Remembered I had some photos of the pub, not many and not very good, but I have them nonetheless.
Left to right we have doubleshiny (with puppy), Karen (with puppy), Louie and Kay, in the weirdest pub in the world.
Here we see Kay and Clarry at the bar, on the left is the washing I spoke of hanging on various things.
Here is the pile of stuff I spoke of. I thought it was garden furniture but it may not have been, clearing some of it wasn't but I can't think why I would have thought that, had it not been, so I have to assume that there is some behind the table you can see here.
And here we have the aforementioned Ingerjohanna chatting with our doubleshiny. Proof that she exists. Ingerjohanna, not doubleshiny, we already knows she's a legend.
Then something else I completely forgot about, driving back my attention was caught by something odd in my rear-view mirror. Given how weird the previous night was I had to check myself. But indeed I had seen what I thought I had seen.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the Google-Maps-Mobile!
I have a video of it as well, just not sure if LJ will take the file type so I'm leaving it for now, but I may add it shortly.
Now let's see if I even managed to embed the photos correctly.