(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 14:07

Ok, so Mercutio got ensorcelled, and slept with Kaos. This made Tybalt not a happy bunny. So here's the CONFRONTATION. *gasp*

stardust enigma (1:33:02 PM): Merc: *napping on couch*
Pylades24601 (1:33:15 PM): Tybs: ...*probably still working on sharpening his sword*
Talissa Rocsham (1:33:38 PM): Kaos: *bah, swords, whatever*
stardust enigma (1:34:06 PM): Merc: *waves at Kaos, grinning*
Pylades24601 (1:34:23 PM): Tybs: *looks up and glares like -- a very glarey thing*
Talissa Rocsham (1:34:46 PM): Kaos: *walks over and kisses Merc very thoroughly*
stardust enigma (1:34:59 PM): Merc: *grins* Hey. *counterkisses*
Pylades24601 (1:35:25 PM): Tybs: ....*stalks over and taps Kaos on the shoulder* I believe you're kissing my boyfriend.
Talissa Rocsham (1:35:36 PM): Kaos: *looks over shoulder* And?
Pylades24601 (1:35:58 PM): Tybs: *smirks* And I'll kill you if you do it again.
stardust enigma (1:36:08 PM): Merc: *smirks* Tybalt. Piss off.
Talissa Rocsham (1:36:39 PM): Kaos: *turns back to Merc and kisses him*
Pylades24601 (1:36:39 PM): Tybs: *glares* Shut up, Mercutio.
Pylades24601 (1:37:02 PM): Tybs: ...*yep, draws his sword*
Talissa Rocsham (1:37:20 PM): Kaos: *melts the sword*
stardust enigma (1:38:11 PM): Merc: *notices* *smirks* Powerful and sexy. *kisses* What else can you do?
Talissa Rocsham (1:38:12 PM): Kaos: *while kissing, and probably groping*
Pylades24601 (1:38:23 PM): Tybs: ....*well then, punches Kaos?*
Talissa Rocsham (1:38:32 PM): Kaos: What would you like me to do? *smirk*
Talissa Rocsham (1:39:11 PM): Kaos: *rolls eyes, trying not to wince, and throws him across the room with his powers*
stardust enigma (1:39:21 PM): Merc: ... turn him into a kitten.
Talissa Rocsham (1:39:54 PM): Kaos: *slight bow, and Kaosmods Tybs into a kitten*
Pylades24601 (1:40:02 PM): Tybs: *slams against the wall and winces at the 'kitten'* ....*and is now kittened*
Talissa Rocsham (1:40:28 PM): Kaos: Happy?
Pylades24601 (1:40:43 PM): Tybs: *hisses and bristles*
stardust enigma (1:40:58 PM): Merc: *grins* Much better. *gets up and picks up the kitten*
Talissa Rocsham (1:41:04 PM): Kaos: *mods a ball of string for Tybs to play with*
Pylades24601 (1:41:33 PM): Tybs: *swipes at Merc's arms, hissing*
Talissa Rocsham (1:42:22 PM): Kaos: *tsks* Be good, kitty.
Pylades24601 (1:42:42 PM): Tybs: ...*also, ignores stringball in favour of hissing*
Talissa Rocsham (1:43:26 PM): Kaos: Crotchety little thing, isn't he?
Pylades24601 (1:43:45 PM): Tybs: *I hate you all so very much.*
Talissa Rocsham (1:44:11 PM): Kaos: *Sure you do, now look! Lizard! Go chase!*
Pylades24601 (1:44:26 PM): Tybs: ....*ooh, lizard!*
stardust enigma (1:44:51 PM): Merc: Much cuter as a kitten, though. *grins*
Talissa Rocsham (1:45:29 PM): Kaos: *grins* Definitely. *looks at Merc* You know what?
stardust enigma (1:45:38 PM): Merc: Yes? *kiss*
Talissa Rocsham (1:46:21 PM): Kaos: *kiss* I think you'd make a darn cute kitten yourself.
Pylades24601 (1:46:35 PM): Tybs: *lizardlizard -- hey they're kissing!* *yowls indignantly*
stardust enigma (1:46:49 PM): Merc: ... I prefer being a human. You can't have sex with a kitten.
stardust enigma (1:46:53 PM): Merc: ... I prefer being a human. You can't have sex with a kitten.
Talissa Rocsham (1:47:38 PM): Kaos: *smirks* Can't you, though. No, I'm keeping you human for now. *much kissing and groping, thoroughly exhibitionist, all for Tybs' sake*
Pylades24601 (1:48:09 PM): Tybs: ....*uses Kaos' leg for a scratching post! >:D*
Talissa Rocsham (1:49:15 PM): Kaos: *kicks him away and mods his claws blunt*
Pylades24601 (1:50:29 PM): Tybs: ...*sulks like only a kitten can and hisses*
Talissa Rocsham (1:50:59 PM): Kaos: *much kissing and groping, because they make little kittens cry*
Pylades24601 (1:52:00 PM): Tybs: ....*stalks onto a couch to sulk and shoot evil glares at Kaos*
stardust enigma (1:52:53 PM): Merc: *needs another distraction if there's going to be a kitten kiss*
Talissa Rocsham (1:53:08 PM): Kaos: *ignores, is good at that* *and is so very happy these two are mortals. So much less danger of nasty things happening this way*
stardust enigma (1:53:09 PM): Merc: *runs his fingers up Kaos' shirt, totally with the snogging*
Pylades24601 (1:53:29 PM): Tybs: ....*ponders scrambling up Merc's leg and sitting on his shoulder*
Talissa Rocsham (1:53:49 PM): Kaos: *runs his hand down the back of Merc's pants, totally with the snogging*
Pylades24601 (1:55:34 PM): *or, you know, just sits on the floor and looks cute*

tybalt, kaos, mercutio

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