(no subject)

Dec 18, 2005 03:06

And hark, the zenith of the BDP of SIAL comes into effect -- !

In which Belle and Acheron are absolutely evil and there is a lot of pain for Raphael. ...that's it, really.

Warning for blood and pain. And squicky turn-ons.

Raphael: *is totally lost in thought and oblivious*
Belle: *clears her throat*
Raphael: *turns head in the direction of the throat-clearing* ...Hello.
Belle: *smiles!* *this is her best small, polite, sweet smile, which would /never/ fly if you knew her, but being a spy makes you a hell of an actress* You're Raphael, aren't you?
ApparentlyPhleg: *is going to stand just out of sight, listening*
Raphael: I am. *lack of suspicion, whee*
Belle: *tilts head, still with the omgsweetsmile* Would you be willing to answer two questions for me, please?
Raphael: Certainly. What are they?
Belle: First. *looks thoughtful* You know Gabriel, don't you?
Raphael: *slightly puzzled* Yes, of course I do.
Belle: Oh, good. *beams!* And second... *still with the very, very sweet smile, gestures to the door* Does that lock?
Raphael: I don't see why it wouldn't...
Belle: Excellent. *still smiling brightly, crosses over to the door and locks it firmly, nodding just slightly in Acheron's direction*
Raphael: *blinks at her*
ApparentlyPhleg: *smiles, and does, have we mentioned, the best Phlegethon impression ever?*
ApparentlyPhleg: Hello, angel.
Raphael: *...right, definitely /confused/* ...What do you want?
Belle: *helpfully, still in a very bright tone* To put you in as much pain as possible.
ApparentlyPhleg: The usual, you know. *grins*
Belle: Don't forget these. *tosses real!Phleggy's unholy water'd handcuffs to Acheron*
Raphael: ...*ellipses*
ApparentlyPhleg: *catches them* Thank you very much, dear. *handcuffs!*
Belle: *leans against the door, arms crossed, and /grins/, and there's the wicked!Bellegrin*
Raphael: *hisses in pain* You --
ApparentlyPhleg: Shh. Save your breath for later.
Raphael: *shudders slightly, biting his lip*
ApparentlyPhleg: *laughs* Good angel. *and that's an Acheronknife*
Raphael: *glareglarerevolution*
Belle: -- *pause* Wrong knife, dear. *withdraws unholy water'd!Phleggyknife and saunters over, stabbing it casually into Ralphie's shoulder*
ApparentlyPhleg: No worries. *sticks the tip of his knife into Ralphie's left eye*
Raphael: *...the best way to describe the noise he just made is as the bastard child of a gasp and a yelp -- oh, wait. Look. Just ... /yelping/.*
ApparentlyPhleg: *grins and moves the knife in an ever-so-small circle*
Belle: *steps behind Ralphie and just -grins-*
Raphael: */whimpers/*
ApparentlyPhleg: *and that ought to effectively destroy most/all of that eyeball* *repeats the process on the other one*
Belle: Not taking them out to add to the collection? *innocent smile as she searches her coat pockets for the unholy water*
ApparentlyPhleg: Not worth it.
ApparentlyPhleg: *lets the facade drop, but keeps the voice very effectively Phlegish*
* ApparentlyPhleg is now known as Acheron
Raphael: *still with the whimpering, yes*
Acheron: *leans over Ralphie's shoulder to kiss Belle*
Belle: *kisses back, then pulls away with a slight smirk* *low, but close to Raphael's ear, so he'll hear* An angel's eyes would be a valuable addition. Waiting to take Gabriel's instead?
Raphael: *...this is handcuff'd flailing*
Acheron: *laughs, and OMGOMG have we said before that this is Phleg's voice?* I'd rather take some other part of him.
Raphael: *...this is /even more/ handcuff'd flailing*
Belle: *laughs coldly* Oh, of course. *hands him a vial of the unholy water* Have a party.
Acheron: Thank you, dear. *grins and pours some of the unholy water over his fingers*
Belle: *leans her chin on Raphael's shoulder and watches Acheron, speaking into Raphael's ear* Enjoying this? Do tell him if he isn't doing well enough. He's always looking to improve. ...Not that he hasn't had /plenty/ of practice on your Gabriel already. *smiiiiile*
Acheron: *laughs and presses two wet fingers into Ralphie's eyesocket*
Raphael: *hastily strangled scream*
Acheron: *probes clumsily (though not really, as that's the intention)*
Belle: *smiiiiles* Oh, let it all out, angel.
Raphael: *well, yes, does scream and it goes on for a bit longer this time*
Acheron: *smiles and pours a small dribble of unholy water in his other eyesocket*
Belle: *purrs* Excellent. *takes a step back and mouths "Give it here when you finish" to Acheron*
Acheron: *caps the bottle and tosses it to his wife*
Raphael: *-- this is a lowerpitched, emoer version of his dolphin impression*
Acheron: *laughs aloud*
