(no subject)

Dec 17, 2005 23:00

Look, it's Peri instead of Maja! Funny how that works.

Basically? Phleggy and Gabs are each Somewhere. They talk, emo in turn, snog, and end up sexxing. Funny how that works.

Session Start: Fri Dec 16 12:41:01 2005
Phlegethon: *somewhere! :O*
Gabriel: *somewhere also! convenient as to how that works* *and actually not about to break, for the first time in... ...a while.*
Phlegethon: *wow, that's amazingly shiny* *grins, then, 'cause yay it's Gabriel* Afternoon, angel.
Gabriel: *isn't it just? and such a change.* *smiles faintly* Hello, Phlegethon.
Phlegethon: Feeling any better today? *the shocking thing here is that he Really Actually Cares!11*
Gabriel: *eeeee -- typist. really.* I am. Considerably. Thank you, again.
Phlegethon: *the things love does to a good/bad Hades. ;__;* Good. You don't really need to thank me.
Gabriel: *it's IWWNTTO beyond reason, really* I do, though. It was...I can't express how...I -needed- it, I really did.
Phlegethon: *augh and so was that. ;__;!* *shakes his head* I want to be able to give you what you need, is all.
Gabriel: *akfhhdghak they win at it* *quietly* You did.
Phlegethon: *fjakfslkd okay they really do* ... *smiles in that rare, genuine way* Well, good. *shakes back his sleeve and look, he has a switchblade up his sleeve! literally! :O*
Gabriel: *smiles back, faintly but just as genuinely, and raises an eyebrow at the switchblade*
Phlegethon: *looks at it contemplatively* ...I'm trying to decide if slitting my wrists will hurt more or less than what my family will do. *pause* I'm not trying to imply anything about your protective capabilities, but --
Gabriel: ... *bites his lip* ...Please don't.
Phlegethon: *arches an eyebrow* I won't. Yet. I'll wait to see what they'll do.
Gabriel: *nods* All right. Thank you. I...I'll do whatever I can to prevent it from happening.
Phlegethon: Thank -you-. *cheerfully enough* You know, I really don't understand you at all.
Gabriel: *tilts head* You don't?
Phlegethon: Not in the slightest. You -forgave- me.
Gabriel: *blinks* Of course I did.
Phlegethon: Which makes no sense at all.
Gabriel: Why not...? You showed yourself to be someone worth forgiveness. And I gave it.
Phlegethon: ...Worth forgiveness? *he's getting to show off his "wtf" face a lot lately*
Gabriel: Yes. *calmly* You're capable of love.
Phlegethon: You don't have to tell me. I can't escape it anymore. *doesn't want to be quite so bitter, but can't -help- it* Why does it still -hurt-?
Gabriel: *...mrrr, Phleggy ;___;* *bites his lip, looking sad* Pain comes with love. In all its forms.
Phlegethon: So I'm discovering. Not that I have an excess of experience with love. *twirls the switchblade between his fingers with the air of one who has spent far too much time perfecting the art of being vaguely scary with a knife*
Gabriel: *still looking a little concerned, because will honestly break again if Phlegethon kills himself* *so...lets his eyes follow the knife, for no real reason*
Phlegethon: *isn't going to kill himself. yet. but the typist has determined that yeah, he's just pretty much going to go, "...hi, angel. didn't torture your friend. want proof? :) *slits his wrists*"* *continues, then, mostly to himself* There's Cocytus. I suppose I love him. Enough to kill anyone who hurts him. And you. That's two people I love. That's it.
Gabriel: *...you do realize what that'll do to Gabs. and that I fully approve.* *...doesn't really like Cytty, due to their prior interaction, but...auuugh that's so IWWNTTO* *raises his eyes to glance at Phlegethon, still chewing on his lip absently, and lowers them to the knife again*
Phlegethon: *...yay. well, it was his idea. he really can't stand the thought of Gabs hating him all over again* *yes, hasn't stopped twirling it because is weird like that* I hadn't seen Cocytus for years, anyway. We don't keep in touch. I don't -miss- him when I don't see him. You, on the other hand -- *pauses, and the implication here should be obvious enough, really*
Gabriel: *;____; Phleggyyyy.* *sighs softly, eyes still on the knife* *and...really still has no idea what to say to that, because what -can- you say?*
Phlegethon: I think what I'm trying to say here is that I don't -- know how to -do- this. I don't know how to -- ...people aren't supposed to make me happy. People aren't supposed to make me sad. I'm not supposed to -feel-, and now that I -am- I don't know what to do about it. *knifeyknife shiny asterisks*
Gabriel: *...afgjadhfgshd Phleggy makes us sad. ;___;* *looks up at that and -- has probably unconsciously come somewhat closer* *quietly* It is rather a lot to learn all at once. I -- I'm probably not the best person to offer to help, seeing as there's nothing I can do as I'm the cause anyway.
