Topsy has two daddies.

Nov 09, 2006 20:35

This is the first time in a long time that an RP has kept me up till 4am. ^_^

[23:38] Topsy: *Ooooo, couches.*
[23:38] Topsy: *starts bouncing*
[23:40] Topsy: *stops bouncing and pulls up one of the cushions*
[23:42] Topsy: *she finds the zipper at one end and unzips it, then starts to pull out the fluff*
[23:43] Topsy: *It takes a bit of experimenting before she discovers how the zipper works /self-correction:*
[23:44] Topsy: *keeps pulling out the stuffing*
[23:44] Topsy: *until it's empty*
[23:44] * lurking is now known as Dickon
[23:45] Topsy: *Then she starts on the other cushion*
[23:45] Dickon: *wanders in, accompanied by the usual menagerie*
[23:46] Topsy: *Doesn't notice him and sticks her head in the now-empty cushion*
[23:46] Dickon: *Nut and Shell instantly run into the pile of fluff because ooh, fun*
[23:46] Topsy: Oooo, i's night-time! *she giggles and falls over*
[23:47] Dickon: *amusion* 'T looks like it was snowin' inside!
[23:48] Topsy: *Topsy quickly whips the cushion-outside off her head, horrified at being caught* SORRY!
[23:49] * lurkmasterlurky has joined #desperatefans
[23:49] Dickon: *laugh* 'S alrigh', Nut an' Shell seem t' like it well ennow. Migh' make it hard t' sit on th' couch, tho'.
[23:51] Dickon: *if at any time a translation is needed, please don't hesitate to ask. XD*
[23:51] Topsy: *She notices the squirrels and stares at them.*
[23:51] Topsy: *I understand, it's cool*
[23:51] Dickon: Nut and Shell: *chase each other through the fluff* *Nut hides in one of the empty cushions*
[23:53] Topsy: *peers inside* Whassis?
[23:54] Dickon: *grins* Tha's Nut! An' this's 'is friend, Shell. *Nut races out of the bag and behind her*
[23:56] Topsy: *She stares at them both, back and forth* Why's dey inside?
[23:58] Dickon: They're m' friends! The' like t' follow me, so does Captain, 'ere. *scoops up the little fox from by his feet and scritches his ears*
[00:02] Topsy: *She stares*
[00:03] Topsy: Is they pets like dogs 'r cats?
[00:05] Topsy: *Topsy has removed the stuffing from the couch cushions*
[00:06] Dickon: No, they're m' friends. Captain was jus' a li'l thing when I found 'im 'alf drowned, Nut an' Shell was orphaned.
[00:06] Dickon: I 'elped raise'm, an' they like me.
[00:08] Topsy: ...Really?
[00:08] Topsy: I ain't got no-un's likes me, 'cuz I'se so wicked.
[00:10] Dickon: *looks at her for a moment* I don' think tha's wicked. Tina liked thee, dos't tha' remember? *smiles at her* I figure tha' cans't be too wicked if th' animals like thee.
[00:11] Topsy: *wrinkles her nose* Well, I reckons there's some more wicked 'n me.
[00:11] Topsy: *Has taken all the stuffing out of the couch cushions, BTW*
[00:12] Topsy: *Or one couch, anyway*
[00:12] Dickon: *and mind the squirrels playing chase in the fluff* *grins* I reckon tha'rt right 'bout tha'. Come, woulds't tha' like t' meet Captain?
[00:13] Topsy: *eers* Duz 'e bite?
[00:14] Topsy: *once again, has taken fluff out of couch cushions*
[00:14] Dickon: *and the squirrels running around. and the fox in Dickon's lap* No, 'e doesn' bite. *gestures her over* 'E likes 'is ears scratched.
[00:16] Topsy: *walks over cautiously, and hesitantly scratches the fox's ears*
[00:19] Dickon: *Captain watches her warily as she comes over and sniffs at her hand, then leans into the scritches happily* *Dickon smiles* Jus' like tha'. See? Th' animals like thee.
[00:21] Topsy: Do they?
[00:21] Adrian: *ignore the blushyness, it means nothing. NOTHING.*
[00:22] Dickon: Oh aye. See 'ow 'appy Captain is?
[00:24] Topsy: *she keeps scratching* ...Isse?
[00:27] Dickon: Aye. See? 'E's smilin'.
[00:28] Topsy: How can y'tell?
[00:29] Dickon: Look at 'is face. Animals c'n smile jus' as much as folks if the' wan' to.
[00:30] Topsy: Ain't smilin' like people.
[00:32] Dickon: No, bu' tha' doesn' mean they can't
[00:33] Topsy: So, how d'ya tell when they's smilin'?
[00:35] Dickon: 'Cause I known 'im so long. When tha'rt friends wi' an animal, you get t' know their ways.
[00:36] Topsy: Oh. *she keeps scratching*
[00:38] Dickon: *Captain yawns and curls up into a little ball on Dickon's lap with his nose in his tail*
[00:39] Topsy: *stops scratching and just looks* He's kinda nice, I thinks.
[00:41] Dickon: *smiles* Aye, tha' 'e is. Looks like 'e thinks tha'rt nice, too.
[00:41] Topsy: ....Oh.
[00:43] Dickon: Wha's wrong?
[00:44] Topsy: Ain't nobody liked me b'fore. 'Cept maybe Miss Eva.
[00:46] Dickon: Well I like thee, an' Tina likes thee. I 'spect tha' Nut an' Shell'd like thee if they'd stop chasing long ennow t' meet thee.
[00:46] Topsy: Why d'you like me? I's wicked an' black.
[00:49] Dickon: I don' think tha'rt very wicked at all. *doesn't see the significance of her skin color so just doesn't say anything about it*
[00:50] Topsy: Oh, I is wicked. I steals an' lies an' disobeys. I'se sooo wicked.
[00:51] Dickon: Why dos't tha' steal?
[00:52] Topsy: Well, well I likes nice things. And I ain't got none a my own.
[00:52] Topsy: Pretty things.
[00:52] Dickon: Why don' tha' buy them?
[00:53] Topsy: I don' gots no money.
[00:54] Dickon: Ah. *nods* Lots o' times we don' 'ave much money, either.
[00:54] Dickon: I don' think tha' should steal, tho'.
[00:54] Topsy: ...I'se wicked, though.
[00:55] Topsy: *nodnod*
[00:56] Dickon: I don' think th' animals would like thee if tha' were really wicked.
[00:58] Topsy: If I wasn't wicked, I wou'dn't lie an' steal an' sich.
[01:02] Dickon: Tha' could be good if tha' wanted. Tha' don' need t' steal 'ere, things belong t' everyone.
[01:02] Topsy: Naw. Naw, I reck'n I couldn't be good, not ev'r.
[01:03] Dickon: Tha' will na' know if tha' does na' try.
[01:04] Topsy: *crinkles her nose* Don' see no point.
[01:07] Dickon: Well, I would na' like 't see thee get in trouble.
[01:09] Topsy: *shrugs*
[01:13] Dickon: Tha' still does na' need t' steal 'ere. *is a bit confused by Topsy*
[01:14] Lestat: *finds his favourite couch and sprawls on it*
[01:15] Topsy: *have we mentioned that Topsy took the stuffing out of the cushions?*
[01:15] Louis: *wanders in and sits next to him -- doesn't sprawl*
[01:15] Dickon: *and there's two squirrels playing chase in the fluff* *and a sleepy fox on Dickon's lap*
[01:15] Topsy: Well, maybe I won't. But I'se so wicked, I don' know.
[01:15] Louis: ....*and hey, lack of poofy couches*
[01:15] Lestat: *sighs when he realizes the fluff is out of his couch*
[01:16] Topsy: *really, I think she steals in an attempt to exert control over something*
[01:16] Lestat: Whoever took the cushion out of my cushions, I'm going to kill you.
[01:16] Lestat: *yawns*
[01:16] Lestat: *sees Louis*
[01:16] Lestat: Bonsoir, ange.
[01:16] Topsy: *hides in one of the cushion-outsides*
[01:16] David: *sits on a hard chair in the corner*
[01:16] David: *is writing what looks like a diary*
[01:17] Louis: Bonsoir. --Try not to kill any small children, would you?
[01:17] Dickon: *eyes the vampires, doesn't know what they are but does know they're not normal* *Nut runs up Topsy's leg and into the empty cushion to see what she's doing in there*
[01:17] Lestat: ... small children? Where?
[01:17] Lestat: *looks around*
[01:17] Topsy: *she wriggles-it tickles*
[01:18] Lestat: *sees Dickon*
[01:18] Lestat: *smiles* Bonsoir.
[01:18] Louis: ...In the cushion covering, I believe.
[01:18] Lestat: Louis, how are you? *sits up a bit to lean on him*
[01:18] Dickon: *Nut chitters at her*
[01:19] Topsy: *she makes a "shush" gesture with her finger*
[01:19] Louis: *scoots closer* As well as ever.
[01:20] Lestat: *wraps an arm around his shoulder and sighs*
[01:20] Lestat: That bad?
[01:20] Lestat: *chuckles*
[01:21] Louis: Oh, it's a bit better now.
