Apr 18, 2011 22:34
Two or three weeks ago, we had an aquarium with five 4-year-old black neon tetras. Tonight we have an aquarium with one new black neon tetra, two gold gouramis, and a julii cory catfish. All five old tetras succumbed tragically to ich. The new tetra (our Typhoid Mary) appears to have two or three ich cysts but has been stable in this state for a few days. The gouramis and the cory look fine so far, although there's been some flashing (itching) that has me concerned. The tank has been treated with Coppersafe (yes, I know this means that the tank will likely have residual copper for a very, very long time, if not forever) and I think that at this point all I can do is keep changing water and cleaning gravel while I wait, watch, and hope for no resurgence.
Keeping an aquarium is lovely until something goes wrong, and then it's a lot of work.
And I know it's petty, but I'm cranky with that now-lone tetra. Curses upon you!