I recently tried out some cute, punky pinkish-magenta eyeshadow and asked my youngest son what he thought. He said it looked like I’d been pepper sprayed in the eyes!
It did not stop me from wearing it, though. I think I’m okay as long as I wear black liner with it; something I did not do when I first tried it on.
Gah. Insomnia strikes again.
I used to be able to use my insomnia to my advantage by getting creative, either with my art or writing. Now? My mind is mush past a certain point, and my tummy does not handle insomnia. Does not.
I did get my
sofa this weekend! On Friday, in fact. I had been getting sick, so I never got down to the store to purchase the
table I wanted (and really thought I would get). I just assumed when they told me they’d deliver the sofa “this weekend” they meant Saturday or something, and that I could get down there and get the table. Oh well. I guess if it had been THAT important to me to get it, I would have made myself go down there and buy it.
Anyway, they sent one elderly gentleman to deliver the sofa. Which meant that I had to take my sick butt out there and help him unload and bring it into the house. Fun, I tell you! Helping haul a sofa is not a good idea when you can barely breathe. But….I did it, and spent the whole weekend doing some hardcore cleaning and rearranging. I’m not even sure if I have things where I want them right now, but I can always move stuff around later. The important thing is, it’s teenager-approved, and Mini-approved! The boys prefer this sofa to the faux-leather one, in fact. And Mini just goes wherever. Pics forthcoming…one of these days.
I suppose I’ll try
sitemapping the site again later today. I’ve received several very helpful suggestions to getting it installed and working right, which I didn’t see in the directions/readme.txt file. I had given up on it, but I figure since this site does make me a little bit of extra cash, I may as well optimize it as best I can.
Sigh. I don’t know whether to just stay awake and start the day’s housework, or try to nap for a while before I have to get the boys up and off to school.
Originally published at
devilishsouthernbelle.net. You can comment here or