[01:21] Dickon: *Nut cocks his head confusedly and chitters again*
[01:21] Lestat: *smiles* Oui? Pourquoi?
[01:22] Lestat: *appreciating the distraction right now*
[01:22] Lestat: *notices David*
[01:22] Topsy: *makes the gesture again, and says silently* Shh.
[01:22] Topsy: *Er, quietly*
[01:22] Lestat: David, what are you writing over there?
[01:22] Louis: Perhaps it's the company.
[01:22] Lestat: *suspects there's another child in the room, but doesn't know where they are*
[01:22] Lestat: *grins to himself*
[01:22] Dickon: *Nut scampers out of the cushion cover and up the outside to sit on her head* *is king of all he surveys!*
[01:23] David: *looks up* Hmm what? Oh, nothing you need worry about. *hides the book in a drawer*
[01:23] Lestat: *cocks an eyebrow* Bien, okay. I wasn't going to pry. Just curious.
[01:23] David: *smiles* As ever.
[01:23] Lestat: *says a little loudly* I'm a teeeeeerrrible terrible child-eating monster.
[01:24] Louis: *drily* The boogieman, is it?
[01:24] Lestat: But if they run very quickly past me? I can't see them at aaaaall, it's too bad...
[01:24] Lestat: *smirks* I like children.
[01:24] Lestat: *sticks his tongue out at David*
[01:25] Topsy: *is trying to stay verrry still*
[01:25] Dickon: *doesn't /really/ belive him, but knows that there's something not /right/ about him* *shifts just a little so he's more between Topsy and Lestat*
[01:25] Louis: *probably snuggling Lestat a bit* --Yes, I know you do.
[01:25] David: *raised an eyebrow* Such manners *winks*
[01:26] Lestat: *grins incorrigibly* I'm a French aristocrat, not a British one. *laughs*
[01:26] Lestat: *snuggles into Louis automatically*
[01:26] Lestat: *sighs*
[01:26] Lestat: What are you thinking, my Louis?
[01:26] David: Indeed.
[01:27] Louis: Mm? Nothing.
[01:27] Lestat: ... And how are you this evening, David? *bites his lip*
[01:27] Lestat: Rien? I don't believe that for a second. *takes Louis' arm and wraps it around himself comfortably*
[01:28] Topsy: *her nose starts itching*
[01:28] David: I am just fine. Have been exploring the library, was rather pleasant. *is being a bit distant*
[01:28] Dickon: *Shell follows his brother up to Topsy's head and they chitter at each other*
[01:28] Louis: *no complaints here!* --Yes, well, I doubt you'd like to hear it.
[01:29] Lestat: *frowns at David* Bien, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.
[01:29] Lestat: ...
[01:29] Lestat: Will you come and sit with me?
[01:30] Lestat: *smiles at Louis* Of course I would.
[01:30] Topsy: *sneezes*
[01:30] David: Indeed. *moves to sit next to, but not too close to, Lestat*
[01:30] Lestat: *grinning* Is that a little person sneeze I hear? *does an exaggerated 'Bwah ha ha ha'*
[01:30] Dickon: *Nut and Shell squeak in surprise and scamper back down*
[01:31] Lestat: *frowning at David again*
[01:31] Lestat: Ange...
[01:31] Topsy: *panicking now*
[01:32] David: Yes?
[01:32] Lestat: Qu'est-ce que c'est le probleme ici? [What is the problem here?]
[01:32] Louis: *just snuggles, looking thoughtful*
[01:33] Lestat: *hates that this is the THIRD time he's gotten this 'off' feeling in a row*
[01:33] Lestat: *with yet -another- person*
[01:34] David: None at all. [and we will pretend that was in french XD] *pats his hand*
[01:34] Dickon: *leans closer to her and whispers very quietly so not to frighten her (or attract Lestat's attention* 'S alrigh', 'e's jus' joking.
[01:34] Lestat: *whispers* I am...
[01:35] Lestat: *looks at David confusedly* Bien, whatever you say.
[01:35] Lestat: *tries to shake it off*
[01:35] David: *gives his hand a squeeze* I mean it, there isn't. *warm smile*
[01:36] Lestat: *nods and smiles* I'm glad.
[01:36] Lestat: Forgive me love... I just seem to have the recent habit of getting into arguments lately...
[01:36] Lestat: It's put me a bit on edge now.
[01:36] Topsy: *not sure she believes him*
[01:36] Lestat: *looks around warily for Nicki*
[01:36] David: *looks at him* The pocketwatch suits your outfit. *winks*
[01:36] Lestat: *okay, is -half- joking XD*
[01:37] David: *hand squeeze* Relax darling.
[01:37] Dickon: *is Dickon, is not capable of lying*
[01:37] Lestat: *grins and takes it out of his pocket, the chain newly polished*
[01:37] Lestat: It rather goes with everything, doesn't it? *pleased*
[01:37] Topsy: *stays still very much*
[01:37] David: It does. Quite completes an outfit.
[01:37] Lestat: *squeezes his hand back*
[01:37] Lestat: I can't help it.
[01:38] Lestat: If you had a Nicki furious with you.... you'd hide too *half-grins*
[01:38] David: *small smile* perhaps so. He means well though, you know that.
[01:39] Lestat: *screws up his face*
[01:39] Lestat: He loves me, that I know.
[01:39] Lestat: Beyond that... I don't want to think about it right now.
[01:40] Lestat: It's the same thing, hashed over, and I'm tired of it.
[01:40] David: Well there you go, how could love be meant in an ill manner?
[01:40] David: *jokingly* Poor you
[01:40] Lestat: *smiles ruefully* If you had to deal with him, you'd understand.
[01:41] Lestat: It's a volatile relationship.
[01:41] Dickon: *Nut and Shell sneak back under the cushion cover and chitter at Topsy*
[01:41] Lestat: Ultimately destructive, I've begun to believe.
[01:41] Lestat: David love, why are we still talking about it? *laughs*
[01:41] David: *puts his hands up* well I freely admit I haven't had to.
[01:41] David: *laughs* I have no idea.
[01:42] Lestat: Come and sit closer to me then s:since my Louis poofed on me :( /s:
[01:42] David: You're looking very well dressed tonight, any specific reason? Not that you are ever one to be casual.
[01:42] David: *moves closer and takes his hand*
[01:42] Lestat: *shrugs and smiles*
[01:42] Lestat: *interlaces their fingers*
[01:42] Lestat: *rests his head on David's shoulder*
[01:43] David: *kisses his forehead*
[01:43] Lestat: I wanted to show off the watch from its best angle, that's all. And it shines -so- well against silk.
[01:43] Lestat: *leans into the kiss and sighs*
[01:44] Topsy: *is finding it rather crowded so carefully sneaks out of the cover*
[01:44] David: *smiles at that* It really does. It suits you well.
[01:45] Lestat: *smiles* I suppose I have you to thank, don't I?
[01:45] Dickon: *smiles at her* Art tha' alrigh'?
[01:45] Topsy: I don't wan' him t'eat me.
[01:46] Lestat: *smacking his lips dramatically* I'm much too full to eat any children at the moment, as I ate two already today...
[01:46] Lestat: *tries not to laugh*
[01:46] David: I suppose you do.
[01:46] Lestat: *leans in to kiss him softly*
[01:46] Dickon: 'E's jus' sayin' tha' cause 'e knows it scares thee.
[01:46] David: *chuckles* You're going to terrify the poor things.
[01:47] Lestat: I know, isn't it lovely? *chuckles with him*
[01:47] Lestat: I don't eat skinny children though.
[01:48] Lestat: I only eat nice, plump little boys and girls.
[01:48] David: *eyebrow raise* Which children /do/ you eat?
[01:48] Topsy: *is pretty terrified anyway*
[01:48] Topsy: I'se awful wicked, 'spect I don' taste good.
[01:48] Dickon: ...Come, woulds't tha' like t' go see Tina? *the lamb*
[01:48] Lestat: *laughs* None at all.
[01:48] Lestat: *hears Topsy*
[01:48] David: *to the children* I wouldn't worry, he is all mouth.
[01:49] Lestat: And I -definitely- don't eat wicked children.
[01:49] Lestat: They don't taste as nice as good children do.
[01:49] Topsy: ...Good.
[01:49] Dickon: I don' think tha' eats children at all.
[01:49] David: *gives him a light prod*
[01:49] Lestat: Hmmm?
[01:50] Lestat: *smiles at Dickon* You're an intuitive young man.
[01:50] Lestat: You're right, I don't. *smiles, covering his fangs*
[01:50] David: Ahh, a clever little child.
[01:50] Topsy: *wrinkles her brow*
[01:50] Lestat: Isn't he? *smiles fondly*
[01:50] David: Very much so.
[01:50] Topsy: Then why'd y'say y'did?
[01:51] Lestat: *grins* Because I'm wicked! And it was fun.
[01:51] David: I /suppose/ if you were very hungry though *eye glints*
[01:51] Topsy: *wide eyes* OH.
[01:51] Lestat: *shakes his head* Not even then. I'm done with children in that way *thinks of Claudia and smiles sadly*
[01:52] Lestat: *nods to Topsy* Yes.
