Mar 24, 2010 23:31

I'm just going to make numbers to my post starting from the other day. This is post # 3

Lets see where did I leave off?

Ok so while I was breaking into a new world, I was starting to loose touch with the love of my life, Christine. I had left the hard sciences for a world of art and creativity. I was working late and was spending all my time in the theater while I was also trying to keep active with soccer. My time with Christine was getting very limited to weekends and seeing each other at school. Throughout the fall semester I started seeing less of her at school. I knew her schedule and what times she had breaks. So I would make my way over to the Merchie science building whenever I had a free moment to sit and talk with her. She would almost always be in the study area on the 5th floor with a group of friends. One day she wasn't there and I asked one of her friends if she had seen her but she wasn't to be found. I asked her about it and Christine would say something like oh... I didn't get your phone call or I was in the lab or I was busy with something or another. I didn't really understand what was going on. Until one day she was talking about her friends at school and she kept talking about one person impractical. His name was Jeremy and he was a grad student working on some research at the school. Christine had been working under him for a grade. Christine grew very fond of him and started to spend a lot of time with him outside of school. She even went shopping with him right after her and I got back from a trip to las vegas. I was too busy with the theater to really see what was happening to our relationship. She fell in love with him, and he was telling her all the sweet things that he could do for her and how much of a bad boyfriend I was. I was doing my best to be a good part of her world but it got increasingly difficult. One day while having lunch with Christine she said how bad I was and I believe she called me an asshole about 30 times in an hour. A word she never called me before. A word that in my mind is like calling me a bitch. I took it, and agreed with her. Looking back now I see that I was good to her, and yeah there were times when I didn't treat her the way I should have. I stood her up on a date once or twice. ok like 4 times in our entire 3 years of being together. But we ended up breaking up at the end of January over a miscommunication.

I wish we didn't break up now but I do think it's for the best. She has her guy that is into hard sciences and I can be an actor. truth be told I believe she lost respect for me when I started acting. I would tell her about my classes and she would scoff at the work that I was doing. As if it wasn't real or viable.

I've been having a hard time with our break-up. She really moved onto something good and I've been spinning my wheels. I haven't gone a month with out seeing her or a week with out talking to her on the phone. I don't think I'll ever get over her. But what the fuck. I have to. We will never be together again. she's too much of a bitch.

I've been dating a girl named Ting. but I don't love her. It's hard to though. She spends money on me... like takes me out to dinner and stuff. I can't afford to take people out on dates let alone buy them gifts. So it's like I don't have a choice but to be with. I have fun when we hang out but the conversations get dull and for the most part the sex is awful. I don't know what I'm going to do because I don't see a way out or a way for this to get any better. I wish I could just end my relationship with Ting. But we are going to Europe in the spring. I'm going to need my sugar momma for that trip. FML

I know the stories are getting juicy. Stay tuned kids.
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