(no subject)

Mar 26, 2006 14:20

Look! It's a log! Featuring Mordred, Draco, Ennis, Galahad, and even some people who aren't suffering from testosterone poisoning :P
[11:32 PM] Mordred has joined #desperatefans
[11:32 PM] *were she not out of it right now, she might take that the wrong way* Good idea.
[11:34 PM] *was considering his own uncertain future so not meaning it in a bad way for her*
[11:34 PM] Your husband makes you happy, yes?
[11:35 PM] *wanders in (belatedly), blinks a little at the lack of zillions of people*
[11:35 PM] *glances at him, frowning a little*
[11:37 PM] *amiably* Hey.
[11:38 PM] *sounding like he doesn't care less* How's your sister?
[11:39 PM] Oh, charming as ever. How're you, Johnny Sunshine?
[11:41 PM] *haughtily* That's not my name and I am.. better than last time I saw you.
[11:41 PM] *stands, somewhat belatedly, and curtsies* Good evening, monsieur.
[11:42 PM] *grins* Good to know.
[11:42 PM] *nods a bit* Lady.
[11:43 PM] *grumbles under his breath*
[11:46 PM] *sits back down and answers Draco, again belatedly* Oh, yes he does. Quite happy.
[11:46 PM] *glances at the ceiling, and goes to take up residence in the customary window seat*
[11:47 PM] Then just think of him. I found it works for me most times.
[11:49 PM] *smiles slightly* I will.
[11:49 PM] *puts on her thinking face*
[11:50 PM] *nods, glances at Mordred then back to her, noticing her thinking* What is it..?
[11:51 PM] =-= Ennis-away is now known as EnnisdelMar
[11:52 PM] Lancelot has joined #desperatefans
[11:53 PM] I'm doing as you suggested.
[11:53 PM] Ah..
[11:53 PM] *smirks slightly*
[11:53 PM] *will be wandering in*
[11:53 PM] It's working rather well, I must say.
[11:54 PM] Thinking of him naked may help even more.
[11:54 PM] *glances up, and then up at the ceiling again. this is not his night*
[11:55 PM] *smirks, having his own thoughts about his husband*
[11:55 PM] *--possibly ignores Mordred, but did walk in to hear the bit about nakedness*
[11:55 PM] *...blink*
[11:56 PM] *glances at Lancelot* What?
[11:56 PM] *blinking at the naked comment as well*
[11:56 PM] *looks at Ennis as well, still smirking*
[11:56 PM] ....I hope you weren't talking about me.
[11:57 PM] *will go back to -- doing nothing, thank you*
[11:57 PM] *scoffs* Hardly.
[11:57 PM] I was talking about my husband.
[11:57 PM] Or maybe Cosette's husband...
[11:57 PM] ...*re-blinks*
[11:57 PM] *totally late again* .....
[11:58 PM] As she was doing some thinking and needed suggestions on happy things.
[11:58 PM] M. MALFOY!
[11:58 PM] Excuse Lance, won't you. He's used to things being about him.
[11:58 PM] *...snrk*
[11:58 PM] *smirks at her, not knowing that she may find that offensive*
[11:58 PM] ...*glares at Mordred*
[11:58 PM] *glared!* Yes?
[11:58 PM] Now...I can't think about that anymore.
[11:59 PM] Whyever not?
[11:59 PM] Never mind.
[12:00 AM] Wouldn't dream of it.
[12:01 AM] *eyerolls*
[12:01 AM] I would think most people would be happy to think of their husbands naked... but. Oh, well.
[12:01 AM] *glances around in a disinterested fashion again*
[12:01 AM] Or other people's, for that matter.
[12:01 AM] I have no interest in other people's husbands.
[12:01 AM] Especially naked.
[12:02 AM] Because... because it's terribly improper and... and...
[12:02 AM] *no interest whatsoever in other people's husbands naked, no. IGNORE THE COWBOY*
[12:02 AM] Improper, how?
