Back to the grind again in a few hours.

Dec 30, 2009 01:01

Okay, it’s more than just a few. But I’m still reeling from the holidays, and my next shift is coming at me fast.

I worked the six-days-in-a-row stretch, which ended on Christmas Eve. At that time, my sons and I packed up for our trip to Mississippi - them to spend the remainder of their school break with their bio dad and me to spend the night with my Mom.

Let’s see. The weather was some of the worst we’ve had in ages. The wind was fierce, the rain was coming down in sheets at times, and I was pulled over for speeding before we ever even got off the road we live on. Luckily, the cop didn’t write any of the three tickets he said he “should be writing” (speeding and improper equipment - it seems that in addition to my broken headlight, I am also missing tag lights) because “it’s the holidays and all.” While I am glad I got out of any tickets, it still set me on edge and combined with being tired from work, the horrible driving weather, and being tired from having work. It didn’t help when my kids started in on one another about an hour away from home, but I finally actually pulled my car over and told them they were going to have to get out in the wind and rain, and fight it out, or work it out, or whatever. I was seriously at the end of my rope, and if they hadn’t settled down shortly thereafter, I swear I would have gotten a hotel room somewhere and a bottle of rum.

We got over there without further incident, and I actually had a really good visit with my wonderful Mom & stepdad. As always, the visit was way too short. I didn’t get to see my Dad & his family while there, which I really hate. But I do plan on taking a bit of time off when the boys are out of school for spring break, and I will visit ALL of my family and as many friends as I can while there.

So I packed back up on Christmas day and drove back over here in order to get things ready for work the day after. I worked the weekend, and had yesterday and today off. I swear, it didn’t feel like enough time off. I had every intention of getting the house spotless, but I was just TOO damn tired. I did manage to get the trash out and carried to the curb, and all the Christmas stuff taken down. Oh, and I got to sneak out for drinks and one more New Moon viewing before the end of the year with my awesome bestie, Tiffani! There wasn’t much of a crowd there, but unfortunately that crowd included a multi-tasking couple who both talked AND blocked our view twice. And a puking child (not there with the talking, view-blocking couple). Still, it was a good time!

I wish I could have spent most of the day in here just getting caught up on housework and toting more Christmas trash out. But I had so much sleep to try to catch up on, and so many errands to run that it just wasn’t possible. I’ve got to get it done quick somehow, though, since I am buying my fridge tomorrow and want it delivered ASAP. I thought I was going to have to put it off due to also having to replace my expensive headlight assembly, but my paycheck is a decent one this week. So I will go ahead and take care of it all. I hope to pick up a co-worker’s shift on New Year’s Eve, but I’m not sure I can now.

So in a nutshell? My holidays were awesome. And as usual, I’ve got lots and lots to do.

I forgot my camera for the trip home, but I snapped this one with my phone:

It’s my stepdad’s adorable cat, Boo Boo. As soon as I snapped the pic, he took off running.

I hope everyone who stops by here had a wonderful holiday, and that the coming year is an amazing one! I feel amazing things coming for myself, and I can’t wait!

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

holidays, family

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