Superglue is great!

Oct 16, 2007 21:25

I have soooo much MMedSci work to do! So instead of doing it, I decided to stick some pegs onto my bedroom door with superglue and proceed to almost glue my fingers together in the process despite being warned not to by my Polish friend who leant me the glue in the first place!

Sally - is it your birthday today? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and thanks for a great time at your house for the Middlemarch readthru. Look forward to seeing you again at "Buffy".

Elly dearest - many apologies for not getting back to you since Coventry. The reason is as above - stress over work. I am also not alone - everyone on my course is stressing - even the calm ones. I am arranging to see the counselor (sp?) this week re. stress. I dreamt that I was a spy today on the run which is always a sign of stress & overactive mind.

I am of course look forward to seeing everyone at the Buffy readthru. Do I need to confirm anything or pay anything or generally get my butt into gear over it?
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