Incredible Indiaarrgghh!

Sep 10, 2007 15:21

Dear Folks,

Deeply sorry to have caused you all so much worry over the last week. I am home at my parents' house now relaxing & getting ready for university in 2 weeks. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers, love & best wishes. I was due to fly home from India last Sunday (2nd) as Elly said, but had agonising stomach pains (wondered if it was anywhere near giving birth?) and then collapsed with convulsions in my hotel reception.

A doctor was called who then referred me to the best hospital in Calcutta for treatment. I was on a drip for 3 days to get my salts right & lots of tests. I was only really scared when I left the hospital & rang the insurance agency who said they were not sure if they would honour my claim & had no set date to fly me back to Blighty. I was in a scary, really dirty foreign city, was recovering, didn't know anyone & was wondering when I could fly home. I consequently did what I thought best - asked my scary NHS admin. Mum to help with my claim, made the hotel & nearby teashop my home & contacted people via Facebook.

If you want more details, feel free to contact me @ The novel will be available soon! Even this time in Calcutta hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for India. It is an amazing place. If anything, I think even more fondly of it now. My tour group leader was fantastic & deserves a medal (maybe one with Queen Vic on) & so do the nurses. If I cried all of the above said - we will return when you have stopped crying. Don't you just love tough love! My top travel tip now is make sure you keep all your important docs on your person even if you go out to dinner - this speeds up hospital admin. mightily.

Look forward to seeing some of you soon. Oh Happy Birthday "weaselspoon" and "the alchemist". Sorry I missed your birthdays themselves!
Love & hugs,
Ellyji (ji by the way is a term of respect in Hindi).
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