Maglor/Daeron - The Saga Continues (Part I: A New Social Life)

Jan 18, 2006 19:43

Everybody's favourite emobards have been busy! And since they have such a huge audience, here are the logs from this week. In three posts, for minimum confusion.

Last time, the emobards ran away to Venice, got drunk, snogged, and finally admitted they were in love. Now, back in DF, Daeron finds himself much sought-after by crazy Noldor, crazy Sindar, and big friendly dogs.

[Daeron] *slips downstairs after a while, deeming it safe to attempt food snatchage*
[Feanaro] *safe? Hah!*
[Daeron] *no one is safe in DF! :D* *right, going to try for the kitchen without really paying attention to the main room*
[Feanaro] *no such luck, I'm afraid* ... ah. Good evening. Daeron, was it not?
[Daeron] *jumps* *....turns to look at him* *nods*
[Feanaro] *slightly amused smirk*
[Daeron] *easily spooked, if that wasn't hard to notice* *manages* ...good evening.
[Feanaro] *nods*
[Daeron] Er... *glances towards the kitchen*
[Feanaro] *raises eyebrow* Don't let me keep you.
[Daeron] *flushes slightly and quickly heads towards the kitchen* *can be followed, as starting conversation is the only way you are going to get him to speak*
[Feanaro] *oh well* ... As a matter of fact, I'd like some tea myself. *so, kitchenwards we go*
[Daeron] *quietly makes himself a sandwich; has lived long enough in the modern world not to be weirded out by processed meat and cheese*
[Feanaro] *makes tea* ....... So. I saw that you made.... friends with my son?
[Daeron] *nods, not looking up* *quietly, but then again, he does everything quietly when he's not around Maglor* We've been friends for...quite some time.
[Feanaro] *still this half-amused smile/smirk thing* And when you say quite some time, you mean it.
[Daeron] Thirteen-thousand years, give or take a few centuries.
[Feanaro] *nods* That's quite a while indeed. Well, it's not overly surprising.
[Daeron] *slight eyebrow raise of his own* No?
[Feanaro] *shrugs* Cáno always felt that no-one quite understood or shared his love of music. It's only natural that he should turn to someone who was blessed with... similar talents. *will, of course, hold that Maglor's the better singer,because hey, his son*
[Daeron] *would not contest it* *nods* It has often been the common footing between us. He is a master of the art.
[Feanaro] *and, as most fathers, just loves it when people praise his children* *smile* That he is. But so are you.
[Daeron] *caught rather off guard* ...thank you.
[Feanaro] *nods* Credit where credit is due.
[Daeron] *nods as well, watching Fëanor out of the corner of his eye*
[Feanaro] *just making tea, all innocently*
[Daeron] *finds the coffee pot and cleans it out, before putting coffee on*
[Feanaro] *watches, more openly*
[Daeron] *won't meet his gaze, but looks a tiny bit less likely to bolt*
[Feanaro] *good, because really doesn't mean him harm or anything*
[Daeron] *tentativly* Was who was the child I spoke to?
[Feanaro] *lo, there's that half-amused smilething again* It was.
[Daeron] Oh. *um, awkward, hi* *tries not to fidget while waiting for the coffee*
[Feanaro] *raises eyebrow* You worry?
[Daeron] *blankly* Worry?
[Feanaro] *shrugs* It seemed so.
[Daeron] just unexpected.
[Feanaro] *small snort* It came unexpected for me as well.
[Daeron] I have no doubt. *ears turning slightly red at the memory of just
what all weeFinwion was around for*
[Feanaro] *AMUSION*
[Daeron] *going to focus on making his coffee a syrupy mass of liquid, kthanxbai ;_;*
[Feanaro] *smirk* Oh, don't worry. I've seen worse.
[Daeron] ... *blank look*
[Feanaro] There was that one time when I walked in on Nelyo and - well. Never mind.
[Daeron] *is going to look at him for the first time, mostly just to stare and start turning bright red*
[Feanaro] *wow, this is quite an accomplishment* *still smirking* *is in a very odd mood tonight, it seems*
[Daeron] I-Um- *alright, not going to be able to answer this gracefully, so is going to duck head and focus on his coffee*
[Feanaro] *sips his tea*
[Daeron] *cuts his sandwich into little squares and is going to sit at the table and nibble on it now*
[Feanaro] *fine, watching* So. Just how close friends are you?
[Daeron] Well, we got trashed and snogged last night, sort of admitted we were in love this morning, and would probably die without each other. ...he's my only closest friend.
[Feanaro] *raises eyebrow*
[Daeron] *...rather was trying to avoid that subject, as it's sort of in debate right now*
[Feanaro] *has that talent of finding sore spots, sorry*
[Daeron] *is beginning to notice. certainly not going to meet his eye on
this question*
[Feanaro] *well, Dae will get off easy, as the typist has to go to bed* *smirk of amusion, still* Well. It seems you need some more time to think on this...
[Daeron] *flushes deeper*
[Feanaro] *smirks more* Good night.
[Daeron] ...'Night.
* Feanaro has quit IRC (Quit#)