[01:52] Lestat: I'm a very wicked creature, but I'm a nice one too.
[01:52] Dickon: 'E was jus' tryin' t' scare thee.
[01:52] Topsy: ...Is you as wicked as me?
[01:52] Lestat: Probably wickeder
[01:52] David: I didn't quite mean to that extent love. *squeezes his hand*
[01:52] Lestat: I've had a lot more time to be wicked than you.
[01:52] Topsy: Oh,
[01:52] Lestat: *squeezes back and kisses his cheek*
[01:53] Topsy: *tilts her head*
[01:53] Lestat: *tilts his head in return*
[01:54] Mary: *is here! and is MARY LENNOX*
[01:54] Topsy: *there is no filling in the couch cushions because Topsy took it out*
[01:54] Lestat: *sees another little girl and smiles* Bonsoir, little miss.
[01:54] Dickon: *sees her and grins* Ay-up! 'Ello there, Mary!
[01:54] Lestat: *which is making Lestat's bum uncomfortable*
[01:54] Topsy: *looks at her*
[01:55] Dickon: *aww, poor Lestat. XD /typist*
[01:55] Lestat: *would sit on David's lap, but suddenly feels it is in appropriate XD*
[01:55] David: *not appropriate at all... not that he would mind XD*
[01:56] Lestat: *why Lestat cares at all is left for someone else to figure out :D*
[01:56] Dickon: *oh aye, Dickon is probably the oldest of the three, I think he's twelve*
[01:56] Mary: Ay-up! 'Ello there, Dickon.
[01:57] David: *to the children* Where are your parents?
[01:57] Mary: *and a little more sedately, to Lestat* Hello.
[01:57] Topsy: I ain't got no parents.
[01:57] Mary: Nor I.
[01:57] Lestat: *nods to Mary*
[01:57] Mary: They died of the cholera.
[01:57] Lestat: *frowns to hear this*
[01:57] Dickon: *Captain wakes up a little and barks hello at her, Nut and Shell are chasing each other through the fluff and getting themselves tangled in the cushion cover*
[01:57] Topsy: I ain't never had none.
[01:57] David: Oh dear, how awful.
[01:57] Lestat: But who takes care of you?
[01:57] David: Never?
[01:57] Mary: My Uncle Archibald is my guardian now.
[01:57] Dickon: I 'spect Mother's back at 'ome wi' th' others.
[01:58] Topsy: Nope. Wuz raised by a solicitor wit' a bunch of other chillun.
[01:58] Mary: *waves at the aminals*
[01:58] Lestat: *smiles in relief to Mary and Dickon* I'm glad to hear that for the both of you.
[01:58] David: And where are you all from?
[01:59] Topsy: I lives in N'Orleans.
[01:59] Dickon: Yorkshire, sir. *if tha' couldn'a tell from 'is speech*
[01:59] Lestat: *brightens* I used to live there!
[01:59] Mary: I live in Yorkshire now, sir. Before I lived in India.
[01:59] Topsy: Didja?
[01:59] Lestat: *nods*
[01:59] Lestat: Yes I did.
[01:59] David: Ahh, Yorkshire? There are some lovely places there.
[02:00] Lestat: Not anymore though. I live here now.
[02:00] Topsy: I thinks I might live here now, too. 'Cuz I ain't there.
[02:00] Dickon: *grins* Oh aye. 'Tis very beautiful.
[02:01] Lestat: *nods* That would make sense.
[02:01] David: I remember having a wonderful visit to Skipton once.
[02:01] David: *ahh memories*
[02:01] Lestat: You're a rather clever girl, aren't you? *smiles*
[02:01] Lestat: *plays with David's hand idly*
[02:02] Topsy: I don' know 'bout that. I'se good at 'memberin' things.
[02:02] David: *gives Lestat a warm loving look*
[02:03] Lestat: *returns the look and mouths 'I love you'*
[02:03] Lestat: Good at remembering things can mean you're clever, though.
[02:03] Dickon: *kind of wondering why the strange men are so snuggly*
[02:03] David: *does what would be a blush if he weren't quite so dead*
[02:03] Lestat: *is not a topic he wants to educate them on XD*
[02:04] Topsy: ...Mebbe.
[02:04] Lestat: I think perhaps.
[02:04] Lestat: I also think maybe you're not quite as wicked as you say you are. *nods wisely*
[02:05] Topsy: *is actually pretty clever, especially at getting revenge in such a way that she has an alibi*
[02:05] Topsy: Well, ev'ryun says I'se wicked. Well, 'fore I came here.
[02:05] Lestat: And when you came here, what happened?
[02:05] Dickon: Th' animals wouldn'a like thee if tha' was wicked. *wisenod*
[02:06] Topsy: I tells people I'se wicked an' they says I ain't.
[02:06] Lestat: Hmmm, that's tricky then, isn't it?
[02:06] Mary: Perhaps that is because you aren't.
[02:06] Lestat: Where the people in New Orleans nice to you?
[02:07] Topsy: ....I 'spect so.
[02:07] Topsy: Miss Eva's real nice.
[02:07] Lestat: They gave you food, clothing... loved you?
[02:07] Topsy: *she shakes her head*
[02:07] Topsy: Well, I gots food. An' clothes.
[02:07] Lestat: *is strangely caring towards children...*
[02:08] David: *its cute -^.^-*
[02:08] Lestat: And here? How do people treat you here? The same as in your old home? Or better? Worse?
[02:08] Topsy: Well, dunno. They ain't hit me none.
[02:08] Lestat: *frowns* And they did in Orleans?
[02:09] Topsy: Miss Eva don' hit me, but she's li'l. An' Miss Feely tries, but she don' hit that hard, not as hard as my ol' Mas'r.
[02:09] Topsy: Or my ol' Missus.
[02:09] Lestat: *nods slightly... remembers when he and Louis had slaves...*
[02:10] Lestat: It's not good when people hit you.
[02:10] Topsy: Well, I'se wicked. 'S the only way.
[02:10] Lestat: I suppose they told you that because -they- were really the wicked ones.
[02:10] Lestat: Only wicked people hurt others.
[02:10] Topsy: ....
[02:10] David: *is watching Lestat with the kids and aww*
[02:11] David: Would you call me wicked?
[02:11] Lestat: ...
[02:11] Dickon: *Lestat, you just redemed youself with Dickon* 'E's righ', they're th' wicked ones if they 'urt thee.
[02:11] Lestat: I'd call myself wicked before I'd call you that...
[02:11] Topsy: No, I'se wicked.
[02:11] David: Indeed. But, would you?
[02:11] Topsy: I'se soooo wicked.
[02:11] Lestat: *shakes his head gently* No love, you're not.
[02:12] Topsy: I is! I steals an' lies an' don' work.
[02:12] Lestat: Doesn't matter.
[02:12] Lestat: You're not wicked.
[02:12] Lestat: You just haven't been loved.
[02:12] Dickon: I wouldn'a wan' 't work for folks tha' hurt me, either.
[02:12] Topsy: An' Miss Feely says ev'ryun's born wicked!
[02:12] David: Not even a little? *smiles*
[02:13] Lestat: No, we're not.
[02:13] Lestat: You can -become- wicked.
[02:13] Lestat: But you aren't born wicked.
[02:13] Topsy: Miss Feely says so.
[02:13] Dickon: I think tha's backwards. Folks's born good.
[02:13] Lestat: You have to do something to be that way.
[02:13] Lestat: Well I'll eat Miss Feely then.
[02:13] Lestat: *smiles wryly*
[02:13] Dickon: ..... *stares at Lestat*
[02:13] Lestat: Listen to Dickon.
[02:13] Topsy: *wrinkles her nose* She's prob'ly real tough.
[02:13] Lestat: He knows what he's talking about *nods*
[02:14] Lestat: *wrinkles his nose* She probably is. What do you think, I should just leave her alone?
[02:14] David: What would one need to do to become wicked in your eyes? (grins*
[02:14] Lestat: *looks at David* You're not wicked in the least. *smiles lovingly*
[02:14] Topsy: She try's an' be's nice. She's teachin' me t'read.
[02:14] Topsy: An' 'rite an' cat'chism.
[02:14] Lestat: Well -that's- not too ba.
[02:14] Lestat: *bad
[02:15] Dickon: Tha's nice o' her. *can't read or write too well*
[02:15] Lestat: *grins* I have a few ideas *arches an eyebrow*
[02:15] Topsy: *It should be noted that Miss Feely only punishes Topsy as much as she would punish any other child. Well, while trying not to touch her too much*
[02:16] David: And what might they be?
[02:16] Lestat: *so noted*
[02:16] Topsy: 'M jus' so at it.
[02:16] Lestat: *bites his lip and looks at David flirtatiously*
[02:16] Lestat: Learning takes time.
[02:16] Lestat: The more you learn, the better you get. *nods*
[02:17] Topsy: *shrugs* Din' never need t'read before.
[02:17] Lestat: Ah, but if you can read, then you can read storybooks.
[02:17] Dickon: *nods* Readin' hard. 'M not too good at it.
[02:17] Topsy: Whassa storybook?