[12:02 AM] Oh, well, no accounting for taste. *bright smile!*
[12:03 AM] I have more taste than you, I'm sure.
[12:03 AM] Marius has joined #desperatefans
[12:03 AM] *poofbang doltboy*
[12:03 AM] Probably. Given that I don't mind your company, whereas you seem too cool even for mine.
[12:04 AM] *eeee! tackles!*
[12:04 AM] [brb]
[12:04 AM] *waves vaguely Marius-ward*
[12:04 AM] *raises eyebrows at Mordred*
[12:04 AM] *grins, and will just be letting him work out whether that comes to an insult or not*
[12:05 AM] *frowns at the grin*
[12:06 AM] *cheery! has annoyed two people already without half trying, and might as well enjoy it!*
[12:07 AM] *disapproves of people acting too happy around him*
[12:07 AM] *is in a good mood too, so there*
[12:08 AM] *glares disapprovingly at both Mordred and Ennis then*
[12:09 AM] *is always usually in a good mood cause she's Cosette*
[12:09 AM] *his best friend got here today, so he's happy*
[12:10 AM] *doesn't mind Cosette so lets her get away with it XD*
[12:10 AM] *looks straight at Ennis* Why are you wearing that stupid outfit?
[12:11 AM] *glances down at his clothes* Stupid?
[12:11 AM] *tries to think what's stupid about jeans, boots, and a flannel shirt but nothing comes to mind*
[12:11 AM] Are you backward? Yes. Stupid.
[12:11 AM] It looks ridiculous.
[12:12 AM] Don't see what's stupid about it. Just normal for me. *maybe the hat? fidgets with his hat*
[12:12 AM] *is simply, but stylishly, dressed in well-cut dark coloured clothes himself*
[12:13 AM] *eyes the hat* It's even worse looking than what my husband considers good clothes.
[12:13 AM] Where you goin', then, dressed all fancy?
[12:13 AM] *raises eyebrow* I'm not dressed fancy.
[12:13 AM] This is casual.
[12:13 AM] *would have dress robes on if he were being fancy*
[12:13 AM] Last I saw someone dressed up like that was at my wedding.
[12:14 AM] I certainly hope you wore something better to that yourself.
[12:14 AM] *blinks at them* Apparently, M. Malfoy, the people from America dress differently.
[12:14 AM] *looks at her* America?
[12:14 AM] Oh...
[12:14 AM] Yeah, America.
[12:15 AM] *looks at Ennis as if that explains a lot*
[12:15 AM] *scoffs lightly and dismissively and picks up Mary's book again*
[12:16 AM] *nevermind him, he insults everyone he can*
[12:17 AM] *glances at Ennis* Sorry. We used to have manners in Britain, I swear.
[12:17 AM] *smiles, very pleased with herself at reducing the tension*
[12:17 AM] *snaps* I have plenty of manners!
[12:17 AM] *just frowns at Draco* S'alright. I met worse.
[12:17 AM] *frowns*
[12:19 AM] *steadfastly picks up the book, opens it and looks disgusted then puts it down again, looking cranky*
[12:21 AM] *smiles at Ennis in her attempt to reduce tension* It's nice to see you again, monsieur.
[12:22 AM] Good to see you too, ma'am. *nods to Draco* He botherin' you?
[12:22 AM] *small snort*
[12:23 AM] No I am not bothering her.
[12:23 AM] Of all the....
[12:23 AM] Asked her, not you.
[12:23 AM] *mutters*
[12:24 AM] M. Malfoy? Oh no. He's been a perfect gentleman.
[12:24 AM] See?
[12:24 AM] Don't seem that way, but if you say so.
[12:24 AM] Various people do seem to like young Malfoy. A testament to his character, I think.
[12:25 AM] *shrugs* He's been quite nice to me.
[12:25 AM] *frown* What is that supposed to mean? *to Mordred*
[12:26 AM] Well, it's not due to your silver tongue, now is it?