[Maitimo] *exists in the main room, for lack of anything else to do*
[Daeron] *puts away most of his sandwich, having lost his appetite* *does
keep his coffee with him, and quietly sneaks back to the main room*
[Maitimo] *blinks at his strangely amused-looking Ata, and then at an extremely spooked-looking Daeron* *but looks up from his book and nods to him, pleasently*
[Daeron] *ohgreat.moreofthem* *hesitantly nods back*
[Maitimo] *only one!* *contrives to look all nonthreatening* Good evening.
[Daeron] *swallow* Hi.
[Maitimo] *do I really look that much like I just came from slaughtering innocents?* *glances at the door by which Fëa just left* ...Did you speak to my father, just then?
[Daeron] *I've had a rough couple of days. Give me a break* ...I did.
[Maitimo] *nods* I hope it wasn't too traumatising.
[Daeron] ...I'll survive.
[Maitimo] *amusion, studying him* I'm sure of it. You're going to have to be able to, with us as in-laws.
[Daeron] *fidgets under the gaze, standing around rather awkwardly* ......ow, that was my brain.
[Maitimo] Yeah, well. *smiles suddenly, and honestly that can't be all that scary... except for the part where you wonder why*
[Daeron] *tentative smile, or, at least, an attempt at one, back*
[Daeron] *it's less scary than when your father smiles at me*
[Maitimo] *Ata smiling is nearly always scary* *amused again -- sorry that all the Fëanorians are so enigmaticaly amused today, Dae -- and stands, shaking his head at himself* ...He's going to kill me for saying this. But. *regards him* You make my brother happier than I've ever seen himy. Don't let us get in the way of that.
[Maitimo] *and nod-bows, with a rather scary twinkle in his eye, and will leave, as he's really odd tonight*
[Daeron] *......blink. blink.*
[Daeron] ... ... ... *doesn't understand people* *looks at the ceilingwith a, 'what sort of weirdness are you going to throw at me next?' sort of look*
[Dolohov> *leers at Daeron because his typist can recognize a cue when she
sees one*
[Daeron] ... *gives Dolohvo a 'whadya want?' look*
[Dolohov] Sexual healing.
[Daeron] Aha. Haahaa. No.

* Maitimo is now known as Oropher
[Oropher] *enters* *shinily*
[Daeron] *mutterfaceplams*
[Daeron] *weary nod to Oropher*
[Oropher] *waves to Daeron and goes to perch on the arm of a chair near him* Hello.
[Daeron] Hello. *flops into a seat*
[Oropher] *in a seat? How decadent!* How are you, then?
[Daeron] *I'm not going to turn down what's offered to me* ...I have been better. Yourself?
[Oropher] *y'great southern pansy* Well, I'm no longer locked in a closet with a Son of Fëanor(tm), which is nice. I have been worse. Been spending a lot of time in closets, then?
[Daeron] ...and you're going to rag on me for being stuck in a closet with one? ...a night, only, and not by choice.
[Oropher] I wasn't sexing mine Ah.
[Daeron] Neither was I!! ...'ah,' what?
[Oropher] I don't know that, now do I? ^_^ 'Ah', I had thought it was by choice. What with the disheveled falling out onto the floor all over each other, and all.
[Daeron] We fell asleep! Pervert! I was attempting to get outside, and ended up trapped.
[Oropher] After your exertions? Yes, I see now. I found myself in a smiliar situation earlier.
[Oropher] With the major difference that I didn't get it on while I was at it.
[Daeron] No! There were no 'exertions!' ...except that of my emo. ...DAMMIT, WE DID NOT 'GET IT ON.' Oh, did you? I suppose that explains what I went through as well.
[Oropher] Suuurrrre. Perhaps, though you seem to have made more of your time than I.
[Daeron] ... *blink* What do you mean?
[Oropher] I mean you did the horizontal tango in there. Got jiggy with it. Raised his tree of silver. *aaaallll innocence* You had the good fortune to find yourself locked in with a-- friend, I supose?
[Daeron] *SPUTTERS* DID. NOT. ...Well, yes. *clueless*
[Oropher] You totally played upon his pipe. *oh, not the cluelessness again!* Indeed. You're close friends?
[Daeron] I-*flail* That's obscene! *can't help it, sorry* Yes, we are. *annoyed look*
[Oropher] But true! *resigned* I suppose like attracts like.
[Daeron] It is not! ... *raises eyebrow* I have a feeling we are not exactly talking on the same level, here.
[Oropher] ...By the way you two were clinging to each other, it not being true probably reflects worse things about your mental state than if it was *browarch* Oh?
[Daeron] quiet, you. act as if something happened.
[Oropher] ...Did something happen?
[Daeron] *raises eyebrow* No.
[Oropher] Alright. *if Daeron is wondering why Orphy seems so mellow about the prospect of sexwithNoldor, it's because he's already survived the shock of Nolo/Thrand, we think*
[Daeron] ... *......*
[Daeron] ...did you seriously /think/ something happened? *part-stare* ...wait, I don't want to know the answer to that.
[Oropher] *shinygrin* Say I suspected. But-- *hops off the couch* I suppose it wouldn't have been so bad. At least my son would have company.
[Oropher] *sparkle* See you around.
[Daeron] ............. *facepalms*

