Well, I'd climb the highest mountain and I'd swim the deepest sea

Mar 02, 2006 11:26

Because it's just that damn funny. After the Metatron breaks Raphael, we get -- this. The ultimate failure. Less than a day between breaking things off until Easter and realizing it's going to fail. Also starring Lucifer and Belial. Hot stuff. Warnings for angelicosity, obviously, and sexual innuendo.

* Michael has joined #desperatefans
Michael: *IS A WEREWOLF* *only not really*
Raphael: *skdljfh -- salkjdh -- /aslkdjhf/* ...Michael.
Michael: *faintsmile* Hello, Raphael.
Raphael: I ... can I talk to you?
Michael: Of course.
Raphael: ...Kitchen?
Michael: All right. *and shall head in there?*
Raphael: *-- yes, exactly. kitchenification.*
Michael: *kitchenified!* What's up?
Raphael: ...You -- are you really okay with this? *...Meta broke him /badly/, Michael.*
Michael: I-- if it's His will, I have no argument.
Raphael: *head-tilt*
Michael: Of course I miss you. But what do you want me to say?
Raphael: I just -- had to -- I can't -- the M -- /Lucifer/.
Michael: *frowns* What about him?
Raphael: *lip-biting and /looking away/* The Metatron brought up -- *vague hand gesture* and even though I know you know, I can't -- *another vague hand gesture*
Michael: *takes his hand, in a manner halfway between romantic and just plain friendly* I don't understand. I'm sorry. What?
Raphael: *sdklhfad, Michael, you want him /more/ broken, don't you?* *shakes his head* It's -- I'm talking nonsense. I just ... had to be certain you were all right.
Michael: *honestly thinks he's /helping/, kthx* No, finish, please?
Raphael: *.......and that's why -- I'm not allowed to finish typing this sentence* I don't know that I -- he just mentioned him in relation to -- earlier and I -- I /can't/ hurt you.
Michael: *obviously the right thing to do right now is to pull Raphael close and kiss him. Because. Yes, that's what you do the first day of Lent.*
Raphael: *...nicely done, Michael -- and it's not like he's going to do anything but automatically kiss back, because it's /Michael/*
Michael: *and pulls away after a little while, but keeps him close* I love you. I told you that that wouldn't change just because I can't say it.
Raphael: I /love you/ -- *...and this is putting a bit of space between them* I -- suppose I shouldn't be saying it. But I can't -- it seems so strange.
Michael: If the fast's too hard, Raphael--
Raphael: -- I /can/ do it. I know I /can/. But it seems so -- I can't even find the word -- to be giving up love. And that's what it feels like.
Michael: We're not giving it up, love. *and will be snuggling to prove this point* We're only taking our focus from it.
Raphael: *...smilesnuggle* ...You know, I think I managed to fall in love with you a great deal more than I already was just now.
Lucifer: *wow, hasn't been in chat for a ... really long time. :D ... ~*
Michael: *kisses him on the forehead* You're so sweet.
Lucifer: *will enter the kitchen right about now, since he wants -- icecream. yes. the Lord of Hell wants some vanilla icecream with sprinkles, right now.*
Raphael: Not -- not going to argue with yo -- *...*
Michael: -- er.
Lucifer: *raises an eyebrow at the two of them* Well. Good evening. *will just lean against the counter and not leave, then*
Michael: *and shall glare* Do you mind?
Lucifer: No, not at all. *waves expansively* Feel free to continue.
Michael: ... No.
Lucifer: *-- hops onto the counter, and sits there, then.* No, no. Don't mind me. I really wouldn't want to interrupt your lovefest, after all.
Lucifer: *all this is said with a dry smirk, of course*
Michael: *turns back to Raphael, keeping Lucifer in his line of sight* What were you saying?
Lucifer: *will now get his icecream out of the freezer, because he can be annoying and eat at the same time, yay. multi-tasking is awfully useful.*
Lucifer: *scoops icecream out into a bowl, and then frowns at the bowl* -- *hops off the counter, walks to where Michael and Raphael are*
Raphael: ...Mostly just that I -- ...
Michael: ... What do you want?
Lucifer: *very, very seriously* Excuse me. You're standing in front of the cupboard where the sprinkles are.
Michael: We're not moving.
Raphael: ...
Lucifer: *shrugs* Well. So much for being a good Samaritan. *demonmods some up, instead*
Michael: The Samaritan /didn't/ move. The Pharisees did.
Lucifer: *gives Michael the finger and proceeds to eat his icecream*
Michael: *glares and kisses Raphael lightly* Is this too hard?
Raphael: I don't -- I can't not tell you I love you, and I ... really don't think He wants me to.
Michael: Then we don't need to. *kisses again*
Lucifer: *tosses the bowl into the sink (-- let's hope it's plastic)* I'm sure -something- is too hard by now. *tilts his chair back and grins*
Raphael: *oh, kissing makes us a happy Raphael* ...*-- glareLucifer*
Michael: *glares* That's not any of your business.
Lucifer: *innocently* Oh, I'm sorry. I keep forgetting. *-- they can interpret that however they want*
Michael: ... Keep forgetting /what/?
Michael: *yes, that's defensiveness, there*
Raphael: *.../cling/Michael, /glare/Lucifer, hi*
Lucifer: Nothing. *smiles*
Michael: Lucifer.