[12:26 AM] *frowns suspiciously*
[12:26 AM] I am polite to those who deserve such things.
[12:27 AM] Don't see what I did to you for you to be rude to me.
[12:27 AM] You.... Well, look at you!
[12:27 AM] *judges unfairly*
[12:27 AM] Yes, really. He's not even related to anybody who ever did anything to you.
[12:28 AM] *scoffs* Well, of course not. He's obviously a Muggle.
[12:28 AM] Look at me what? All I'm doin' is sittin' here, mindin' my own business. And you jump all over me because I dress different.
[12:28 AM] And listen now, just cuz I don't do magic, don't mean nothin'.
[12:28 AM] Shabbily is not different.
[12:29 AM] Would you like me to look up the word for you? We have these things called dictionaries.
[12:29 AM] This is normal where I come from. It's practical. It's work clothes.
[12:29 AM] Nothing. Please pronounce things correctly, sir.
[12:29 AM] It's not dignified.
[12:29 AM] I talk the way I talk. *shrugs*
[12:29 AM] Your clothes or your speech.
[12:30 AM] *stifled sneeeeeeerk*
[12:31 AM] *starting to get miffed* I don't know where you get off thinkin' your better'n me, but you're not. Just cuz I talk or dress different don't mean I'm not just as good as you.
[12:31 AM] Quirrell has joined #desperatefans
[12:31 AM] *scoffs more at that*
[12:31 AM] Of course I'm better.
[12:31 AM] *wanders downstairs, humming to himself -- and very noticeably sans his infamous turban*
[12:31 AM] You're looking to get smacked in a second, boy.
[12:32 AM] It seems to be his default assumption. With a name like his, I'm not surprised. The French are like that.
[12:32 AM] You touch me and you'll regret it. *glares*
[12:32 AM] *frowns* I am not French. Only my... background.
[12:33 AM] I may, but you'll at least have a good bruise on your jaw.
[12:33 AM] Funny, I thought with you background was everything.
[12:33 AM] *shrinks back slightly from Ennis at the threat*
[12:33 AM] *looks at Mordred*
[12:33 AM] Some things change.
[12:34 AM] Like what, pray?
[12:34 AM] My opinion of.... some certain people in my family.
[12:35 AM] And that's why the first insult that springs to mind is, how do you kids phrase it, "muggle", is it?
[12:35 AM] *pipes up* Nothing wrong with being French, monsieur.
[12:35 AM] Besides, the location of my ancestors is not of crucial importance.
[12:35 AM] *heads into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea, then wanders back in, sitting down a bit away from the conversation, close enough to hear, probably nearer Cosette*
[12:36 AM] Neither's the location of his. So your point was what, exactly?
[12:36 AM] *looks annoyed*
[12:36 AM] *can be such a bitch with the logic*
[12:36 AM] *or without it actually, but...*
[12:36 AM] *slowly* My point is obviously I am better than him.
[12:37 AM] *very quietly, only maybe overhearable* The question is better at what, young master Malfoy... *sips*
[12:37 AM] *with equal care* Right. Your point, dear child, is fallacious. Want a definition of that, too?
[12:38 AM] *snaps his eyes to Quirrell*
[12:38 AM] Better at everything, I expect.
[12:38 AM] He's only a Muggle.
[12:38 AM] *stands* I don't got a wand but I could whoop you ten ways from tomorrow, kid.
[12:38 AM] *narrows eyes at Mordred* Don't condescend to me.
[12:38 AM] Well, don't you suppose he might be better at traditional Muggle activities that you have no experience with?
[12:39 AM] ....
[12:39 AM] *starting to get worried* I'm sure you can, monsieur, but do you really have to?
[12:39 AM] *eyes Ennis* Don't you dare.
[12:39 AM] Oh, that's precious. Don't condescend to you?
[12:39 AM] Yes. It's not quite the thing to beat up on children.
[12:40 AM] *rather sounding like one now* I am not a child.
[12:40 AM] If I were your father, I would give you such a beating.
