Oct 03, 2008 23:13
So this week has been really busy for me. I seem (although I doubt I actually am) to be the only person doing any work in my team. And I had to go to London one day this week or a panel meeting, and the training documents that I am supposed to be preparing as my "top priority".
*le sigh*
The more tired I get the less pleasure I find in anything, right now it feels like if the whole world ceased to exist I just plain wouldnt care.
I get some joy from little things, but otherwise it can all just go fuck itself.
Ans you know what, I can't be arsed with the internet. The only problem being that most of my life revolves around it. Which leaves me stuck. Stuck in a world composed wholly on information. Information is often bullshit.
So I'm stuck in a world made of often bullshit, just like this post.
Fuck it all.