[02:17] Lestat: It's a book filled with all sorts of stories.
[02:18] Topsy: ...Like the Bible? Tha's got stories.
[02:18] Lestat: Stories about monsters or fairies, far away places, wonderful adventures that people have.
[02:18] Lestat: Yes, like the Bible... only more fun *winks*
[02:18] Mary: Stories about princesses and kings and castles.
[02:18] Lestat: *smiles* Exactly.
[02:18] Topsy: Wha's those?
[02:18] Lestat: A castle is a big building.
[02:19] Topsy: Like this place?
[02:19] David: Why, Lestat here is a prince himself, aren't you love?
[02:19] Lestat: *chuckles* The Brat Prince.
[02:19] Lestat: Yes, luv, kind of like this place.
[02:19] Lestat: Only castles are all made out of stone.
[02:19] Topsy: ...Oh.
[02:20] Lestat: And have towers and flags and knights and things.
[02:20] Dickon: *kind of wonders why the men are calling each other Love*
[02:21] Mary: *and because she has less tact* Why are you calling each other Love?
[02:22] Topsy_: ...
[02:26] Topsy_: Whuts towers an' knights?
[02:27] Lestat: A tower is part of a building.
[02:27] Lestat: I live in a tower.
[02:27] Mary: *eyes Topsy curiously*
[02:27] Lestat: It's usually a bit taller, and it's round.
[02:27] Topsy_: ...Oh.
[02:27] Topsy_: Whut's knights, then?
[02:28] David: *eyebrow raise at Mary*
[02:28] Mary: Where do you come from? You are dark. Darker than the natives in India, even.
[02:28] Dickon: *listens interestedly for the answer to Mary's question*
[02:28] Topsy_: I'se from Kintuck!
[02:28] David: Well, its just a name we call each other. *fails*
[02:28] Lestat: Well... a King is a person who is in charge of the castle and the land around it.
[02:28] Lestat: A knight is a person who works for him.
[02:29] Lestat: Rescuing people and doing good deeds.
[02:29] Topsy: Oh. Solomon wuz a king.
[02:29] Dickon: Tha's wha' Mother used t' call Father, 'fore 'e died.
[02:29] Topsy: Why d'they do good deeds?
[02:29] Lestat: *smirks*
[02:29] Mary: Did your mother love your father very much, Dickon?
[02:30] Dickon: *nods* *an' they got something like twelve kids to show for it. XD*
[02:30] Lestat: *shrugs* It's a pet name.
[02:30] Mary: I suppose as much as Uncle Archie loved Aunt Lilias, before she died.
[02:30] Lestat: Like when someone calls you hun, or sweetie or darling.
[02:31] Lestat: 'Love' is just another name that I call him.
[02:31] Mary: I am called Mary Lennox.
[02:31] Mary: *does /not/ get it*
[02:31] Lestat: *squeezes his hand*
[02:31] Lestat: *figures as much*
[02:32] Dickon: *cocks his head a little, trying to reconcile the idea of his mum and dad, and these two guys using the same pet name*
[02:32] David: *quiety with a wink* Do you think they were convinced?
[02:32] Mary: Convinced of what?
[02:32] Lestat: *whispers* Not quite *chuckles*
[02:32] Lestat: *arches an eyebrows*
[02:32] Mary: *::{ TM*
[02:32] Topsy: *probably has a vague idea of what's going on, the little ex-bar-maid*
[02:32] Lestat: You're an attentive young miss. *smiles*
[02:32] David: *chuckles*
[02:33] Topsy: *Er, or general drudge really*
[02:33] Mary: When someone speaks, I listen.
[02:33] Lestat: That is good to know *nods*
[02:33] Lestat: I generally try to do the same.
[02:34] Mary: What is your name? I know nobody's name here, except for Dickon's, and Captain's and Nut's and Shell's.
[02:34] Lestat: I am Lestat, and he is David.
[02:34] Topsy: 'M Topsy.
[02:35] Dickon: *the squirrels scamper up Dickon and into his hair, chattering*
[02:35] Lestat: Lovely to meet you Topsy *smiles warmly*
[02:35] Mary: *primly* Pleased to meet you. I am Mary Lennox.
[02:35] Lestat: *nods* Mademoiselle.
[02:35] Topsy: *shrugs*
[02:35] David: Good evening Mary.
[02:36] Mary: Are there any gardens here?
[02:37] Dickon: *grins* Oh aye, nothin' as fine as yours, tho'.
[02:37] David: I believe so.
[02:37] Mary: *beams*
[02:37] Lestat: I haven't seen them during the daytime... I should go one of these days...
[02:37] Mary: I should like to see them, and perhaps plant my own flowers here.
[02:37] Topsy: *scratches her foot*
[02:38] Topsy: I like flowers.
[02:38] David: *glares at Lestat* during the daytime?
[02:38] Mary: *smiles at this* What sorts of flowers?
[02:39] Topsy: *shrugs* Flowers is all.
[02:39] Lestat: *shrugs* Why not? It shouldn't hurt me that badly anymore...
[02:39] Mary: Is all what?
[02:39] Dickon: *gives Lestat an odd look at that*
[02:39] Topsy: I jus' likes them, is all.
[02:40] David: It will hurt you enough. Lets not be getting up to those antics shall we?
[02:40] Topsy: Sun's warm. I likes it.
[02:41] Lestat: *rubs David's hand* You worry too much, ange.
[02:41] David: Only when you give me cause to. *scowls a little*
[02:42] Lestat: David...
[02:42] Lestat: *smiles apologetically*
[02:42] David: Lestat.
[02:42] David: Just.
[02:42] Lestat: No daytime adventures.
[02:42] David: Don't suggest such things ok?
[02:42] Lestat: *kisses his hand*
[02:42] Dickon: Aye, goin' out on th' moor, when th' sun's bright an' the sky's clear, there's nothin' finer. *grins*
[02:42] Lestat: Ok, I won't.
[02:42] Mary: I like all flowers, too. I like planting them and making them come alive,
[02:42] Mary: .*
[02:43] Topsy: Whassa moor?
[02:43] David: *smiles* Besides, do you really wish to get a 'tan'?
[02:43] Topsy: Whassa tan?
[02:44] Lestat: Why not? I could do with a change.
[02:44] Mary: You ask many questions.
[02:44] Lestat: It's when people want to make their skin darker.
[02:44] Topsy: ...WHY???
[02:44] Lestat: *gently* You're in a different time, luv, it's different now.
[02:44] Topsy: I 'spect it's 'cuz I's ig'nrant.
[02:44] Topsy: But, why?
[02:45] Lestat: Because a lot of people think that having darker skin makes them beautiful.
[02:45] Lestat: *winks at her*
[02:45] Topsy: No it don'.
[02:45] Lestat: Oh yes it does.
[02:45] David: How is it different?
[02:45] Lestat: ...
[02:45] Topsy: No it don', makes you ugly.
[02:46] Lestat: In your time perhaps, but here? Not at all.
[02:46] Mary: I am not terribly dark. I used to be very pale and sick all the time in India.
[02:46] Lestat: It just... it just is.
[02:46] David: *frowns*
[02:46] Topsy: *makes a face* Don' make sense.
[02:46] Lestat: Dark or light or anything.
[02:46] Lestat: Everyone's lovely.
[02:46] Lestat: You're just as lovely as you are blue.
[02:46] Lestat: *if you are
[02:46] Mary: Not I! I am very plain.
[02:47] Topsy: No, you ain't. I'se ugly.
[02:47] David: Not at all!
[02:47] Lestat: *smiles* You're both stunning.
[02:47] Mary: Mrs. Medlock and Ben Weatherstaff and all of the servants at Misselthwaite, they have said it. They say I am very plain.
[02:47] Mary: *appears to be very nonchalant about the whole thing*
[02:48] Topsy: I'se ugly. Rosa, Rosa's pretty. She knows it. She's got pretty things. An' she's r'al light.
[02:48] Lestat: I happen to disagree with you both.
[02:48] Lestat: I think you're both very pretty in your own ways.
[02:48] Mary: Mem Sahib was very pretty.
[02:49] Topsy: *shakes her head*
[02:49] David: In India?
[02:49] Mary: Yes.
[02:49] Mary: She wore dresses full of lace.
[02:50] David: Sounds marvelous. A wondrous place, India.
[02:50] Topsy: Lace is pretty.
[02:50] Lestat: I want to go to India
[02:50] Lestat: We should get you a dress made of it then!
[02:51] David: From India itself perhaps
[02:51] Topsy: Sometimes I steals it fr'm Miss Feely's dresses.
[02:51] Mary: I didn't like India. I was always ill and tired, and it was too hot.
[02:51] Lestat: If you had a dress of your own, you wouldn't need to steal, would you?
[02:51] David: You liked Yorkshire?
[02:52] Topsy: ...No. But then it'd be a dress an' not lace.
[02:52] Mary: Oh, yes. Yorkshire is my home now.
[02:52] Mary: The Garden is my home.
[02:52] Lestat: Aaaaah, you just want the lace itself?
[02:52] Lestat: I can get you some of your own.
