each and every one plays a different sound [OPEN]

Mar 11, 2011 12:19

WHO: Wataru Kurenai (destinysplay)
WHAT: Say hi to the island's newest victim resident.
WHEN: March 11th, Early morning.
WHERE: \o/ The beach.
WARNINGS: ... uhm. Maybe a warning for adorable social awkwardness.

I merely wish to draw the map of my future. )

tsume, wataru kurenai, riza hawkeye

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thehawks_eye March 11 2011, 18:15:49 UTC
Dressed in her typical gear of late - black turtle neck, black cargos, her Amestrian boots and a haori over that, along with two visible holsters with guns and a rifle slung across her back, Riza had been out jogging when she'd spotted him. Another arrival, and still they were no closer to finding away off this forsaken place. Sighing, she raked a hand through her hair and slowed to a steady walk. No use startling the boy, and she didn't know if he was armed

"You ok?" She stopped a good five feet away, stance relaxed, but alert. Wary. Not of him, but of the surroundings.


destinysplay March 11 2011, 18:31:41 UTC
Wataru glanced over at the woman who was speaking to him, opening his mouth to speak before he realized how strangely he was dressed. Aside from using Basshaa, and the small weapon Megumi used, he had never seen a gun in person before. Noticing that she was armed seemed to make him rather uncomfortable, despite her calm tone. Kivat had instantly fallen back into the sand, trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible. Wataru scooped the bat up in his hands, pushing himself to stand.

"I... .. I'm fine...." Wataru spoke quietly, keeping his head down. His voice was so quiet that it was difficult to hear him at all.


thehawks_eye March 11 2011, 18:41:08 UTC
"Of course." She smiled a little, noticing the creature[?] in the boy's hands, but said nothing on it. She did however allow her gaze to linger somewhat curiously, though it was soon back to watching the surroundings. "Though I'd hazard a guess and say you need clean clothes, and you'd like to know how or why you drowned if you were not near water."


destinysplay March 11 2011, 18:56:01 UTC
When Wataru noticed her looking at Kivat, he cradled the other a bit closer to his chest. The only person to ever interact with Kivat had been Shizuka. Otherwise, Wataru knew he preferred to stay out of the way because it was just easier to keep the other from doing things than to explain why a mechanical bat was talking.

"A-actually... I..." Wataru pressed his lips together, unsure of how to continue. He knew exactly why he was in the water. He didn't understand why this woman was assuming so many things and was speaking so intently at him. His clothes were fine, or would be, as long as he could go home and change out of them before he caught a cold. "... I wasn't drowing. I... fell. Into the water. ... but I'm all right now."

It wasn't lying, at least.


orz for late. thehawks_eye March 12 2011, 09:22:47 UTC
Considering the island and what had happened so far, Riza wouldn't be that started by a talking bat. Really. (Ok, just a little.) "That much is obvious."

Another once over and she sighed. "We should get into the town. If you're hurt at all, the creatures here will soon smell it. I know you more than likely don't trust me, but this is the truth."


destinysplay March 12 2011, 14:21:11 UTC
"Creatures?" Everything this woman said just seemed to confuse him more. She didn't look like a member of the Aozora Organization, like Nago or Megumi. Maybe she was a member of another branch, because she certainly looked like a foreigner. Were Fangire nearby? Was that what she was concerned about?

If any of that was true, Wataru wasn't sure he wanted to risk exposing his identity.

"All right..." His voice was still quiet. It was easy for him to trust people, but the only reason he was showing hesitation was because of how well armed she was. Wataru moved a little closer, showing he was ready to follow her as long as she led the way.


>_< Orz man, LJ notifs are screwing up for me. thehawks_eye March 12 2011, 16:10:23 UTC
"Chimera or demons." Riza wasn't sure what else to call them. " The creatures that plan to ... eat us."

She swallowed, then started up the beach, every part of her alert. It hadn't while she hadn't been attacked, yet, she could hear the cry of the ahool and that did make her nervous. "The village seems to be safer than the rest of the island, There are houses and such. All houses seem to have clean clothing and a small store of food."