Phlegethon: *he makes -- himself... sad? er* *tilts his head slightly* It is. ...Who else am I supposed to talk to? Who can stand my company?
Gabriel: *;___;* ...Well, all right. I'll...do what I can. But...you knew I would already.
Phlegethon: *--will just be flinging his knife across the room and watching it slam into the opposite wall and stick there now* ...I don't -understand- you. How can you --
Gabriel: *winces at that, crossing over to Phlegethon and resting a hand lightly on his shoulder* *quietly* It's simple, really.
Phlegethon: *takes a deep breath in a possibly futile attempt to become calm, then looks Gabriel in the eye* I still don't understand. Can you explain it in terms I'll be able to comprehend?
Gabriel: *looks back at him, gaze gentle and a little sad* ...I can try, but...I'm not sure if I -can-. I...can say that I know what it is, to...feel as you do, I...can say that showing emotion makes you more human, I...can say that mercy's a virtue. But...it all comes down to the simple feeling that...it's the only possible course of action. That I feel as if I can act no other way. That's all.
Phlegethon: *insert a long, long silence here* ...Oh. I don't -- *stares, really, and then -- well, something shifts here, and the attentive angel will probably notice that he just -shattered-, although the only real evidence of this is a subtle change in his expression* ...I don't deserve it.
Gabriel: *...notices, as is watching said expression rather closely* *tightens the hand on Phlegethon's shoulder just slightly* *quietly* I believe you do. And even if you don't, I'll give it anyway.
Phlegethon: Don't... *is -shaking- rather violently* Don't waste your time on me, angel. *pauses, and adds, quietly and a little desperately* I -love- you.
Gabriel: *softly but with feeling* It isn't a waste. At all. *...and, augh, looks -really- saddened and...tentatively hugs him to try and stop the shaking* I know. I know. I'm sorry.
Phlegethon: I'll manage to prove you wrong soon enough, I'm sure. *hugs back tightly and closes his eyes* -I'm- sorry. I don't know what to do and I -- I'm sorry.
Gabriel: *closes his eyes as well and...makes with the tight hugging* ...I wish I could tell you what to do. Or make it better, somehow.
Phlegethon: *makes with the clinging* You've done enough. You've done too -much-. I'm evil, remember? Despicable? I kill puppies and laugh at their pain?
Gabriel: *not letting go, because...honestly needs it as well* I could never hate anyone who loved me.
Phlegethon: Interesting that my one redeeming quality will end up being my downfall. *right, yes, clinging a lot, and any normal person would cry, but this is not a normal person*
Gabriel: ...Would it be better if I hated you? *can't imagine that the answer would be yes, but has to ask anyway* *and...yes, clinging*
Phlegethon: No. Yes. It would be simpler. I'm used to hatred and I'm used to people hating me. *hi, is strange*
Gabriel: *slight wince* ...I'm sorry, then. That I can't hate you. *...is stranger. believe me.*
Phlegethon: *laughs slightly under his breath* ...Don't apologize for that. It -- I don't understand it, I -can't, but... I don't know. The only way to describe it is to say that it makes me -happy- that you don't hate me. Surprised but happy. *whee, they're both weird! OTP. >:D*
Gabriel: *...smiles faintly at that* Good. I've...complicated things enough for you already without making it any worse. *they -are-. ...*shiftyeyesaticon**
Phlegethon: Now I just need to decide whether it's worth it. Is love worth the pain? *... :D :D :D ...I still rilly want this pairing.*
Gabriel: *quietly* I believe it is. But the choice isn't mine to make. *...BUT IS THEIR LOVE WORTH THE PAIN OF DEATHBYRIKA?!?!*
