Dec 02, 2006 07:31
Well the end of season 2 of Avatar was fun, it reminded me of how season 4 of TNG ended. Well I can’t wait until the eps come out in the spring.
Also came to a realization while watching the new episode of Battlestar, I really loathe Starbuck. When I say loathe, I really mean it. The way her character is written just brings out the bitter old man in me and wrap her in the head with my heavily waited “Biff” cane. Several times…… Hard…. Very Hard……
Some of you may have noticed bitterness in my mood lately. I think this “Old Man” in me is the cause. It’s a combination of foreboding distrust, adulterous and strumpet view this so called “Old Man” has towards the opposite sex. He’s always been there but he’s surfaced more than I would have liked recently. I think my current relationship status isn’t helping much either. It’s probably time to have one of those “talks” with Carissa.
I know most of you guys don’t know her, but I talking about it help’s some.
I also must apologize to everybody if I’ve been a jerk lately, my mass amount of work probably hasn’t helped much either.
To those in attendance of the Battlestar viewing on Sat morning, sorry if I snapped, the old man just came out unexpectedly and made himself known.
Just another sign that I was born 100-200 years too late.