Are “Free Thinkers” cynical arrogant bastards?

Dec 20, 2006 08:12

With all the talk recently about how everybody we know has changed and the rampant increase in cynicism got me thinking.

The result was quite terrifying.

First off I need to explain a few things so bear with me.

Ok, first off I’m a cynic, I hate just about everything and almost everybody. Not to mention a serious dire hard Agnostic. I can explain why I’m so angry but most will just view it as a difference of opinion. I think this is want makes me angry, the fact that most people just look at it as simple arrogance make me even more angry.
There are major problems with this world that if not fixed will do serious damage. Unfortunately it appears that we as a race are doing everything in our power to aid the problem, therefore fueling our downward spiral. Some examples are rampant in recent events taken place in the past several years. Like our sudden need to cripple hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of people so we can avoid insulting just one person. This is ridicules and futile when you think about it logically. If it’s all about “ME” than things become sterile and future innovations become hindered because we might risk the chance of hurting that one person. How we got to this I’m sure can be explained, but will probably be ignored as opinion. All I do at this point is shake my fists in the air and scream what’s wrong with you? Of course it’s all ignored as opinion and arrogance.

Think of this scenario. We are living in a Mars colony of 1000 people and a vital piece of equipment failed. If not repaired everybody will die, unless you send somebody out to repair the faulty device. Unfortunately, whoever repairs the device will die. To me this is a no brainier, but in modern society I’m sure about 50% of people would disagree. I’m sure if they where one of those 1000 people they would have a vastly different opinion. This same thing can be seen in many other areas like all the extremists who have tunnel vision views and Nazi like tactics.
I strongly agree in personal freedom and privacy but some things are just over abused and need reworking. Our nation’s legal, law enforcement, educational, judicial and drug policies need complete restructuring. If not done soon the US I fear will degrade to a point that could lead to civil war.
Sound a bit over the top? Think about it….
And while you think about it think about some of these things that have happened recently.
• Rampant sue happy people who will sue you over ridiculous things.
• A almost non working educational system that is more a babysitting service and is laughable compared to other nations systems.
• Laws that do more damage than good and haven’t been updated for over 50 years. Laws need updating to the times, if not; they can be exploited causing further damage.
• Political positions that have no limit to serving time. I don’t want some 50 year old man who has no idea what the internet is, making laws moderating it.
• Corporations like the MPAA & RIAA going sue happy over music and movies. Learn to understand and work with new technology.
I could go on for a long time here but I think you get the point.
One thing that really got me was that a vast majority of people in the Middle East and parts of Asia think that the Holocaust never happened. A vast majority of Muslims from that region actually believe that the Jews conjured it up to gain sympathy.
I’m not making this up! Want the news links? Look on Fark.
This is an example of rampant religious fanaticism and religious discrimination.
I respect people’s opinion of religion, but the way situations are going on in the Middle East are a joke. I honestly think the Muslims will be the cause of the next world war. It’s inevitable; the Mosk in Jerusalem is a perfect example of a war that both sides refuse to budge. If one side wins the other will war in retaliation. How do you deal with religious fanatics who absolutely refuse to budge on peaceful resolutions?

Ok having said all this, one can say that it’s just my opinion or arrogance. But is it?
I honestly think none of the above situations will be resolved…. Ever.

People ask why I’m so bitter, why I hate ignorant people, why the cynicism and why are you Agnostic?

Well, I now conceder myself a “Free Thinker”, also called Freethought, these people are often regarded as cynics and/or arrogant people. I know not everybody agrees with free thinkers but some of its basic principals I think are very key in making this world a better place.

Here is a quote that can sum it up nicely.
A line from "Clifford's Credo" by the 19th Century British mathematician and philosopher William Kingdon Clifford perhaps best describes the premise of freethought: "It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence." Since many popular beliefs are based on dogmas, freethinkers' opinions are often at odds with commonly-established views.

Also from the Wiki…

Freethought holds that individuals should neither accept nor reject ideas proposed as truth without recourse to knowledge and reason. Thus, freethinkers strive to build their beliefs on the basis of facts, scientific inquiry, and logical principles, independent of the factual/logical fallacies and intellectually-limiting effects of authority, cognitive bias, conventional wisdom, popular culture, prejudice, sectarianism, tradition, urban legend and all other dogmatic or otherwise fallacious principles. When applied to religion, the philosophy of freethought holds that, given presently-known facts, established scientific theories, and logical principles, there is insufficient evidence to support the existence of supernatural phenomena.
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