Call for panelists for Pantheacon 2010

Oct 25, 2009 20:11

Are you planning to go to Pantheacon (the huge 4 day pagan conference in San Jose, CA- Feb 12-15)? My husband and I are putting together a panel about Pagans with Disabilities. (called "A Different Perspective")

We want to address some questions and issues that come up when a person with disabilities of one sort or another participates in a magical circle, as well as the reactions and stereotypes others have.

Mike is the Manager of the Braille and Talking Book Library, and is himself partially sighted. I have other disabilities, though not as severe as some experience. I also have a fair amount of experience working with people with different disabilities.

We would like to add fully blind, deaf, deaf-blind, mobility, neurological, and psychiatric to the panel, and expect that it will be attended by others who either are themselves in these categories or know someone, or are circle leaders or facilitators. ASL interpreters will be available at the conference.

Let me know if you're interested... We need to firm up the panelists before December.
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