Self-imposed lunacy

May 05, 2011 07:43

Kay and I have split up.

I have issues coping with this, not because there are actual issues, although there are some of those, mostly financial, but because I feel awkward around other people.

I want support but don't feel able to ask for it. Kay is already receiving support from two of the three people I would most likely have gone to, and although of course I could still talk to them, I really don't feel able to ask them to help me as well as her. It's not a sides thing, the split is relatively amicable, it's just, well I try to always put myself in other people's shoes and I know it would be difficult being talked to by both parties in this.

The third of the three I just don't feel it would be right to lean on.

So I am left feeling alone in the real world, although of course I do have friends online to help me take my mind off of it.

I just wish I had more friends I could visit at times like this.

In other news, I finally sent off a submission to the BBC Writer's Room, so that will be another dream crushed and destroyed then, yay!

Maybe I should just... I have no idea, and that's the issue, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing.
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