to. it apparently makes things easier.* *snuggles and kisses his cheek* Aww, baby, why do you have to be so sweet?

[21:33] Ariel: *definately has at least a slight crush, but he's trying to deny it in case she changes back* *nuzzles* You make that sound like a bad thing, babe.

[21:41] Lucy: *denial is bad! Lucy's not even in it! she's just... ignoring it, because Lucys don't make the first move* *nuzzles back* It's not. You're just... different than everyone else I know.

[21:44] Ariel: *is afraid to admit it and have her change back* *snuggles* Is that a good thing? *kisses her cheek*

[21:47] Lucy: It is! *snuggles back* Most guys don't give a crap about my feelings.

[21:48] Ariel: Aww. *squeezes tight* I know how that is.

[21:52] Lucy: It sucks. Ever since Juliard, I can't do anything right.

[21:52] Ariel: You got into Juliard? *can't quite hide the longing and envy*

[21:53] Lucy: Yeah. Ballet scholarship and everything.

[21:54] Ariel: Wow. Once upon a time I'd planned to go to Juliard for the same thing. *sad smile* So, what happened?

[22:03] Lucy: *snuggles* Well, once upon a time /I/ was a good girl who was a ballerina and got a scholarship into that hell hole. *and loved every minute of it, but shh* Mommy and Daddy dearest didn't like that too much. No, I was supposed to make a /real/ living. But it didn't matter, really, cause I had a free ride through. Til I broke my fucking leg in the middle of a performance and couldn't dance.

[22:08] Ariel: *wince* I'm sorry, babe. *hugs tight* At least you got that far, huh? My parents didn't like me dancing either, having a son who wanted to dance ballet was a disgrace to my father. Never had real training, couldn't afford it and my parents wouldn't help. Cheap lessons at school were nowhere near enough to get into Juliard, or anywhere else for that matter.

[22:12] Lucy: *snuggles more* Yeah. Lost my scholarship, and hell if my parents were about to help me out. That's when I started my /other/ kind of dancing to try to pay my way through. I learned pretty fast that that doesn't pay for Juliard. So I had to drop out.

[22:16] Ariel: *holds tight* I started after highschool, I wasn't welcome at home and I couldn't even get an audition most places. So I ended up poledancing in a second-hand costume at a third-rate dive.

[22:18] Lucy: *kisses his cheek* Life sucks, sometimes. You think you're gonna dance for a living, and you sure as hell do. But... not how you ever thought you would.

[22:23] Ariel: *sighs and nuzzles her neck* Yeah. I miss it, though, the little bit of ballet I got to do in highschool, don't know what I would've done without my instructor.

[22:30] Lucy: *tilts her head a bit to give him more room* I wish I could be a teacher. Doubt they'd let me teach little kids how to dance, now, though.

[22:32] Ariel: *nibbles* So move far away from the city, tell them you've been waiting tables or something since leaving Juliard. Or stick around here and teach, maybe they wouldn't care much.

[22:37] Lucy: *ee, happy sound* --Think I'll stay here for a while. Wouldn't wanna leave you all alone, baby.

[22:38] Ariel: Good. *kisses her neck* I wouldn't like it if you did. *snuggle*

[22:42] Lucy: *very sekkritly goes "eee!"* --Aww, baby, you care!

[22:43] Ariel: *snuggles* Of course I care, beautiful. Life's far less interesting with you around. *grins*

[22:50] Lucy: *curls up against him* You're doing terrible things to my ego. *laughs*

[22:53] Ariel: *laughs too* You deserve it, babe. *kisses her cheek and puts his chin on her shoulder*

[22:57] Lucy: *auugh, crushes are pesky little things* Now I'm gonna walk around thinking I'm the most gorgeous and interesting person in the world.

[22:59] Ariel: Good. Cause you are. *^______^* *snugglelove*

[23:05] Lucy: *looks honestly surprised* You really think that?

[23:06] Ariel: Mmhmm. *nuzzles* Would I lie to you?

[23:09] Lucy: --I hope not.

[23:10] Ariel: I'd never lie to you, babe. *kisscheek*

[23:14] Lucy: *snugglekiss* Thanks. That-- means a lot.

