Almost made it….

Mar 25, 2009 08:57

…getting the lawn mowed yesterday, that is! I hadn’t really had the time or energy to start the yard work till yesterday afternoon, and was surprised by how much I got done before I ran out of gas. I don’t know if I was able to get so much done because the grass isn’t quite so tall yet, because it was dry, because the weather wasn’t too hot, because I’m stronger from working out, or all of the above. But I am hoping my workouts have helped me become a good bit stronger.

Speaking of working out, I didn’t do my workout yesterday because of the lawn-mowing. I was behind the push mower for at least 25 minutes, though, and even though I could not alternate jogging with walking, I think the extra resistance of pushing a mower kind of made up for it. I was at least walking briskly behind it.

This weekend I bought the Twilight 3-Disc Deluxe Edition DVD from Target, then sometime VERY shortly thereafter, I got an email from Borders saying that my Borders Exclusive Special Edition DVD, which I had been told would not be shipped till at least April 4, had shipped after all. It got here yesterday. I’m pretty sure I would have still bought the Target edition anyway, because it was pretty cheap and came with an iTunes dl of the movie and a few other Target exclusives. But I really had not expected my Borders one to get here so soon! I have not had a chance to check out many of the extras in either version yet, but I do love the photo cards that came with the Borders edition. I have some picked out already to display in my future Twilight Saga shrine/wall in my future living/family/movie room, along with the artwork from the Amazon boxed set and trading cards I won from Middle Aged Fangirl.

I am pretty excited about the plans for the future living/family/movie room, too! Rearranging the furniture really has me in the mood to paint, frame photos and albums and my other memorabilia, and get the room pulled together! Of course…..I can’t do it all right now, and will be lucky to get stuff done anytime soon. I am not even sure what color I want the room. I want something that is 1940s/50s/glam/Tabernacle/theater-looking. The furniture I have, while one sofa could stand to be revamped just a bit, will do. And I have my lighting and window treatments picked out. Even know what I’d like to eventually do to the floor. But a color for the walls? Pssshhh. If there is anyone who knows or understands what I am talking about, style-wise, please send me your links and ideas!

Oh, and the dresser I blogged about; the one I wanted to buy and use as a tv stand? I’m still trying to convince myself to get it. I do really want it, but my frivolous-spending income (though this isn’t exactly ‘frivolous’, it’s certainly not a necessity) is rapidly dwindling till I get my work situation back to something regular. They are willing to come down on the price $10, but I still can’t convince myself to get it. I am *hoping* to be able to hold out until whenever they run a furniture half off day (usually once per month) and get it then. It worked for my china cabinet! And if it is meant to be mine, it will still be there when I can actually justify getting it, right?

I actually don’t have any errands to run today. I should go buy groceries, and may head out later - my $120 in Proctor & Gamble coupons came in yesterday, too! - but I think for the most part, I’m going to spend a few hours in bed with my Kindle! It’s dark and stormy and just a bit chilly. Perfect weather for staying in and snuggling!

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

entertainment, happy-making!, health, fitness, frugal, happy little home, movies

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