* Oropher is now known as Huan
[Huan] *totally a really big huge dog!*
[Huan] *sees a facepalming elf and pads over*
[Daeron] *de-face palms when he hears Huan, and blinks* ...hello.
[Huan] *tilts head in a 'wherefore do you facepalm?' sort of way, and sniffs at him*
[Daeron] ... *holds out a hand and lets him* You don't want to know.
[Huan] *noses the hand* *look of 'try me' -- is probably eminently talkable-to*
[Daeron] ... *strokes his head* I- *pauses to figure out how to begin* Everything...just...too much is changing at once. I got used to life as it was - I even liked life as it was. I'd never...been simply content before. And it's all in pieces. I'm stuck with people I never wanted to see again or never wanted to meet, I'm trapped in memories, and the one fixture in my entire life that I could trust-well, I've gone and fallen in love with him.
[Huan] *nuzzles him, because ow, messy, and climbs up onto the couch to curl up next to or on him* *is also presumably good at comforting, and likes this person, as he smells like Cáno*
[Daeron] *wraps one arm around him, comforted despite himself* And really, I'm being quite self-pitying today. The world seems to be punishing me for it, though, so I guess it evens out. *just babbling*
[Huan] *totally snuggles* *tilts head as though to invite him to continue as he totally doesn't mind a little self-pity and would like to know just what this dastardly world's been doing to him -- which is rather a lot to be conveyed in one headtilt but, hey, maybe-Maia, here*
[Daeron] *sighs* I think the majority of people I know think I'm having sex with Maglor, including some of his family members, who are terrifying enough. And as for Maglor...I don't know what we're doing.
[Daeron] I think we agreed to something neither of us has any clue how to go about doing. I'm not even sure if it's what we want to do. I'm afraid we're just doing it because we're too terrified of losing each other and it looks like the only path open.
[Huan] *is about to be a relationship counselor, it seems. Should set up a clinic with Indis* *is also going to speak now: don't have a heart attack* Never mind the family. They'll always be crazy.
[Daeron] *they'd make good money* *JUMPS* *...stares at him* I think I'm going to go with me being the crazy one, at this moment.
[Huan] *looks at him* No... for an elf, you seem relatively sane. And if it's any consolation, you don't smell like you've been having sex with Cáno, only like you're never apart.
[Daeron] ...I'll...take some comfort in that. ........we aren't...not really. Not often. *is rather getting who this is and is actually...rather embarassed for emoing on him*
[Huan] *wouldn't let anyone emo on him if he minded* *nuzzles - big and doggy and friendly* So, this love thing. Mutual?
[Daeron] ... *still. He's like, a hero!* *is a dork, kthanx* ... *nods* *quietly* Yes.
[Huan] *yeah. So?* Sounds like you've known each other a long time, and you're afraid of the change. That it?
[Daeron] *--I shouldn't emo on peop-er, hounds- like that! It's...sacreligious, or something.* ... *looks down* That's it exactly.'s can't be better than what we had.
[Huan] *grew. up. with. Tyelko.* Why not?
[Daeron] *I'm sorry?* It made me the happiest I've ever been. And this...this has already ripped holes in us. Who knows what it will do to us next?
[Huan] *point being: if being used as a teddy bear for millennia wasn't sacreligious, a bit of emo doesn't even come close* It's likely the fear of love that hurts: not the love itself. Try letting yourselves be happy.
[Daeron] *...* *chews on his lip* ...but... It does hurt. would we do that?
[Huan] *dogs can't really shrug, unfortunately* That's something you have to figure out yourselves. Remember that love is for delighting in, not fearing. That if you love each other, there is no reason it can't be better than what you've had before. *is apparently, a romantic. Perhaps Beren and Luthien rubbed off on him*
[Daeron] *picks at his pant leg* ........ *just nods*
[Huan] *licks his hand* *this is Dog for "Cheer up, emo kid! :D"*
[Daeron] *attempts a smile* Thank you, I suppose.
[Huan] *headbutts lightly* Just doing my part to keep you people from being quite so daft. It's a rare enough thing you have. Do enjoy it.
[Daeron] ...good luck with that, but do forgive me if I don't bet on your sucess. I'll...I'll try to. *uncurls and stands* And...thank you. It was a honor pleasure to meet and speak with you.
[Huan] I must be an incurable optimist. I keep trying despite, again, having grown up with Tyelko. *stands as he does and nods solemnly, but the gravity is belied by his wagging tail*
[Daeron] *actually does smile at that, and goes off*