[02:53] Topsy: ....
[02:53] Mary: If you owned a dress full of lace, would you go to all sorts of gay parties? That's where the Mem Sahib would always go.
[02:53] Lestat: Would you like that?
[02:53] Topsy: I dunno.
[02:53] Lestat: Should I perhaps go get some and then you can decide if you want it or not?
[02:54] Topsy: *shrug*
[02:54] David: *to Lestat* and you call yourself wicked. Look at you. *smiles*
[02:54] Lestat: *scoffs* I am wicked!
[02:54] Lestat: *smiles*
[02:55] Lestat: Alright then Topsy, I'll see if I can't find some lace for you.
[02:55] Lestat: *kisses David's hand and goes out to the plothole*
[02:55] Dickon: *grins* Tha' tries real hard t' make us think tha', anyway.
[02:55] Lestat: *turning around* I hope it's working *wink*
[02:55] Mary: You kissed his hand! That is hardly wicked.
[02:55] Dickon: *surprised blink at all the handkissing*
[02:56] David: *big smile*
[02:57] Mary: *gives Dickon a confused look*
[02:57] Topsy: Why d'you kiss th' hand? Tha's weird.
[02:57] Lestat: *comes back to the room, his hands full of bits and baubles; bits of lace, satin, silk, shiny buttons, strings, ribbons*
[02:58] Topsy: *wiiiide eyes*
[02:58] Lestat: *dumps it on the floor*
[02:58] Lestat: There.
[02:58] Lestat: Find something you like and it's yours.
[02:58] David: Its just an old fashioned custom, he's French.
[02:58] Topsy: *pounce*
[02:58] David: Well look at all this. Marvelous.
[02:58] Mary: French men kiss the hands of other French men? That I never knew.
[02:58] Lestat: Yes, we're strange like that *winks, takes up David's hand and kisses it again*
[02:58] Mary: .....
[02:58] Lestat: *nodwise* Yes. Yes we do.
[02:58] Topsy: *Starts examining everything*
[02:58] Lestat: *tries to suppress a laugh*
[02:59] Dickon: *Nut and Shell: OMGSHINYTHINGS!* *they race back down to the floor and start playing buttons and bits of ribbon*
[02:59] Lestat: *watches Topsy with interest*
[02:59] Mary: *giggles and also kneels to look at the stuff*
[02:59] Lestat: *looks to David* You know... I was a child once. *winks*
[02:59] Topsy: *starts making piles -- ribbons, strings, buttons, lace, etc.*
[03:00] Mary: *takes some lace into her hand and examines it, contemplatively*
[03:00] David: *smiles* Only, I'm not french. *winks at Lestat*
[03:00] Dickon: *is less interested, so just pets Captain's ears and watches the girls and the squirrels sort through the pile*
[03:00] David: *laughs* You were, were you.
[03:00] Lestat: Once upon a time.
[03:00] Lestat: Before there was electricity.
[03:01] Lestat: And dinosaurs roamed the earth.
[03:01] Mary: The Mem Sahib's dresses were even lighter than this. They were thin, and they floated like clouds all around her.
[03:01] David: *lets out a hearty laugh*
[03:01] David: Truly ancient arent we.
[03:02] Topsy: *starts to sort the pile of ribbons by color*
[03:02] Lestat: Ancient indeed *looks at him lovingly*
[03:02] Lestat: *looks over to Topsy* Found anything you liked, angel?
[03:02] Topsy: These's nicer'n Rosa's.
[03:02] David: *gently clasps Lestat's hand*
[03:02] Mary: *ties a ribbon aorund her waist and begins to tuck lace into it*
[03:03] David: I think you are enjoying this as much as they are my love.
[03:03] Topsy: *picks up a brass button and turns it back and forth so it shines*
[03:04] Dickon: *Shell boldly sneaks up behind Mary and steals a bit of the lace, while Nut tries to chew on a button*
[03:04] Topsy: *looks at Nut* 'S not food.
[03:04] Lestat: *says nothing, just smiles watching them... a deep sense of contentment filling him*
[03:04] Lestat: *squeezes David's hand*
[03:05] Mary: *twirls* I am the Mem Sahib! I will now attend all sorts of gay parties and the servants shall answer to my every whim and--oh! *to Shell* You have stolen a bit of my dress, you pig! You Son of a Pig!
[03:05] David: *whispers right into his ear* I'm glad to see you looking happier again.
[03:05] Dickon: *Nut is getting that impression, yes* *he abandons the button and chases Shell, who's running to hide from Mary*
[03:05] Lestat: *claps at Mary* You look just like a fancy lady.
[03:05] Lestat: You look lovely.
[03:05] Topsy: *stares at Mary* I duz that when Miss Feely ain't lookin'.
[03:06] Mary: *curtsies, blushing a little*
[03:06] Dickon: *chuckles at the girls* *Shell scampers up to hide on Dickon's head*
[03:06] Lestat: *quickly turns his head to kiss David's neck* I am.
[03:06] Lestat: Well now, Topsy-angel, you can do it when people are looking, with your own things. *smiles*
[03:06] Dickon: *blinks at the neckkissing*
[03:06] David: *kisses his cheek and smiles*
[03:07] Topsy: *figures that makes more sense than hand-kissing*
[03:07] Mary: Do all French men treat other French men as if they are their ladies?
[03:07] Lestat: Not all.
[03:07] Lestat: But some.
[03:07] Topsy: *she starts tying ribbons to the tails in her hair*
[03:07] Lestat: And I am one of them.
[03:07] Mary: I read a French fairytale, once.
[03:07] Lestat: Yes? What was it about?
[03:07] David: Just the English men? *winks*
[03:08] Dickon: 'E doesn' sound French. *referring to David* *takes Shell from his head and retrieves the bit of lace, which he holds out to Mary*
[03:08] Lestat: Especially Englishmen *grins*
[03:08] Mary: *waves it away* He may keep it. He shall be the Squirrel Sahib.
[03:09] Mary: It was called "Riquet a la Houppe", about a poor hunchback and a beautiful princess.
[03:09] Dickon: *laughs* *to Shell* Did tha' 'ear tha', lad? *pats Shell on the head and gives him back the lace before setting him down on the floor to be chased by Nut*
[03:10] Lestat: Topsy, you look very pretty.
[03:10] Topsy: *finishes with the ribbons, at least as best as she can* 'M like Rosa now.
[03:10] David: *is idly stroking Lestat's hand*
[03:11] Lestat: You look perfect *smiles*
[03:11] Lestat: *rests his head on David's shoulder, feeling quietly happy*
[03:11] Mary: I have never seen hair quite like yours. It sticks up so oddly.
[03:11] Topsy: *wraps a bit of silk around her waist*
[03:12] Mary: *begins to try and walk like the Mem Sahib did*
[03:12] David: *sighs quite content*
[03:12] Topsy: It jus' grows that way. Don' know why. Miss Feely's al'ays shavin' it off.
[03:13] Lestat: We could braid it, if it gets long enough. Or you could keep it short. Whatever you prefer.
[03:13] Topsy: *shrugs* Dunno.
[03:14] Mary: Would you like to play-act, Dickon? I will be the Mem Sahib, and you can be the Captain.
[03:15] Topsy: *Wraps a bit more cloth around herself* I'se Missus Cain. OH, land's sakes, I'se such a headache, oh! *she puts her hand to her forehead and leans back dramatically*
[03:16] Lestat: *laughs and claps*
[03:16] Lestat: A wonderful peformance!
[03:16] David: *grinning at Lestat*
[03:16] Topsy: I'se needs lotsa bed rest, 'cuz I'se dyin, oh!
[03:18] Lestat: *laughing harder* I can just see her saying that too. *remembers the gentlewomen on plantations*
[03:18] Lestat: *grins brightly at David, all worries completely forgotten*
[03:18] Dickon: *lateish* I dunno how t' be a captain.
[03:19] Topsy: Oh, you'se all so awful lazy, an' don't care 'bout me, what's dyin'.
[03:19] David: *looses self a little* You look so beautiful when you're happy.
[03:21] Mark: *comes in looking frustrated and tired and vaguely worried*
[03:21] Mark: *but still adorable - it's MARK*
[03:21] Topsy: OH OH, I's got palp'tations! Help meeeeeee!
[03:22] Lestat: *mouths 'I love you' to David, his face light and happy*
[03:22] Dickon: *squirrels notice the new arrival and hide behind Dickon's feet, still wrestling over the lace*
[03:22] Lestat: *to Topsy* Palpitations! Oh no! What -shall- we do?
[03:22] Mark: *blinks at Topsy* Right...
[03:22] Lestat: *sees Mark* Bonsoir.
[03:22] Lestat: *smiles*
[03:22] David: *mouths it back and kisses his forehead*
[03:22] Elphaba: *will... already be in here, with a sleeping Gracie?*
[03:22] Mark: *nods* 'Lo.
[03:22] David: Good evening!
[03:23] Topsy: I'se gotta be waited on /all/ day an' night. Ain't no-un can sleep.