Phlegethon: *doesn't answer for a moment* ...We'll see. Right now, it... it still hurts. Too much. *I THINK SO. BUT IT'S NOT REALLY MY DECISION. XD*
Gabriel: *sighs softly and...is apparently going to lightly kiss Phlegethon's cheek, and the typist /gives up on telling him to or not to do anything anymore/* I'm sorry. I truly am. *WELL, WERE IT UP TO ME, I'D DO IT. BUT...I AM REALLY, REALLY AFRAID OF WHAT RIKA WOULD DO. XD*
Phlegethon: *smiles vaguely at that* It's not your fault. I know you think it is, but it isn't. Trust me if you can. *...BLAHHH. XD *CRIEZ* WE WANTS EET, PRECIOUSSSS.*
Gabriel: *nods slowly* I do, you know. *...I KNOOOW. I DO TOOOO. BUT...BUT...SCAREDOFRIKA.*
Phlegethon: You -- ...trust me? Do you think that's wise? *...;_____; WHAT DO YOU THINK SHE WOULD DO TO US?*
Gabriel: ...Likely not. But I do. *slight shrug* *...I DON'T KNOW. BUT...IT'D BE BAD. OR RATHER, MEPH'S REACTION WOULD BE BAD AND SHE WOULDN'T FORGIVE US.*
Phlegethon: ... I won't let you down, angel. *foreshadowing goes here, augh* *...BLAH. D: THIS IS LAME KTHX.*
Gabriel: *small smile* I know you won't. *foreshadowingforeshadowingrevolution* ...IT REALLY IS. ;___; BAH. ...AT LEAST WE HAVE MORETHANLACKOFHATE. OR SOMETHING.*
Phlegethon: -Angels-. *smiles faintly in return* Pathetic, really. *...YES. OR SOMETHING. BUT, Y'KNOW, PHLEGGY IS PINING. NOT PINGING. XD*
Gabriel: *shrugs a little helplessly, still with the faint smile* I can't really help it. *ANG WAS ALL "THAT WAS PHLEGGY PINING. ...I MEAN PINGING." AND I WAS ALL "...FREUDIAN SLIP." ANYWAY.*
Phlegethon: It's part of your charm. Or it would be, if you had any charm. *smirks slightly and -- kisses him rather suddenly, if almost helplessly* *WELL, HE -IS- PINING LIEKWHOA. D: I FLAIL.*
Gabriel: *would take some offense at that, but -- is suddenly kissed, and hesitates before tentatively and gently kissing back* *I'M SORRY, PHLEGGY. I DON'T KNOW IF THE POSSIBILITY FOR LOVE MAKES IT BETTER OR WORSE.*
Phlegethon: *kisses him a while longer, then, possibly shaking again, before breaking away quickly as his brain catches up with the rest of him* ...Fuck. I'm sorry, angel. *HE SAYS IT'S WORSE 'CAUSE HE KNOWS GABS WON'T ACTUALLY EVER LOVE HIM.*
Gabriel: *shakes his head slowly, leaning his head on Phlegethon's shoulder a little dazedly* You don't have to apologize. *...I DIDN'T SAY THAT HE WON'T EVER -- *shuts up**
Phlegethon: Explain that to me? *...tightens his arms around Gabriel anyway. he never claimed to make sense* ...IS THERE REALLY A CHANCE --*
Gabriel: If...I...*pause* *takes a deep breath* ...I needed that, too. *...clinging, yes* *...HONESTLY? ...IT'D TAKE A WHILE. AND...HE'D PROBABLY REPRESS IT AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. BUT...THERE IS.*
Phlegethon: *can't help looking a little pained at that* ...-Why-? *this is so weird, but -- oh, well, clinging* *.................EEEEEEEEE -- er. I mean. I MEAN, EEEEEE OMG. ... :D*
Gabriel: ...*pause, because this is going to sound awkward* ...I...I...I need...to be loved. *augh, clinging* *........YES. EEEEEEEE. BUT..../PAIN/. XD*
Phlegethon: *bites his lip* *quietly* And... I -do- love you. I love you so much I don't know what to -do- with all of it. *fjkslfsdfa -- clings, yeah* *...........DO YOU THINK SHE'D SERIOUSLY HURT US?*
Gabriel: *...augh, not with the guilt /again/, angelwhore* *that may be his voice breaking just slightly* I... -- I won't apologize again. *clinging, lots of it* *.....I THINK /MEPH/ WOULD HURT /THEM/ AND SHE REALLY REALLY DOESN'T WANT THAT, SO.*
Phlegethon: It's not -- your -fault-. *definitely with the clinging and the trembling and the -augh- this is all more than a little painful* *.................I WANT MEPH TO HURT PHLEGGY MORE! :D*