Lucifer: Splendid -- you know my name. *pause* In fact, a little -all too well-, from what I've heard. *oh, that was low*
Raphael: ........................................
Michael: ... */glares/*
Michael: *and protective cling to the Ralphie, in the "I LOVE THIS ONE NOW, KTHX" way*
Lucifer: *will just smile innocently* Anything else?
Michael: What do you /mean/, anything else?
Michael: What are you implying? That you mean more to me than Raphael does?
Lucifer: *faux!shock* Never. -- Well. At -one- point, certainly, but -- ... It just seems like you're so -keen- on conversation. Do you have anything else to say, or will the two of you just stand there glaring at me idiotically?
Michael: *grits his teeth* At one point?
Lucifer: *just nods and grins smugly*
Michael: You didn't.
Raphael: *...okay, we're going to blink a bit, actually*
Lucifer: *a slight, slight pause --* Would you attest to that on His name? *smirk*
Michael: *almost, almost without hesitation* Yes.
Lucifer: *notes the almost-not-there!hesitation with a slight smirk, but otherwise nods*
Raphael: *...is honestly just utterly confused*
Lucifer: *pats Raphael on the head-- TYPIST. Totally typist. XD*
Raphael: *...*
Michael: *...*
Michael: Have you finished?
Lucifer: No. I still want some spaghetti, I think.
Lucifer: *-- will just demonmod himself up some, then*
Lucifer: *gestures at Michael and Raphael* Care for a plate? It's straight from Italy.
Michael: No. Thank you.
Raphael: *...not confused enough to be incapable of a head-shake*
Lucifer: *shrugs* Your loss.
Lucifer: *finishes the spaghetti~-- does things backwards, apparently*
Lucifer: *and goes to the sink this time, instead of throwing the bowl into it, which means that he has to step between Michael and Raphael -- IF THAT'S POSSIBLE.*
Michael: *if he pushes between them--*
Raphael: *...they're like MOLECULARLY BONDED to each other. ...usually, at least*
Lucifer: *well. you know how you're supposed to un-super-glue yourself from another person-- wait, wrong problem.* *-- doesn't have a death wish, so will just walk past Michael but go awfully-close*
Michael: *bristles noticably at the awfullycloseness*
* Belial has joined #desperatefans
Belial: *will just stroll (sexily) into the kitchen with a (sexy) grin*
Michael: *isn't that sort of implied?* *glares (righteously)*
Belial: *-- sees Lucifer. and the angels.* My Lord. *makes a slight bow -- and will blow kisses at the angels. alright, then.*
Raphael: *will make a face, in that case*
Michael: *glares more*
Belial: *and now will just sit in Lucifer's lap, wraps his arms around his neck, and snog him. well then.*
Raphael: ...
Michael: ... *winces*
Lucifer: *will snog /back/, how about that?*
Michael: *right, winces a tad at that too*
Raphael: *.......yeah.*
Belial: *and yet they're not leaving! sadists.*
Michael: *clears his throat*
Belial: *finally pulls back* *-- and will smile prettily at Michael* Yes?
Michael: Can you go be lewd somewhere else?
Belial: *stands up and walks next to Raphael -- awfully close* Over here, perhaps? *innocent smile*
Raphael: ...Go away, demon.
Michael: ... Definitely not there.
Lucifer: What, do you prefer us to be on the actual tabletop? I think we could manage that.
Belial: *smirks*
Michael: *facepalms*
Belial: *will just give Raphael a kiss on the cheek and saunter over to the refridgerator, then*
Michael: ... *cling the ralphie again*
Raphael: ...*cling the Michael, yes* Loveyou.
Michael: *clings and kisses where Belial did as if wiping that kiss away* Love you too.
Lucifer: *will stand up now* Good luck with Lent, Raphael. *smirks and walks out*
* Lucifer has left #desperatefans
Raphael: *...hate.*
Michael: *...love!*
Belial: *well, since Raphael is obviously too busy fuming at the moment, will just go ahead and snog Michael and then leave. quickly.*
Raphael: *.............................................................................*
Raphael: ..............
Raphael: .......
Michael: ... *snogged--!*
Michael: *clings the Ralphie again*
Raphael: */clings/* *hates demons, if that wasn't well-documented yet* *and -- okay, is not going to snog him, just kiss him softly*
Michael: *kisses back softly* This isn't going to work, is it?
Raphael: I don't think it is.
Michael: I love you too much.
Raphael: *.....was. just. going. to. have. that. typed. for. him.*
Michael: *OTP BRAINSHARE. And psychic link, yay.*
Raphael: *yessss* It's not too much. You can't love too much.
Michael: *kisses him, and shall be running his hands over his back* Not too much, but too much for this.
Raphael: *mmm, kissing* *will be pressing as close to him as possible* I don't think it's a bad thing, though.
Michael: *ionic bondage--!* It's not bad at all.
Raphael: *pretty much!* No, it isn't. I love you.
Michael: I love you too. *nuzzles him* Well?
Raphael: *head-tilts* ...Well?
Michael: Shall we go?
Raphael: Do you want to?
Michael: *nibbles at his lip* Yes.
Raphael: *...meltyangel* Then of course.
Michael: *happyangel* *^_^* I love you.
Raphael: *^_^* I love you too.
Michael: *tugs at his arm*
Raphael: *...oh, demnitall, dragging awaaay.*
Michael: *being dragged awaaaaaaaaay*

michael, lucifer, belial, raphael

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