[03:23] Lestat: *sighs contentedly*
[03:23] David: *notices Elphie and elipses*
[03:23] Mark: *Nooo, think Gracie's at Grandma Cohen's tonight*
[03:23] Lestat: And that will fix your palpitations? *chuckles*
[03:23] Dickon: *oddlooks the lovey vamps a bit* *but is a polite child so just smiles at Mark and Elphie* 'Ello.
[03:23] Topsy: Nope, but 's gotta happen, 'nyway.
[03:23] Mark: *doesn't know Elphie followed him*
[03:23] Elphaba: *okay, by herself on a couch ALREADY* *no following*
[03:24] Lestat: Oh my... do we need servants to wait on you then?
[03:24] Mark: *nods to Dickon*
[03:24] Elphaba: *doesn't see Mark, but sees David* What are -you- looking at?
[03:24] Lestat: *nods to Elphaba, smiling at her and Gracie* Bonsoir, madame.
[03:24] Topsy: *nods* Yup. An' if they ain't good, they gets sen' t'th' whippin'-house!
[03:24] Mark: *ah, knows that tone* *sighs and goes to sit next to her* Please don't make any enemies tonight, Fabala.
[03:24] Lestat: Oh no! *shivers* Not the whipping house!
[03:25] David: Nothing at all my dear *offers out a hand* I'm David, pleased to meet you. Greatest apologies if I caused you any alarm
[03:25] Dickon: *looks confused at Elphie and David*
[03:25] Topsy: Weeeeeeell, Mis'r Cain won' let me, but I /wants/ to.
[03:25] Elphaba: I attract them, love. *eyes David's hand, as though it might bite her*
[03:26] Mary: *stays close to Dickon, because ahh, new people*
[03:26] David: *withdraws his hand so as not to be awkward, and gives her a friendly smile*
[03:26] Lestat: *smiles at Mary* Don't be alarmed, young miss*
[03:26] Mark: *not feeling very patient with her antagonism tonight - not patient for MARK* *mutters* No, you create them, for the most part.
[03:26] Topsy: *notices the newcomers, and bugeyes*
[03:26] Mark: *has been worried sick about April, forgive him*
[03:27] Lestat: *whispers* Don't worry Topsy, it's alright.
[03:27] Elphaba: ... *narrows her eyes at Mark* That's not true.
[03:28] Mary: *stares openly at Elphie*
[03:28] Topsy: *is still bugeyes as Elphaba*
[03:28] David: *turns to Lestat* I think he may be onto us *nods towards Dickon*
[03:29] Lestat: He -is- a bright boy. *smiles*
[03:29] Lestat: *nuzzles into his neck*
[03:29] Dickon: *takes the lace away from the squirrels and tears it in half so they'll stop fighting over it*
[03:29] Mark: Yes it is. You get antagonistic before people have given you any reason to be and then they dislike you.
[03:29] Elphaba: They -stare-!
[03:29] David: *gives him a quick kiss*
[03:29] Lestat: *smiles*
[03:30] Mary: *sees that and o_o's*
[03:30] Dickon: --*blink*
[03:30] Mary: My, is this place ever queer!
[03:30] Topsy: ....Is green worser'n' black miss?
[03:30] David: *looks at the argument brewing* Now, lets perhaps all have a warm drink? *diffuses situation*
[03:30] Mark: Can you honestly blame them? *tiredly rubs his temples* Look, I'm not saying it's right, but most people have never seen a person with green skin before.
[03:30] Mark: *blinks at Topsy*
[03:31] Topsy: ....
[03:31] Dickon: *is confused at Topsy*
[03:31] Lestat: Topsy, no colour is bad. They're all good.
[03:31] Topsy: Or is it better?
[03:31] Mary: *is confused at TWO MEN KISSING*
[03:31] Elphaba: ................................. *staring at Mark* *he's never said anything like that to her before*
[03:32] Dickon: *is too, but is too polite to stare*
[03:32] Lestat: They're all good, all the same.
[03:32] Topsy: But they ain't.
[03:32] Lestat: They are.
[03:32] Mark: *is not trying to be rude or mean or harsh. Is just tired and stressed and been far too worried the past couple of days*
[03:32] Mary: *boldly approaches Elphaba and Mark*
[03:32] Mary: I am Mary Lennox. How do you do?
[03:32] David: *is in the kitchen brewing tea for all, and comes back offering cups to everyone*
[03:33] Mark: Tired and feeling like crap, that's how I do.
[03:33] David: *to Lestat* Just hold one love?
[03:33] Lestat: *shrugs* I could use the warmth *laughs*
[03:33] Topsy: *looks at tea* Whussat?
[03:33] Lestat: *takes one with a smile*
[03:33] Lestat: It's tea.
[03:33] Elphaba: *drags her eyes away from Mark, trying to hide The Hurt* Fine.
[03:33] Lestat: It's a lovely warm drink.
[03:33] Topsy: Oh.
[03:33] Lestat: Would you like to try some?
[03:33] Topsy: Mebbe.
[03:33] Lestat: You eat it with biscuits or cookies and cakes.
[03:34] Lestat: *holds out his teacup*
[03:34] Topsy: I likes cookies an' cakes! *happy*
[03:34] Topsy: *takes*
[03:34] Topsy: *sips and makes a face*
[03:34] Lestat: If you drink your tea like a good girl, I'll get you all cookies and cakes to eat with it.
[03:34] Lestat: Okay?
[03:34] Mark: *suddenly realizes that he just said something stupid* Oh fuck. *drops his head into his hands* Fabala, I'm /sorry/...
[03:34] Lestat: No?
[03:34] Lestat: Needs sugar?
[03:34] Topsy: Dunno.
[03:35] Dickon: Tea's better with sugar. *grins at Topsy*
[03:35] Mary: Fabala? That sounds like Indian language.
[03:35] Topsy: Issit?
[03:35] Elphaba: *quickly and flatly* It's fine. *clearly isn't*
[03:35] Lestat: Love, do you have sugar out? I'll go get some.
[03:35] Lestat: *goes to the kitchen*
[03:36] Lestat: *comes back out with sugar, cream and little cakes he found in the cupboard*
[03:36] Mark: *sighs and turns to Mary - he's not gonna be able to diffuse this at this second* It's Ozian. A nickname for Elphaba.
[03:36] Lestat: *lays it out for the children*
[03:36] David: Apologies, I always forget something.
[03:36] Lestat: Okay, no fighting over it. There's more if you want them.
[03:36] Lestat: *smiles* It's okay, ange.
[03:36] David: Plenty of tea in the pot.
[03:36] Dickon: *brightens at the cream*
[03:36] Mary: You are not from India, then?
[03:36] Topsy: *Eee, cakes. Goes for them, trying not to spill*
[03:36] Mark: No.
[03:36] Elphaba: Hardly.
[03:36] Lestat: *puts some sugar in Topsy's cup and stirs it*
[03:37] Lestat: There luv, try it now.
[03:37] Dickon: *takes a cup of tea and adds sugar and lots of cream*
[03:37] Topsy: *swallows cake, and takes another sip* 'Sbetter.
[03:37] Mary: I suppose you aren't. The natives in India have dark faces, not green ones.
[03:37] Lestat: *smiles* Good.
[03:37] Elphaba: *will just... be quiet now and pretend not to exist, thanks*
[03:37] Topsy: *eats another cake*
[03:38] David: Not too much now, awful for your teeth.
[03:38] Lestat: Which ones do you like best, angel?
[03:38] Topsy: ....I likes cakes.
[03:38] Lestat: Oh, David. *chuckles and kisses his cheek*
[03:38] Lestat: Yes, they're wonderful.
[03:38] Mark: *bites his lip and wants to squeeze her hand, but... doesn't know if he's allowed to touch right now*
[03:39] Elphaba: *no, not really*
[03:39] Mark: *didn't think so*
[03:39] Dickon: *thinks Mark and Elphie look unhappy* *goes over and smiles at them* Woulds't tha' like a cup o' tea?
[03:39] Mary: *feels awkward*
[03:40] Mark: No thanks.
[03:40] Elphaba: *blinks* Sure. *mostly just to say the opposite of Mark*
[03:40] Dickon: *goes over to get her a cup* Woulds't tha' like cream or sugar, ma'am?
[03:41] Mark: *feels like shit, hi*
[03:41] Elphaba: A little sugar.
[03:41] Elphaba: *good*
[03:41] Topsy: *has figured out you shouldn't drink hot stuff too fast*
[03:41] Dickon: *adds a little sugar, puts a cake with it and brings it to her*
[03:42] David: Quite the butler.
[03:42] Elphaba: Thanks. *takes and will sip or whatever, avoiding looking at Mark*
[03:42] Topsy: *has some more cakes*
[03:42] Lestat: He is *smiles*
[03:43] Lestat: Topsy, don't eat too fast *chuckles* They're not going anywhere.
[03:43] Mark: *softly* I can move to a different couch if you'd like.
[03:43] Dickon: *just likes cheering people up* *will just sip at his own tea now and try to keep the squirrels out of it*
[03:43] Lestat: *turns to David with a laugh* Listen to me...
[03:43] Topsy: *eat a liiiitle slower*
[03:43] Lestat: Good girl. *grins*
[03:43] Elphaba: ... I'll just go home.