[23:19] Ariel: *kissback* Anything for you, sweets. *snugs*

[23:23] Lucy: Watch it, baby. You could make a girl fall in love.

[23:25] Ariel: *nuzzles* ......Is that such a bad thing?

[23:30] Lucy: It's nice in theory.

[23:33] Draco: *walks in and the typist doesn't know who is where... so may look suspiciously at anybody who is in the main room*

[23:34] Ariel: Yeah, well, everything's harder in practice. *hasn't had much luck with romance either, butsekritly;_;*
[23:34] Ariel: *is snuggling Lucy in the main room*

[23:35] Draco: *eyes them and sits down with his notes, writing things down*

[23:36] Ariel: *eyes Draco with a "get away from us" glare*

[23:40] Lucy: --It's damn near impossible in practice.

[23:43] Ariel: I suppose. I've never had any luck with hit, either. *nuzzle* *notdisappointednotdisappointed...*

[23:46] Lucy: --Then again, I don't get many nice guys wanting to date me, so I wouldn't really know, would I? *nuzzles back*

[23:49] Ariel: Do I qualify as a nice guy?

[23:51] Lucy: *not quite catching on yet* I told you. You're a sweetie. *kisses his cheek*

[23:52] Ariel: *doesn't want to say it in case she doesn't cause he'd be crushed* Thanks, babe. *hugs*

[23:54] Lucy: Welcome. Why d'you ask, baby?

[23:56] Ariel: No reason, gorgeous.

[00:01] Lucy: 'Kay. *kisses him again* Too bad they're not all like you. Maybe I wouldn't be so cynical now.

[00:04] Ariel: *kisses back* Eeeh, romance is overrated anyway. *puts his chin on her shoulder*

[00:11] Lucy: *slightly embarassed smile* Maybe, but... it'd still be nice. I mean, I wouldn't be a /girl/ if I didn't want to be in love.

[00:12] Ariel: Well, I hope that one day you are. *kisses her cheek*

[00:16] Lucy: What about you, baby? What do you think about love?

[00:18] Ariel: It's something I've always had rotten luck with. Never been able to get it right. *and apparently won't be starting now*

[00:21] Lucy: Aww. I'm sorry, baby. *LucysdontmakethefirstmoveLucysdon'tmakethefirstmove*

[00:22] Ariel: Yeah, well, it's all over and done with. *imagine being in a relationship with a 'real' version of Sycorax*

[00:25] Lucy: *snuggles* You need to fix your bad luck.

[00:28] Ariel: Yeah, I guess. No clue how, though.

[00:29] Lucy: *this is Lucy's "boys are frustrating, see why I don't want to get involved with them/TAKE THE HINT, BOY!" face*

[00:30] Ariel: *this is Ariel's confused face* ..What?

[00:33] Lucy: *thinks about saying something, but then decides against it* ... *snogs him*

[00:34] Ariel: *snogs back!* *isn't sure if that's an answer but likes it anyway*

[00:36] Lucy: *it is an answer, silly boy!* *gets quite involved in the snogging*

[00:38] Ariel: *doesn't want to assume, though! feels like he'd screw everything up if he did* *is very into the snogging, though*

[00:41] Lucy: *--because they don't already act like they're dating XD* *is going to have to say something, isn't she? oh well. snogging comes first.*

[00:43] Ariel: *XD Ya rly* *probably, yes. He feels like he all but said it and she didn't respond, so* *and yes, we /like/ the snogging*

[00:46] Lucy: *pulls away eventually and snuggles*

[00:48] Ariel: Mmm. *holds her close and snuggles*

[00:50] Lucy: *looks up at him* --Baby?

[00:52] Ariel: *nuzzles* Yeah, babe?

[00:55] Lucy: --Are we a thing, d'you think? I mean... could we be, ever?

[00:58] Ariel: ....Maybe. Do you want to be? *hopeful*

[01:00] Lucy: I-- yeah. Do you?

[01:02] Ariel: ... *slow smile* Yeah.

[01:02] Lucy: --Really?

[01:03] Ariel: *nods* Really. ...You sure?

