general planning for expanding/reworking my garden for next year... the current one I have is a "test run", and so far it's working pretty well, all things considered! [my marigolds are going splendidly, my herbs are producing like MAD, and I have about 10-12 tomatoes growing nice and big. &heart; Also my trailing annuals recovered tremendously from the "great deer and rabbit onslaught" and are blooming like crazy. And my citronella is keeping the bugs away~! ]
So far I am planning on planting garlic, [think I found a way to do this with garlic bulbs, if not then I have to wait for the seeds to come back in stock. Woe.] onions, strawberries, spinach, green beans, peas, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, carrots, and broccoli.
But not just normal broccoli,
LEMON YELLOW CARROTS! This honestly should not excite me as much as it should. I will be the crazy lady with neon colored veggies in my garden. In my backyard. For EVERYONE to see. THIS WILL BE GLORIOUS. It's times like this I am sad this is not my house I am living in, but my father's... haha...
SHAMELESS PLUG I am also still accepting art reuests!
leesers can't be the only one with ideas! D: SHAMELESS PLUG