[03:43] David: Hmm?
[03:43] Lestat: I sound positively domestic.
[03:44] Lestat: I must be feeling ill *laughs*
[03:44] David: Quite the father figure aren't you.
[03:44] Mark: No, Elphie...
[03:44] David: *to Elphie* My dear, stay, please.
[03:44] Lestat: *shakes his head* Yes, there is something wrong when the Brat Prince watches over children.
[03:44] David: *smiles* I don't know, I find it rather endearing.
[03:44] Lestat: Yes, please stay. *smiles at Elphie warmly*
[03:45] Lestat: You would, sentimental fool. *grins and kisses him*
[03:45] Dickon: *Nut and Shell scamper around peoples' feet looking for crumbs*
[03:45] Elphaba: Why?
[03:45] David: *kisses back, and oops kissing on the mouth with the children watching*
[03:45] David: For your company.
[03:45] Dickon: *.........* *mmm, tea :___:*
[03:46] Topsy: *around mouthful of cake* Why d'ya wan' leave, miss?
[03:46] Lestat: *nods* The more the merrier *smiles*
[03:46] Mark: *mumbles* 'Cause I'm an idiot who can't keep my mouth shut.
[03:46] Lestat: Topsy angel, swallow first, then talk.
[03:46] Topsy: *swallows* Not yoooou.
[03:47] Mark: No, I mean that's why she wants to leave.
[03:47] Lestat: Good girl *winks*
[03:47] Topsy: ...Oh.
[03:47] Elphaba: *silent*
[03:47] Lestat: If he's upset you, I'll happily eat him *grins mischievously, obviously joking*
[03:47] Topsy: Whut'd y'say?
[03:48] Lestat: Nothing angel. Eat another cake.
[03:48] Dickon: 'E's jokin' again, Topsy.
[03:48] Mark: *sighs*
[03:48] Lestat: *winks at Topsy*
[03:49] Topsy: I wan' know why's the lady wan's t'leave.
[03:49] Mark: Marital complications.
[03:49] Topsy: ...Whut?
[03:49] Lestat: It seems her friend here upset het.
[03:50] Lestat: *her
[03:50] Elphaba: He's my husband, and I'm upset.
[03:50] Mark: *sighs* Her /husband/, thank you.
[03:50] Topsy: Oh. Why?
[03:50] Lestat: My apologies, husband.
[03:50] Lestat: That, angel, is none of our business *smiles*
[03:50] Topsy: Why not?
[03:50] Lestat: Because when people are upset, they like to deal with it by themselves.
[03:51] Topsy: Oh. *nods, and has another cake*
[03:51] Lestat: *in David's ear, whispers* I like her...
[03:53] David: *whispers back* I can tell my love.
[03:53] David: Well if she needs somewhere to stay? When /are/ you moving in by the way?
[03:53] Elphaba: *very quietly* I'm going home, Mark. *because the typist needs sleep* *slowly stands* *hey lookit that, is starting to actually show*
[03:54] Lestat: I thought you were moving in with -me- *laughs*
[03:54] Mark: *pained look* Okay...
[03:54] Dickon: G'night, ma'am.
[03:54] Lestat: Topsy-angel... where are you staying? Where are you sleeping?
[03:54] Elphaba: *gives Dickon a faint smile* Thank you for the tea, young man.
[03:54] Topsy: *shrugs*
[03:55] David: *chuckles* There would be the confusion. I will collect my things this very night.
[03:55] Elphaba: *actually kind of likes him, for unknown reasons*
[03:55] Lestat: Aurevoir, madame. *smiles*
[03:55] Lestat: *smiles* Good.
[03:55] Elphaba: *in general, looking everywhere but Mark* Good night.
[03:55] David: good evening dear
[03:56] Topsy: *waves*
[03:56] Elphaba: *nods and walks out*
[03:56] Mark: *groans* *muttered to himself* Fucking /idiot/.
[03:57] Topsy: Is you?
[03:57] Mark: Yes. Yes I is.
[03:58] Lestat: Well angel, then you shall stay with me in the Mansion, until you don't want to anymore.
[03:58] Lestat: I have a room perfect for a little girl.
[03:58] Lestat: Lots of lace and bits and baubles.
[03:58] Lestat: Hidden all over.
[03:58] Topsy: *shrugs* I g'ess.
[03:58] Topsy: *blinks* R'ally?
[03:58] Lestat: Oh, yes.
[03:58] David: *smiles wide*
[03:58] Lestat: And a big bed, with soft pillows and large fluffy blankets.
[03:59] Topsy: ...I knows how t'make a bed.
[04:00] Lestat: Smart girl *smiles*
[04:00] Dickon: *grins* *is happy for Topsy, has definately warmed up to Lestat*
[04:00] Lestat: *leans over to David* Love, you don't mind at all, do you?
[04:00] Topsy: Kin I r'ally stay? An' sleep innit?
[04:00] Mark: *is gonna emo, hi*
[04:01] Lestat: Yes, you can stay as long as you like. And sleep in the bed, and wear the clothes, and keep the baubles you find.
[04:01] David: Of course not, she makes you smile. And I certainly wouldn't mind having her around.
[04:01] Lestat: *smiles* Love you.
[04:02] Topsy: ...I 'spect I'd like that.
[04:02] Lestat: *obviously not thinking about Nicki here XD*
[04:02] Lestat: *grins to Topsy* I expect I'd like that too.
[04:02] David: And you. *kisses*
[04:02] Lestat: *kisses back softly*
[04:02] Mark: *would be glaring at Lestat if he knew why April'd been missing*
[04:02] David: *we will cross that bridge when we come to it *
[04:02] Dickon: *thinks they're really weird*
[04:02] Lestat: *but he doesn't!*
[04:03] David: *does David get a glare?*
[04:03] Lestat: *yes, yes we will *futureshudder*
[04:03] Topsy: *figures white people do strange things sometimes*
[04:03] Mark: *Yes indeed. But he doesn't know for now, so he'll just mentally kick himself for upsetting his wife*
[04:04] Lestat: *very very white people XD*
[04:05] Lestat: *looks at Mark with a sympathetic smile* You okay, monsieur?
[04:05] Mark: No.
[04:05] David: *not knowing who Mark is whispers in Lestat's ear* I hear April is home. She sent word. Did you hear
[04:06] Lestat: *shakes his head imperceptibly* *smiles hopefully for her*
[04:06] Mark: *hears April's name and looks up* You know April?
[04:07] David: We are aquainted, yes.
[04:07] Lestat: *unusually quiet, worried about saying anything before -she- does*
[04:07] Dickon: *Captain wakes up, jumps down off Dickon's lap and goes to scratch and fuss at the door* I think 'e wants out. G'night folks. *collects the squirrels and goes to follow Captain out cause typist needs /sleep/*
[04:07] Topsy: G'bye!
[04:07] Lestat: Aurevoir Dickon.
[04:08] Mark: *sounding worried* Do you know where she's been? She got home but we have no idea what happened... we've been really worried.
[04:09] David: *covering it up quite well* I'm afraid not. She is home safe though, yes? You need not worry any longer.
[04:10] Mark: She's safe, but she... *sighs* I don't know. I heard crying and she and Yero haven't come out since before lunch...
[04:11] Lestat: *purses his lips*
[04:11] David: *squeezes Lestat's hand on hearing this* I'm sure she will talk to you when she is ready.
[04:12] Lestat: *squeezes his hand back*
[04:12] Mark: *sighs* I know. I just... I worry. I mean, we lost her once and... *trails off*
[04:13] Topsy: *is listening intently*
[04:13] David: I doubt you shall be loosing her again. She is well cared for and looked after.
[04:15] Mark: We /try/ to look after her. *shakes his head* No one can really look after April, she... *sighs* There were four of us, /four/ of us, and we couldn't take care of her. Now's... not any different. She's still April.
[04:15] Lestat: *nods sympathetically*
[04:16] David: Some people are free spirits, floating on the wind. We shall see no harm comes to her.
[04:16] Lestat: People could say the same thing about me, I suppose *chuckles*
[04:17] Mark: *frowns slightly* /You/ will?
[04:18] Lestat: ...
[04:18] David: *slightly flustered* We all will.
[04:19] Lestat: *kisses his cheek softly* *whispers* It's okay, love.
[04:19] Mark: What's going on?
[04:19] Lestat: *simply* He worries about her, just as you do.
[04:20] Mark: Why, though? I don't... she could've only just met you, why would you be so worried?
[04:20] David: I take it upon myself to worry for people.
[04:20] Lestat: You have a problem with someone being concerned for others?
[04:20] Topsy: *curls up on the cushion remains and goes to sleep*
[04:21] Lestat: *frowns*
[04:21] Mark: No, I... *sighs* I'm sorry, I'm just... overprotective.
[04:21] Lestat: *nods* I understand.
[04:21] Lestat: I'm the same way with the ones I love.