[Tyelkormo] *wanders in, one called dog owner personage*
[Tyelkormo] *OMFE POUNC'D* *FALLS OVER* *lands with a laugh*
[Huan] *licks his face, 'cause that's what you do*
[Tyelkormo] *grins and ruffles his ears* Brat.
[Huan] *nuzzles his agreement*
[Tyelkormo] You're doing well, I take it? *nuzzles back. Because...he's odd like that. AND SECRETLY A PUPPY.*
[Huan] Quite. *will let him up, now*
[Tyelkormo] *grins and stands* What have you been up to?
[Huan] *licks his hand* Relationship counseling, of all things.
[Tyelkormo] *snorts* Relationship counseling? How did you manage that? *is going to go flop on a couch. can be used as a dog pillow*
[Huan] *will definitely use him as a dog pillow* *will also shrug as well as a dog can, and be enigmatic and not elaborate*
[Tyelkormo] *pokes, but ruins the effect by promptly petting him* Tell me who, at least?
[Huan] *prefers to remain an enigma* I didn't ask his name. * ^____^ *
[Tyelkormo] You're being a brat. *pokes him again*
[Huan] Yes. *headbutts*
[Tyelkormo] *whine* You're keeping something from me. Tell mee.
[Huan] *lazily* You're a brat. When they get a clue.
[Tyelkormo] I never said I wasn't. I take after you, after all. ...'get a clue?'
[Huan] *silly elfling, not up on modern slang* When they stop being completley daft.
[Tyelkormo] *gentle thwap* I knew that. But why are they needing a clue?
[Huan] *nips lightly at him* Because they've no idea how to deal with being in love.
[Tyelkormo] That's silly. *avoids the nip and taps Huan's nose with a finger*
[Huan] *wrinkles said nose* That's what I said. More or less.
[Tyelkormo] *chuckles* Well, yes. You just hadn't told me why. *ruffles his fur*
[Huan] Mmn. *arches his neck, shamelessly hedonistic*
[Tyelkormo] *has no problem feeding that* *scritches*
[Huan] *squeee*

* Now talking in #df-emobards
[Maglor] *evidently curled up and sleeping. Go figure*
[Daeron] *pads in quietly, not wanting to disturb him* *watches him for a long moment, before removing his shoes and curling up across from him*
[Maglor] *stirs slightly, and looks blearily at him, half-awake*
[Daeron] *quietly* Hi. *moves a little closer*
[Maglor] Hi. *wriggles closer, and reaches out to him sleepily*
[Daeron] *moves into the touch* Sorry to wake you.
[Maglor] *tugs him closer, almost posessively* 'Salright. *waking up a little bit more* How are you?
[Daeron] ...odd, to be completely honest. *nuzzles against him, liking the security the posessivness brings*
[Maglor] How so? *snuggles with, and blinks suddenly* *still sleepy* --You smell like overgrown puppy Huan.
[Daeron] I spoke with him. And your eldest brother. And your father. In reverse order.
[Maglor] ...Oh. That is odd. *snugs him*
[Daeron] Yes... *curls around him* Maglor...?
[Maglor] Yes?
[Daeron] Something Maedhros said... *tucks his head under Maglor's chin* ...Do I make you happy?
[Maglor] *nuzzles* --He said that?
[Daeron] *nods*
[Maglor] *softly* The happiest I've ever been.
[Daeron] *smiles, nuzzling closer* Good.
[Maglor] *will smile into his hair, then, and snuggle, and probably drift back off to sleep*
[Daeron] *will soon follow him*

Go on to Part II - The Emo Strikes Back!

huan, daeron, celegorm, maglor, feanor, oropher, maedhros

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