[12:40 AM] *flinches at that*
[12:40 AM] .........
[12:40 AM] *glances over Draco's shoulder at Ennis, with an apologetic expression*
[12:41 AM] *quiet for the moment. is not one to get in on other people's daddy issues*
[12:42 AM] *notices the flinch and backs down a bit*
[12:42 AM] *mutters something under his breath, pointedly trying to keep distance away from Ennis now*
[12:43 AM] *clears his throat and stands up, offering a hand to Ennis* Good evening, sir. I don't believe we've been acquainted.
[12:43 AM] *blinks* Oh -- *shakes Quirrell's hand* Ennis del Mar.
[12:43 AM] *smiles* Quirinus Quirrell. It's a pleasure. From where do you hail?
[12:43 AM] [*back!*]
[12:44 AM] I'm from Sage, near Utah. *pointed look at Draco* In America.
[12:44 AM] *whee...never left. We promise.*
[12:44 AM] *tucks his legs up, curling up a bit on the couch and eyeing people suspiciously* ...
[12:45 AM] ...*and as for Marius, he's ...probably cuddling Cosette. Yay.*
[12:45 AM] *will re-attack Marius, then*
[12:45 AM] *whee!* Hello, darling!
[12:46 AM] Ahh. That's in the far west, isn't it? I've heard those parts of the continent are beautiful.
[12:46 AM] Oh it's real nice out there. Absolutely gorgeous. Where you from?
[12:46 AM] *has ended up in a rather defensive position and gone silent*
[12:47 AM] Hello, love. *kisses! yay*
[12:47 AM] London, originally. I was a teacher at Hogwarts -- in Scotland, which I'm sure you've heard more than enough of now.
[12:47 AM] *settles back in the window, totally not with one eye on Draco, and totally totally not with a degree of sympathy*
[12:48 AM] *probably...swordfighting his shadow. Something knightly, at least*
[12:48 AM] Ain't heard much about the school, no. Just know a wizard.
[12:48 AM] *kisses back* How are you?
[12:48 AM] Ah. It's a beautiful country, as well. Very lush. And Hogwarts itself is magnificent. *no, this is not gushy alma mater pride, what are you talking about?*
[12:48 AM] I'm alright, dear.
[12:49 AM] Oh! Dearest, I want you to meet someone!
[12:49 AM] Yes?
[12:49 AM] Never been out of the US, so I wouldn't really know.
[12:50 AM] I've traveled much of Europe, but not crossed the Atlantic, so I'd guess we're about even.
[12:50 AM] I suppose.
[12:50 AM] *drags him over to Ennis* Monsieur, I told you I'd introduce you to my husband.
[12:51 AM] *glances over at Marius and smiles* Oh, sure. *offers his hand* Good to meet you.
[12:51 AM] *shakes hand* Enchante, m'sieur.
[12:51 AM] *gives Cosette a look almost as if she's betrayed him and remains kind of curled up*
[12:51 AM] Er -- *ne parle pas Francais ;__;*
[12:52 AM] *grins* -- Pleased to meet you, I mean.
[12:52 AM] Oh! Sure, then. Ennis del Mar, it's a pleasure.
[12:53 AM] I told him all about you dear.
[12:54 AM] *takes out his wand and looks at it, frowning*
[12:54 AM] Did you?
[12:54 AM] *totally doesn't notice Draco's look because, duh, she's with Marius. But she's sorry.*
[12:56 AM] She sure did, you seem like a nice guy.
[12:57 AM] Thank you. *grins*
[12:57 AM] *beams* Isn't he?
[12:57 AM] Seems like it.
[12:57 AM] *runs his hand along his wand, studying it as if trying to find a secret opening*
[12:58 AM] *quiet in the window. really needs to take up some sort of handicrafts, so as to have something to pretend to be looking at at times like this*
[12:59 AM] See, dearest? You're incredibly charming.
