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May 10, 2010 22:38

I am on summer break! It's felt pretty damn good the first day but now that I'm a week into it I'm getting really bored. I made it through the semester with a 3.45 gpa. I wish I could have gotten a 3.5 but I got a C in Theater 302. It wasn't that hard of a class I just didn't do the work required to get a good grade. The papers were about theaters 400 years old and it was hard to get information about the theater. GAH I don't like thinking about it. Anyway the story is I am done with school for a while but I miss it. I cannot wait for the next semester to start and I can destroy some scenes in my favorite class called Actors studio! Actors Studio is the most bad ass class ever! You get to do scenes with a partner and try to make them as performance ready as possible I love that class because you get to work with all different kinds of people although last semester I worked with kids that were in my entry level acting classes and not any of the upper class-men. I just realized that it's funny how you will notice things about your life once you start to form the thoughts and memories into sentences.

So in a few weeks I will be jetting off to London for 3 weeks and then 3 weeks bumming around Europe. I am saving up money but I really don't know how the hell I am going to pay for this Trip. I'm kind of scared. Oh well it's going to be awesome and I can't wait to see all the beautiful landscape on the other side of the Atlantic. There will be more to come, much much much!!!!! MORE! I think I will have to make a photo blog or something were I will dump all of my pictures in to an album after every day. So I'll have an empty memory card every morning. I do think that I should get my body into top physical form for the trip because I will only get one chance to impress the ladies over yonder and I would like to put my best foot forward or at least look good without my shirt on. I don't think thats too narcissistic.

Tomorrow I'm going to start my Job working for Kevin we'll see how that goes it might Rain.
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