Belle: *smiiiiles* *catches the bottle and tilts Raphael's head to the side, opening it again and dribbling some unholy water into his ear*
Raphael: *-- SCREAMS.*
Belle: *sweet smile, even though he obviously can't see it* *tilts his head the other way and repeats the process, only lets it trickle from the top of his ear, so it scores the entire perimeter before dripping /into/ the ear*
Acheron: *keeps laughing* Angels are so vulnerable.
Belle: *keeps quiet, because hey, Ralphie has to think Phleggy's doing all the torturing* *but /grins/ at Acheron*
Raphael: *yes, still screaming*
Acheron: *taps the ear* If you think hard about it, it's just water. Water that someone has said a few holy or unholy words over. I'm amazed that this still hurts.
Belle: *straightens, grinning the sort of blissful grin that evil people grin when they haven't tortured anyone in a long time grin* Angels are terribly fragile, as you'd know.
Raphael: *manages to stop screaming, but is still whimpering*
Acheron: Of course I know.
Acheron: I'm eager to see how much this one can take before he breaks completely.
Belle: *tilts head thoughtfully* Well, you certainly reached that point with the other. *then /smiles/, evilly* In fact, I believe you should show him exactly what you did to his Gabriel. *mouths "I know what he did, I'll do it" at him*
Acheron: -Should- I.
Raphael: *ellipses. Just ... ellipses.*
Acheron: I really do like that idea, darling.
Belle: *nods, beaming* *withdraws the unholy water'd scalpel and mouths "cut his shirt off"*
Acheron: *catches it, catches what she's said, and does so*
Belle: *smiling. liek. whoa.* *takes it back and starts on the carving of "Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell" on one arm and Macbeth's "Is this a dagger I see before me" speech on the other, as seamlessly as possible so it feels like the same person's doing it*
Raphael: *trembles and shakes and whimpers while this is happening*
Acheron: *chuckles as he reads what she's writing*
Acheron: What else?
Belle: *hands it back and mouths "Cut out a part of his shoulder"*
Acheron: *stabs the scalpel deep into his shoulder*
Raphael: *sort of a squeak, sort of that same weird emo dolphin-ish noise-thing from earlier*
Acheron: *twists the scalpel in a circle, making a conical cut, and digs the flesh out*
Belle: *grinning delightedly and -- apparently this is a turn-on for her, aughwtfBelle*
Acheron: *that is SO WEIRD*
Raphael: *...../whimpers/*
Acheron: *mouths "What next?" at her*
Belle: *soaks her hand in the unholy water and presses it to Raphael's chest, still with the grin*
Raphael: *-- hey, look. Another scream.*
Acheron: *for the sake of handsize... does the same, on the same place*
Acheron: *just because, less evidence*
Belle: *grins* *mouths "The Lord's Prayer" to Acheron, gesturing at the scars on Raphael's arms, and points to his chest*
Acheron: *mouths back "Latin or English?"*
Belle: *grins a grin of omgmyhusbandistehsmrt* *"English"*
Acheron: *grins, and carves out "Our Father who art in Heaven"*
Acheron: *and the rest of the prayer*
Raphael: *tremble, shake, whimper, so on, so forth*
Belle: *just watching, between the wounds and Raphael's expression*
Acheron: *grins, turns and kisses Belle*
Belle: *kisses back, murmuring into the kiss (and inaudibly to Ralphie)* You are /wonderful/.
Acheron: You're fantastic.
Belle: *thoughtful eyebrowraise* *still beyond Ralphie's hearing, yes* Think this is enough for now?
Acheron: Unless you want to do something especially devastating. Cherry on the sundae, and all that.
Belle: *...smiiiiiles after a few seconds of thought* *takes the bottle of unholy water, uncaps it, and takes a small mouthful before striding over to Raphael and kissing him forcefully* *and that should be enough unholy water shoved into his mouth/throat to burn considerably, but not to cause any inconvenient discorporation*
Acheron: *blinks*
Raphael: *.......just starts crying.*
Belle: *pulls back, smirking, before ramming the blunt end of the scalpel against the back of his head, hard enough to knock him out*
Acheron: *laughs* Nicely done, love.
Raphael: *knock'd out. Yey.*
Belle: *smirkgrins at him, then gestures to Raphael* Cut all his clothes off and when you're done, we're going somewhere I can rip yours off.
Acheron: I do like the sound of that. *strips Ralphie, then*
Belle: *smirks and, before going, empties the bottle -- there shouldn't be that much left -- over Raphael's crotch, yay* *annnd once the clothes are secured will proceed to drag Acheron off for ravishing*
Raphael: *-- joy.*
Acheron: *yes, taken off for ravishment*

acheron, belle zelle, raphael

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