[01:07] Lucy: *nodnodnod*

[01:07] Ariel: *doesn't need flirty pretties, has a /Lucy/ :D :D :D* */grins/* Good. *kisses*

[01:15] Lucy: *kisses back. not ^__^-ing. of course not.*

[01:16] Ariel: *is ^____^-ing, too* *snuggles girlfriend, yay*

[01:19] Lucy: *eee, being snuggled by a boyfriend!* This is-- I'm not used to this.

[01:21] Ariel: ...I'm not really, either. *amused grin* *has had two serious relationships, one of which is better unremembered and the other was Complicated* I like it, though. *kisses her hair ^_______________^*

[01:25] Lucy: So do I. You're the only guy who's never treated me like crap.

[01:27] Ariel: Aww, babe, you deserve so much better than that. *nuzzlekiss*

[01:30] Lucy: *kisses back ^_^* I think you're better than that.

[01:31] Ariel: *cocky grin* I try. *snuggle*

[01:34] Lucy: *snugglesclose ^_^*

[01:34] Ariel: *nuzzles and pets her hair ^______^*

[01:40] Lucy: *curls up against his chest* --Baby?

[01:40] Ariel: Yeah, gorgeous?

[01:42] Lucy: Are you happy about this?

[01:43] Ariel: */grins/* Very. *kisses her nose*

[01:45] Lucy: *smiles* Yeah?

[01:46] Ariel: Yeah. *snugglekiss*

[01:49] Lucy: When did you decide you wanted it like this?

[01:51] Ariel: *thinks* ...I don't know. The more time I spent with you the better idea it seemed. *hug*

[01:54] Lucy: *hugs back, nuzzling his neck* I had the idea in the back of my mind, but I never thought--

[01:56] Ariel: *purr* Yeah, well, most people wouldn't exactly consider me prime boyfriend material.

[01:57] Lucy: *grins* Should I be worried?

[01:58] Ariel: *laughs* I don't think so. *kisses her cheek*

[02:01] Lucy: Promise?

[02:02] Ariel: Promise. *nuzzle* Besides, the biggest objection people usually have is what I do for a living, and I haven't heard you complain about /that/. *grin*

[02:06] Lucy: *kisses* I don't mind that, baby. --Don't think it matters much here, anyway.

[02:07] Ariel: *kissback* No call here for it, and it's not like there's rent to pay. *shrugs* I could get used to this. *grins*

[02:11] Lucy: --You've got wonderful company, if I do say so myself.

[02:12] Ariel: *grins* Yes, the company is absolutely charming. *kisses her hand gallantly*

[02:13] Lestat: *enters the room, with a spring in his step*

[02:13] Lucy: *kisses him again* You love her. *laughs*

[02:14] Ariel: *would undoubtedly greet Lestat were he paying any attention to the rest of his room* *grins at Lucy* I believe I do. *kissesback*

[02:16] Lucy: --/Do/ you?

[02:18] Ariel: *gives her a deep kiss and leans his forehead against hers* I do.

[02:24] Lucy: That-- wow.

[02:24] Ariel: *gives her a peck on the nose and winks*

[02:26] Lucy: I-- wow. No one's ever said that and meant it.

[02:28] Ariel: I'm sorry to hear that, babe. *snuggle*

[02:31] Lucy: So you... you mean it? *cannot comprehend*

[02:35] Ariel: I told you I wouldn't lie to you, babe.

[02:37] Lucy: *kisses his cheek* Why /me/? *still with the comprehension issues*

[02:46] Ariel: Because.... *pauses to collect his thoughts* You're...beautiful, you're kind, you...treat me like a human being, like your equal...you're smart, you're a /fantastic/ kisser... *winks*

[02:48] Lucy: --Aww, baby, I... *kisses*

[02:48] Ariel: *kisses back and holds tight*

[02:50] Lucy: *kisses his cheek and finally stands up* I'm going to bed, baby,

[02:50] Ariel: Can I join you?

[02:51] Lucy: --You have to /ask/?

[02:52] Ariel: *grins and stands so he can kiss her cheek* I thought it would be polite to ask.

[02:53] Lucy: *laughs* Doesn't matter. Let's go. *^_^*

[02:54] Ariel: *grins and hooks his arm around her waist* Alright, then. *feels like the luckiest guy in the world*

[02:55] Lucy: *aaaand off they go?*

[02:55] Ariel: *off they go! :D*

lucy westenra, ariel, crackplot!

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