[1:00 AM] *thinks they're sweet ^_^*
[1:01 AM] Oh--! I am not. *grins anyways*
[1:01 AM] Of course you are! You're the most charming man I know.
[1:01 AM] Galahad has joined #desperatefans
[1:01 AM] *taps his wand with a fingertip as if that'll do something*
[1:02 AM] *walks in, uh, knightfully? I fail at adverbs.*
[1:02 AM] *apologetic look at Quirrell* You ever been to France? Met a lot of folks from France, here.
[1:02 AM] *glances up* *closes eyes*
[1:02 AM] ..*is swordfighting--knightfully -- ..new adverb of the night, yay*
[1:03 AM] This day just gets better.
[1:03 AM] *glances at Mordred* How so?
[1:03 AM] *smiles* I have visited, though only briefly. One weekend in Paris, and then a long excursion in the south country.
[1:04 AM] Isn't Paris lovely, monsieur?
[1:04 AM] *smiles to Cosette* Indeed it is, madame. I only wish I'd had the chance to see more.
[1:04 AM] Alma mentioned wanting to see it, some day. But we don't have the money for it right now.
[1:04 AM] *familiar voice -- hey, a Galahad!* *smiles*
[1:04 AM] *half-bows to Lanceypoo*
[1:05 AM] *gives him the patented Mordred-putting-up-with-Galahad look* Oh, you know how it is.
[1:05 AM] *resheathes his sword and sits down*
[1:05 AM] No, I'm afraid I don't.
[1:05 AM] I lived there.
[1:06 AM] Ah. Well, I'm not surprised.
[1:07 AM] Is it nice?
[1:07 AM] Oh. ... All right.
[1:08 AM] *lately* We live there now, actually. *grins*
[1:08 AM] =-= Quirrell is now known as Quirrell|brb
[1:09 AM] Oh! That's real nice.
[1:09 AM] *that works!* Indeed. *and...cuddles because there has been a severe lack of such tonight*
[1:09 AM] *that's because his typist is a loser-- anyways, cuddling yay!*
[1:10 AM] *narrows his eyes at his wand, still looking it over critically*
[1:11 AM] *bites tongue*
[1:11 AM] *no, not that wand*
[1:12 AM] *turns to Lance* How are you, father?
[1:12 AM] *smiles* Very well, Galahad. And you?
[1:12 AM] *good mood because -- yay open posts in which he can snuggle Gwen*
[1:13 AM] Quite well.
[1:15 AM] *----is behaving. really. is totally not going to snark on filial piety-- bite your tongue, there's a good boy*
[1:15 AM] *shoves his wand back into this clothing in an angry, frustrated way*
[1:16 AM] *will just be totallynotwatching Draco, instead. yes.*
[1:16 AM] *would be concerned about Draco, but alas, cuddling is taking priority*
[1:16 AM] I am glad to hear it.
[1:17 AM] *glances at Mordred suspiciously again*
[1:17 AM] *catches his eye and raises eyebrows slightly*
[1:18 AM] *nods*
[1:18 AM] *raises eyebrows back* What are you looking at?
[1:18 AM] Not a hell of a lot.
[1:18 AM] *purses his lip*
[1:18 AM] *lips
[1:18 AM] *shrugs*
[1:19 AM] *glares*
[1:20 AM] *looks back calmly*
[1:20 AM] *narrows his eyes and looks about to say something*
[1:21 AM] *waits*
[1:21 AM] *sits up straighter again and just continues looking at Mordred warily*
[1:23 AM] I don't want any more trouble....
[1:23 AM] Quirrell|brb has left irc.ablenet.org (Quit: Leaving)
[1:24 AM] Good to know we're on the same page, then.
[1:24 AM] *couchflops*
[1:25 AM] *pointedly* You can read then? *can't seem to help himself*
[1:25 AM] *blinks at Lance* Are you all right?
[1:25 AM] *grins* Yes. Quite alright.
[1:27 AM] Shocking, I know.
[1:27 AM] Very.
