Jun 05, 2006 22:06
A - Available: sweet yes, but who knows for how long
A - Age: 18
A - Annoyance: if you tell my you read this more than once, and at more than once place a.k.a. myspace, inperson, the mall, aim
B - Best Friends: justin,josh,austin,alex
B - Bad Habit: yay being bad, no more needed
B - Birthday: sept. 17
C - Crush: I have one, or two, ok only one and a car which i've named lidia, and I haven't bought her yet, but she want's me bad
C - Car: toyota fo-runner
C - Cats: tiger (Clemson hinkle)
D - Dead Pets name: dog dog
D - Desktop Picture: down hill racing
D - Dogs: DIXIE
E - Easiest person to talk to: justin & josh
E - Email: two of em' baby
F -Favorite color: ORANGE AND PURPLE
F - Food: cheese
F - Favorite number: 17
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: bears
G - Good Times: make memoiries
H - Hair Color: this dirty blonde stuff
H - Happy: enough
I - Ice Cream: vanilla with strawberry & gramchracker mixed in
I - In school?: 2 months
I - Idiots?: should be shot
J - Jewelry: few, stylish, and a hair band
J - Job: one, working on one more
J - Jokes: so this one time I was........ and your mothers a duck
K - Kids: in a few years
K - Karate: one class
K - Know a Katie: two
L - Longest Car Ride: to philmont N.Mexico
L - Last phone call: justin
L - Love: god + every one else
M - Milk Flavor: allergic
M - Movie Last Watched: gone in 60 seconds
M - Music: everything
N - Number of Siblings: ONE BRO
N - Northern or Southern?: SOUTEHRN AND PROUD OF IT
N - Name: NATHAN
O - One Phobia: that thing, it's about idk shoot it's that thing
O - Obnoxious: you wish
O - Open About yourself?: ummm why not
P - Parents: I can live with once in a while
P - Puppy?: once I get an apartment
P - Party: with or w/o achol
Q - Quote: "as long as old men talk about the weather and as long as old women talk about old men" -george strait
Q - Quick or Slow: slow
Q - Que pasa: the air
R - Reality TV Shows: coming to L.murry
R - Right or Left: straight
R - Right now:thinking about Land Rovers
S - Song Last Heard: every time we touch
S - Stupid people: need to be crash test dummies
S - Season: winter
T - Time you woke up:11ish
T - Time Now: 10;19
T - Time for bed: 2 am
U - Unicorns: need more horn's
U - You are: going to C-L-E-M-S-O_______-----_____NNNNNN
U - Underwear: diamond funky design
V - Vegetable you love: potato
V - Vote: next week, ok maybe this one
W - Where are you going to travel next?: Clemson Super reginonals or Clemson freshman or Arizona
W - Who are you with: the TV and the mini fake christmas tree
W - Where were you born?: Logan W.virginia
X - X-Rays: 21
X - Xylophone:you wish you could play
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - You are going to: get CLEMSON Football tickets, and scream, and flipp out, and.....
Y - Yellow: corvette
Z - Zoo Animal: the mini lepperd
Z- Zukini: burn