In which Marika and Peri are excessively silly

Oct 30, 2005 22:28

Okay, I know that people are probably getting annoyed by anti-OTP logs, but this log... had to be posted. Metatron/Mephistopheles anti-OTP. In which they pwn each other muchly. We did this without informing OOC chat of what anything meant until about halfway through. Translations provided in italics.

Metatron: *flames in, oh yes*
Mephisto: *is very here! and Marika again plays 1/2 of chat*
Metatron: *sighs* Mephistopheles.
Mephisto: Metatron. *glare*
Metatron: *glareyglare!* *...there's not much else for this*
Mephisto: *there really isn't* *glareglareofdewm*
Metatron: *...whooo, glareage. okay, should probably say something* You know, you're one of the few demons I actively dislike at this point.
Mephisto: I consider myself honored, Metatron.
Metatron: It's not meant to be an honour.
Mephisto: Nonetheless, I consider it one.
Mephisto: I dislike you terribly. Proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem laeseris. (“It is human nature to hate a person you have injured.”)
Metatron: Yes, well, that would seem to follow. *crosses his arms* Te odeo, interfice te cochleare. *MAD LATIN SKILLS. PWN.* (“I hate you, go kill yourself with a spoon.”)
Mephisto: *rolls his eyes* Stultus est sicut stultus facit. *HA. TOUCHE, META.* (“Stupid is as stupid does.”)
Metatron: Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant. *OOOOH, BURN* (“May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy.”)
Mephisto: *sighs, then smirks at him* Apudne te vel me? (“Your place or mine?”)
Mephisto: [Commodum habitus es, Meta!!!!] (“You have just been owned, Meta!!!!”)
Metatron: Tace atque ab. *glareglarerevolution* (“Shut up and go away.”)
Mephisto: Nullo modo. *kisses him* (“No way.”)
Metatron: *freezes -- dudeomgMephkissing -- before very tentatively kissing back* *then draws back and glares* Quo usque tandem abutere patentia nostra? (“How long are you going to abuse our patience?”)
Mephisto: Id imperfectum manet dum confectum erit. *snogs him* (“It isn’t over till it’s over.”)
Metatron: *shoves him away* Cepe indicum. (“Take a hint.”)
Mephisto: Flocci non faccio. *snogtackle!* (“I don’t give a damn.”)
Metatron: *gahhh, fine, kisses back!* *breathlessly* Puto vos esse molestissimos. (“I think that you are very annoying.”)
Mephisto: Cupio te meam mentulam sugare. *smirks* (“I want you to suck my dick.”)
Metatron: ...
Metatron: .............
Metatron: *...there is no coherent response to that*
Gabriel: [Es scortum obscenus vilis. *wisenod*] (“You are a vile, perverted whore.”)
Metatron: [...XD]
Gabriel: [Or "perite", but that's too bad for Meta XD]
Metatron: [Rather. XD]
Mephisto: *smirkysmirk*
Metatron: *finally splutters* Ut si! (“As if!”)
Mephisto: Scio erit in lecto fortissimus. *snogs him and drags him out* (“I am Hercules in the sack.”)
Metatron: *dragged out!* *...goes with it >:D*

anti-otp, mephistopheles, metatron

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