[1:27 AM] *somewhat more gently* Kid. What is your basic problem?
[1:28 AM] *raises an eyebrow* I don't have one. Everyone else is the problem.
[1:28 AM] Statistically rather unlikely.
[1:29 AM] What do statistics have to do with it?
[1:29 AM] My only problem is...
[1:29 AM] *stops abruptly*
[1:30 AM] *nods and sits down carefully* Good, then.
[1:30 AM] *waits*
[1:31 AM] *isn't going to say willingly but looks at Cosette and is rather glad she's distracted*
[1:31 AM] *cheerful grin*
[1:33 AM] *wryly* If there's only one, you're still ahead of the game.
[1:33 AM] *takes out his wand again, looking distractedly at it then back up at Mordred*
[1:33 AM] My kind don't have problems.
[1:34 AM] *mildy, because is listening* Everyone has problems.
[1:34 AM] Oh, there's a sweeping statement.
[1:34 AM] ---*eyes Lance*
[1:34 AM] *shifts uncomfortably*
[1:34 AM] There is no problem that cannot be solved by putting it into the hands of one higher.
[1:34 AM] ...*eyes back* --*and is in too much of a good mood to snark*
[1:35 AM] ...........
[1:35 AM] Higher..?
[1:35 AM] God, of course.
[1:35 AM] That's it. Of course. The kid just needs to get religion. That'll fix everything.
[1:35 AM] *arches eyebrows*
[1:35 AM] *...resists urge to facepalm massively*
[1:35 AM] *is never in too good a mood to snark, hi*
[1:35 AM] If he is sincere in it, yes.
[1:36 AM] .....*just falls back into the window and laughs*
[1:36 AM] *raised. by. nuns. In case we've forgotten.*
[1:36 AM] ... Is something amusing?
[1:36 AM] *frowns*
[1:37 AM] Yeah. But I wouldn't expect you to get it.
[1:37 AM] ... As you say, then.
[1:37 AM] *...yeah, facepalm*
[1:38 AM] Gods aren't trustworthy.
[1:39 AM] I agree with you.
[1:40 AM] *manages to get a hold of the snickerfit, and folds his arms -- this is going to be interesting*
[1:41 AM] They kill people for no reason so I'm not going to go to them for advice and risk -that-.
[1:43 AM] Gods are not trustworthy at all. God is.
[1:44 AM] That's what they all say.
[1:44 AM] *looks back at Galahad* The gods I've run into here haven't been ... accomadating.
[1:45 AM] Precisely.
[1:45 AM] Oh, but Galahad's is special. You can tell, because he looks out for Galahad.
[1:46 AM] *looks flatly at Mordred* He looks out for everyone.
[1:46 AM] *looks over at Mordred, questioningly frowning*
[1:46 AM] *arches an eyebrow*
[1:46 AM] *oh, there goes the venom* You'll excuse me if I hadn't noticed, laddie. From down here it all kind of looks the same.
[1:49 AM] You do not understand. I wish, for your sake, that you would.
[1:50 AM] Oh, go ahead and expound, I know you're dying to.
[1:51 AM] *shakes his head* Why speak to one who is not willing to listen?
[1:51 AM] Which is theological for "no, I don't have a good line for that one". It's okay, I muddle through in my heathen fashion.
[1:52 AM] *looks from Mordred to Galahad and back cautiously*
[1:53 AM] *frowns* That is not what I meant at all.
[1:55 AM] Sure it's not. Don't you have something terribly virtuous to be doing?
[1:55 AM] *is just listening--*
[1:56 AM] I strive to be virtuous in all of my actions. There is no time or activity I set aside for virtue.
[1:56 AM] Yeah, fine. Are you done doing it at me?
[1:57 AM] *wanders out, because R is much more fun to annoy Galahads with*
[1:57 AM] =-= Lancelot is now known as Grantaire
[1:57 AM] *wanders in, singing the Hedgehog Song*
[1:57 AM] *raises his eyebrows at R*
[1:58 AM] ....*cuddles Cosette and attempts to ignore R*
[1:58 AM] *is cuddling, or she would be nice and wave*
[1:58 AM] *ig. nores. R.* As you wish. I shall not convince you to give up your anger, at any rate.