Gabriel: But I -- I -- *...augh, gives up and kisses him again* *I MEAN SHE DOESN'T WANT MEPH TO BREAK FOR GOOD.*
Phlegethon: *--kisses back because he can't -not-, still clinging rather a lot* *OH. WELL. YES. ...THIS IS SO LAME.*
Gabriel: *...will keep kissing and clinging, then* *...IT REALLY IS. BLEH.*
Phlegethon: *in a truly amazing display of self-control, will actually pull away... eventually* ...Not that I mind, but what the hell do you think you're doing? *...;___; I'M SORRY*
Gabriel: *...I applaud him! :O* *closes his eyes and...willnotapologizewillnotapologize* I...I don't know. I just...*turning away slightly, barely audibly and sounding slightly lost* ...I don't want to /think./ *...NOT YOUR FAULT...!*
Phlegethon: ...So you turn to me and I turn to death. I don't want to -- I mean, I -- *takes a deep breath* I don't want this if it doesn't mean anything, angel. *BUT I'M STILL SORRY...! ;____;*
Gabriel: *in the same tone* ...Would it help if I said you were one of two people I'd -trust- with myself at this point? *...IT'LL WORK OUT IN THE END. I HOPE.*
Phlegethon: *rather shakily* ...I don't know. Is that -- really... *shakes his head slightly as if to clear it* *...IT HAD BETTER. x__x*
Gabriel: *unable to bring himself to look at Phlegethon* *barely audible, voice slightly broken* ...It does, you know.
Phlegethon: ...Oh. I -- *aughbrokenGabriel <-- the only way to describe it* ...oh. That's... that's a first. What -- what do you want from me? *doesn't mean it in that normal, confrontational way -- is honestly puzzled*
Gabriel: *sighs quietly, closing his eyes a bit tighter* ...I...I don't know. I...wish I did. Whatever...you're willing to give, I suppose. Whatever there is to take without being selfish.
Phlegethon: *laughs shortly* You're not capable of being selfish, angel. *brief pause* I had hoped by now you would have realized that I'd give you -- anything you wanted. Everything. All of me.
Gabriel: You think so? *sighs, a more or less exhausted, defeated sigh, and hugs himself weakly* I...I can't take that. It...wouldn't be fair.
Phlegethon: I do. *shakes his head* I don't care about fair and I never have. Anyway, what wouldn't be fair about it?
Gabriel: Asking that of you when...when I wouldn't be able to give the same in return.
Phlegethon: Angel, I know you'll never love me. I'm not as stupid as I look. I don't care.
Gabriel: *winces slightly* ...I...are you sure?
Phlegethon: *as levelly as he can manage* As sure as I'll ever be.
Gabriel: *...turns to look right at Phlegethon, opening his eyes* ...I'm sorry. *and has probably never meant it more*
Phlegethon: *smiles at him, not quite genuinely, but -- good enough for now* Don't apologize.
Gabriel: But I...this wouldn't...*steps forward and just hugs him tightly, closing his eyes and burying his face in Phlegethon's chest*
Phlegethon: *hugs him, then, arms around his waist* ...It's fine. You said you trusted me, so do.
Gabriel: *nods shakily* ...I will. I do. *looks up at him after a few minutes of clinging, eyes wide and expression entirely vulnerable*
Phlegethon: *bites his lip at that, because -- well, how can you not break just a little at that?* Good. Thank you. *--and kisses him, stupid Hades*
Gabriel: *kisses back with a hint of desperation, clinging*
Phlegethon: *tightens his arms around Gabriel and -- kisses him, with more than just a hint of desperation* *this is totally going to go place*
Gabriel: *definitely going to go places, as is not about to let go or stop kissing on his own* *...shall we fadetoblack if Phleggysex still breaks your brain? XD*
Phlegethon: *...sure. my brain is not a happy place anyway. also this all totally took place last night anyway.*

gabriel, phlegethon hades

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