[04:21] Lestat: *looks at Topsy sleeping and smiles* *takes his jacket off and goes to lay it on her*
[04:24] David: *stiffens a little*
[04:24] Lestat: *looks at David curiously*
[04:25] Lestat: *comes back and rubs his back*
[04:25] David: *loosens at his touch*
[04:25] Lestat: *kisses his neck softly, looking at him with some concern*
[04:27] Mark: *groans* I'm in trouble. Elphie's upset and April's... something and... Lurline above, I'm going to just kill myself.
[04:27] Lestat: *grins mischievously* I don't know if there's any point in doing that here.
[04:28] Lestat: Unless you're trying to make a statement.
[04:28] Lestat: Seeing as people come back oftener than dandelions.
[04:28] David: How would you know that death would be the end?
[04:28] Mark: *sighs* It wouldn't be. And I wouldn't. Not after April. I just... It's an expression.
[04:29] Lestat: Besides, we're the living proof that death -wasn't- at the end of our roads *chuckles*
[04:29] David: *smirks*
[04:30] David: Dear, I'm not sure he is aware of our condition.
[04:30] Lestat: *shrugs happily*
[04:30] Lestat: *snorts* Condition indeed.
[04:30] Mark: Dead?
[04:30] David: Indeed.
[04:30] Lestat: Obviously we're alive... in some sense *nods*
[04:32] Mark: So's April. And Yero. And Elphie. *shrugs* Dead people come back a lot here.
[04:32] David: Not quite in the same way though. *winks at Mark*
[04:32] Lestat: *grins to show his fangs*
[04:32] Lestat: *laughs*
[04:33] Mark: Ah. Okay. Huh.
[04:33] David: You're incorrigible
[04:33] Lestat: *leans against David comfortably*
[04:33] Lestat: I am *very pleased with himself*
[04:35] Mark: *chuckles* You sound like Roger.
[04:35] David: *runs his fingers through Lestat's hair*
[04:35] David: Can't say I have had the fortune to meet him.
[04:35] Lestat: *sighs at having his hair played with and wriggles comfortably*
[04:35] Lestat: Me either.
[04:37] David: Who is he?
[04:37] Mark: My best friend. *grins*
[04:37] Lestat: *knows, but prefers to play dumb*
[04:37] Lestat: *grins back*
[04:38] David: ah lovely. Lestat is my best friend *strokes his hair* amonst other things *winks*
[04:38] Lestat: *kisses his hand* Flirt.
[04:39] David: Moi?
[04:39] Mark: *eyeroll* *sighs* I should probably go home. Try to... patch things up.
[04:39] David: Are you sure she is not better with some time alone?
[04:40] Lestat: She is with her husband now, oui?
[04:40] Mark: *eyeroll* No, that's April.
[04:40] Mark: I'm going home to patch up with my /wife/.
[04:41] Lestat: *blinks... then laughs* Bien sur, I'm sorry. I'm a bit distracted at the moment. *wondering when the angry mob is going to come after him with pitchforks and blackberries*
[04:41] David: Elphaba *nods*
[04:41] Lestat: Yes, the lovely lady with the sad smile. *nods*
[04:42] Mark: *sighs* Yeah. Nice meeting you two.
[04:42] Lestat: And you. Take care.
[04:43] David: I hope things shall be fine with you and yours.
[04:43] Mark: Thank you. You as well. *exits*
[04:44] Lestat: *sighs* I hope she is okay.
[04:44] David: April?
[04:44] Lestat: *nods*
[04:45] David: I think she is worried, but she will be ok.
[04:45] David: It happened.
[04:45] Lestat: I know.
[04:45] Lestat: *snuggles into him*
[04:45] Lestat: Am I really your best friend?
[04:46] David: You are.
[04:46] David: Of course you are.
[04:46] Lestat: *smiles*
[04:47] Lestat: And when I said I was protective of the ones I love, why did you stiffen? *cocks his head*
[04:47] David: It wasn't that *shakes head* it was me loosing my words and almost saying something I shouldn't about April. Very unlike me to trip up like that.
[04:48] Lestat: *kisses him softly* You're worried about her like I am. Don't think on it. The truth is going to come out anyway.
[04:49] David: And I'm sure we shall be vilified *scowls*
[04:49] Lestat: *laughs* Welcome to my life!
[04:49] Lestat: *snorts* How do you think Nicki will respond to all the recent changes in my life?
[04:50] Lestat: Living with you... I know exactly how he'll see it.
[04:50] David: *shakes head* I have no idea.
[04:50] Lestat: I'll tell you how.
[04:50] David: How shall he see it?
[04:50] Lestat: He'll think I've gone back on my promises.
[04:50] Lestat: That I don't want to be with him.
[04:50] Lestat: That I've chosen you over him.
[04:50] Lestat: That for -you- I'm living the life that -he- wants with me.
[04:51] Lestat: Which is not true... *shakes his head sadly*
[04:51] Lestat: He'll be furious, or distraught, likely both.
[04:52] David: Well.. I can see his point though. In a way he /is/ right. Yes you do want him but you have chosen to /be/ with me. Live with me. Come home.. to me.
[04:54] Lestat: ...
[04:54] Lestat: I never meant to...
[04:54] Lestat: *sighs*
[04:54] Lestat: Lestat, you fool, never make promises. You're always sure you can keep them, when you can't.
[04:54] David: Do you see what I'm saying though? And forgive me, but I haven't got any of that wrong have I?
[04:56] Lestat: *nods sadly*
[04:56] Lestat: *moves away to bury his face in his hands*
[04:56] Lestat: *mutters* Oh my Nicki, will I never learn how to stop hurting you?
[04:56] David: You know I don't mind you seeing Nicki though don't you? Being with him, I mean.
[04:57] David: *swallows nervously*
[04:59] Lestat: I know love. I know that.
[04:59] Lestat: It's just... that's our relationship... we just hurt each other over and over.
[04:59] Lestat: It won't be enough for him.
[04:59] David: Good. I don't want you to feel trapped with me.
[04:59] Lestat: Or he'll pretend it is to get anything he can from me... but really be miserable about it.
[04:59] Lestat: I don't want him miserable.
[05:00] Lestat: I don't want -anyone- miserable because of me.
[05:00] David: I think eventually he will realize.
[05:00] David: He is mortal again isn't he?
[05:00] Lestat: *nods*
[05:01] David: See! He has a life, he will live it.
[05:01] Lestat: *turns back to him, curling himself* I hope so...
[05:02] David: *grasps at his shoulder* It will take time. Time is all we have.
[05:03] Lestat: *moves up to kiss him softly* I love you.
[05:04] David: *warmly* And I love you! I don't want you to worry on details.
[05:04] Lestat: People are not details *laughs*
[05:04] Lestat: But I know what you mean.
[05:05] Lestat: *looks at Topsy sleeping soundly*
[05:05] David: *laughs* No.
[05:05] David: *looks at her* It appears we have ourself something of a "daughter" doesn't it
[05:06] Lestat: *nods with a smile* I never thought of myself as a father figure. I'm far too selfish to be doing this *chuckles*
[05:07] David: You didn't? *thinks of Claudia*
[05:07] David: Lestat... *seriously* I know you have played house before, years back, with Louis.
[05:07] Lestat: *nods*
[05:07] David: We are not going to go down that same path are we?
[05:08] Lestat: You do not have to move in if you don't want to... *looking hurt*
[05:08] David: You KNOW I want to.
[05:11] Lestat: Why do you ask me that?
[05:11] Lestat: I don't want to turn Topsy into one of us.
[05:11] David: *wide eyed* Oh I know, I didn't mean that at all. More you and Louis. I don't want us to end like that.
[05:12] Lestat: Louis and I have reconciled. *smiles*
[05:12] David: I know, but you're not the same. Though, were you ever as close? Did you ever have a connection with him like the one you have with me?
[05:13] Lestat: *shakes his head helplessly* There's no comparing any two people.
[05:14] Lestat: It was just... completely different.
[05:14] Lestat: You're nothing like them.
[05:14] David: *nods* Yes, I don't know why I even mentioned it. I'm sorry.
[05:16] Lestat: *cups his face, looking at him earnestly* Don't apologize, love. The connection we have is... there just is no comparing it to anyone else.
[05:16] Lestat: I couldn't possibly.
[05:16] Lestat: I'm with you and... I'm happy.
[05:16] David: *kisses him on the mouth* Oh how I love you.
[05:16] David: *warm smile*
[05:16] Lestat: *kisses him back*
[05:16] Lestat: *wrapping his arms around him*
[05:17] Lestat: I love you too.
[05:17] David: I am so glad you are here.
[05:17] Lestat: Me too. *smiles*
[05:18] Lestat: Shall we take her home then? *looks at him lovingly*
[05:19] David: I think perhaps so. Get her into a real bed. It's awfully late for her.
[05:20] Lestat: I hated that she was alone, with no one to look after her. It's not right.
[05:20] Lestat: *walks over, bends down and gently picks her up*
[05:21] David: No. Nobody should be alone. Least of all a child.
[05:21] Lestat: *kisses her forehead softly* No.
[05:21] Lestat: *beams at David* Let's go home. *loving how it rolls off his tongue*
[05:22] David: *smiles* Yes *kisses his cheek* Home.

mary lennox, david talbot, lestat, louis, topsy, mark cohen, dickon, elphaba

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