[1:58 AM] *beams at Ennis* *and oh look, a blond object of annoyance!*
[2:00 AM] *stops singing* Well, if it isn't everyone's favourite chivalrous lump of virtue.
[2:00 AM] *has gone quiet again as everyone is thankfully leaving him alone*
[2:00 AM] You're damn right you won't. Not by sitting there smug in your sainthood handing down platitudes, because I've had plenty of that, thank you.
[2:00 AM] ..... *looks at R*
[2:00 AM] *cheerful grin* Miss me?
[2:01 AM] *confused by all this God talk*
[2:02 AM] .... *turns back to Mordred* They are not platitudes, as they are not empty. I live every word I say, Mordred. I am not a hypocrite to be handing down empty pronouncements that I do not believe and I have not found true.
[2:02 AM] *will just be listening -- and trying not to laugh too obviously*
[2:05 AM] *finally looks up over Marius to R* Hello, Grantaire.
[2:05 AM] No, you're a bloody fool who hasn't got it into his head that the rest of the world isn't so damned lucky or so damned naive.
[2:05 AM] *watching Mordred again, silently thoughful*
[2:05 AM] *through his -- trying-not-to-laugh* Hello, Lanoire.
[2:06 AM] You'll pardon me if I don't have a lot of time for a god who's got no use for me. I don't bother him, he doesn't bother me, I think that's fair.
[2:06 AM] ... Do you think it easy, to follow my faith? Do you think I simply walk along, oblivious to everything? There is no true virtue without the temptation to go against it.
[2:07 AM] I'm sure it just kills you to give up smiling for Lent.
[2:07 AM] *ok, can't help but snerk* Tell us about your temptations, why don't you?
[2:08 AM] .... *looks at Grantaire* Disembowelling you, for instance.
[2:08 AM] *shrugs and goes back to cuddling*
[2:08 AM] .....
[2:08 AM] *raises eyebrows*
[2:08 AM] *hides a snicker behind his hand*
[2:08 AM] *grins* Take a number, then.
[2:08 AM] Holy shit, the kid spoke an uncharitable word. I may faint.
[2:10 AM] *back to ignoring R!* I am as much flesh and blood as you are.
[2:11 AM] *quiet* Some temptations are worth it.
[2:11 AM] *awww, being ignored by a pretty virtuous blond -- this sounds familiar* *wanders over to MariusandCosette and Ennis*
[2:12 AM] *poisonous* Only better. In every sense. Yes?
[2:13 AM] ... No.
[2:14 AM] A little lower than the angels, which is tragic for you, I'm sure.
[2:15 AM] *sighs with a bit of frustration* No man is inherently better than any other.
[2:16 AM] *makes a slight scoffing noise*
[2:19 AM] Oh, explain that to me, why don't you. I hadn't figured that out on my own. Why don't you shut up, kid, and keep your precious religion to yourself, okay? Save it for someone who cares and just shut. Up.
[2:19 AM] *not shaking at all, really. perfectly calm. totally.*
[2:20 AM] *nods* Very well, then.
[2:22 AM] ....*subsides into merely glaring, then*
[2:23 AM] *leans back in his seat with a thoughtful expression*
[2:25 AM] *eyeing Glatna. speculatively*
[2:25 AM] *doesn't appear to notice*
[2:25 AM] *pulls Marius to sit* *looks at Grantaire* How have you been?
[2:26 AM] *after a moment, when it becomes clear that Galahad really /has/ shut up, pushes to his feet and -- yes, we would have to say stalks out*
[1:23 AM] Mordred has left irc.ablenet.org (Quit)

glatna., grantaire, ennis del mar, lancelot, cosette, mordred, draco, marius pontmercy, quirrell

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