Looks like we're going to have to blow up some more of the middle east. $1.41 p/l. I just paid for petrol, fit $27 in a mini. The middle east thing might sound cynical, but American presidents, on both sides of politics, even JFK, have accepted that when Western reserves get too low we have no choice but to take it by force from the East. We would rather kill than walk.
I think, maybe, once upon a time, I got something right. I told the casheer that I should call the guiness book of records, telling them about the $27 in the mini. The casheer looked outside at the rest of the cars and pointed out I wasn't the one with the problem. There was one large family sedan outside, the rest were SUVs. Looking back at the line up behind me I realised they were all a lot more concerned about pertrol prices than I am. If I can just keep the mini running, I think I win.
Anyway, like he says, the war is right outside your door - in your driveway.
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