And then after a bit of a pause. "I'm not a native, if you are wondering." She was fare from it. From the first arrivals on the island, actually, but she'd let him make of her words as he will.


destinysplay March 12 2011, 16:38:08 UTC
Creatures that ate people. Well, this wasn't anything too unfamiliar at least. Fangire ate people. A lot. On a daily basis. Fighting off Fangire was one of the most time consuming aspects of Wataru's life, so he didn't look shocked at all.

Wataru just looked very, very confused.

"I'm sorry. I don't understand..." Sure, it was strange to wash up on this place, but not entirely out of the realm of possibility. He just didn't know how far he'd have to walk to be able to get back home.


thehawks_eye March 12 2011, 17:36:40 UTC
"It's an island. A deserted one. the people you see here, we are all in the same boat, so to speak." A calming smile was given. Or as calming as she could make it.

"Do you know what an ahool is?" It was worth a try. Judging by the lost look, she was fairly sure of she tried to explain the whole I'm not from your world thing, she might confuse him even further.


destinysplay March 12 2011, 18:07:08 UTC
Wataru had no idea how he had managed to go out far enough from the city to end up on an island. Now, he lifted his head a bit to glance at his surroundings. Things did look a little too unfamiliar.

When asked if he recognized the name of the creature, Wataru shook his head a few times. He didn't know and he wasn't sure if Kivat knew either. He could feel the other moving around a bit in his hands, impatient at having to be still and quiet for so long when they were in strange territory.

"How do I get back to town?" Wataru turned then, staring back out at the water and seeming to realize for the first time how he couldn't see anything in the distance. ... that wasn't a good sign.


... Should we have an ahool attack y/n? thehawks_eye March 13 2011, 07:58:13 UTC
"The path leads up to it. You'll find clean clothes in any of the houses. Most are still unoccupied." She didn't stop walking, heading up along the path, a gun appearing in hear hands at the sound of an ahool. And the safety was off.

"If I give you an order, will you obey?" She needed to know. If that thing got any closer, she didn't want to have, to her, a dead weight around. And she saw it as her duty to get the new arrival up to the village proper asap now.


destinysplay March 13 2011, 18:21:54 UTC
Wataru moved to look around and past Riza, staring up at the path. He couldn't see much of anything from where he was, but going to the new town wasn't what he had been asking. Though with as much as he stumbled through his words, he wasn't surprised when she was confused. Though judging from where he was now and that there was no sign of the city... Exactly where was he?

"N-no, I--" When the woman took out her gun, Wataru's eyes widened and he quickly took a step back. That sounds wasn't familiar, but he'd heard monsters make strange noises before. It wasn't one of his. He dropped his hands to his side, Kivat taking the opportunity to fly back and hide in Wataru's hood in case he was needed. Wataru wouldn't transform in front of anyone else if he could help it, but it seemed like he might have to.

"I guess so..."


thehawks_eye March 14 2011, 17:20:51 UTC
"Good." Riza was moving more and more carefully now, stopping ever few yards. Of course, when the Ahool's cry ripped though the trees, she froze, eyes widening in fear. No.

"Please tell me you're not bleeding at all. Even the smallest cut..." And they were so screwed if that was the case. Taking a breath, he motioned the boy to come closer. "We might have to run, and fast."

Please let her be wrong, please let her be wrong.


destinysplay March 15 2011, 19:54:18 UTC
"I... don't really know." Wataru bristled at the cry, taking a step back and looking over his hands, then rubbing them over the back of his neck and his face to check and see if there was any blood. He didn't see any, but his elbow still hurt like hell and wasn't letting up. Though, in all reality it had just popped out of place and was badly bruised, he wasn't bleeding anywhere.

When she motioned at him, Wataru moved closer again, looking worried. He didn't think he'd be able to run very fast in his current state, still disoriented from waking up in the water, but he would certainly try.


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