You’ll just have to think of a title for this one on your own today

Jan 15, 2008 09:49

because I am TIRED.

I woke up yesterday morning raring to go. Showered, got The Oldest up for his shower, blow dried my hair, did my five minute power burst workout (yay! Kat won’t have to come kick my ass!), got The Youngest up for his shower, got myself ready for work, and off we went. All was actually fine until time for The Youngest’s basketball game, when we discovered my car’s battery was dead. I had to call his coach to come pick him up for the game, and The Oldest had to get a ride home from football with another parent. Sigh. I think I must have hit one of the dome light switches when I grabbed my purse from the back seat.

The Husband actually jumped the car off when he got home from work last night this morning. Can you believe it? I mean, this time last year, I had to call out of work because he wouldn’t jump my car off for me. He actually walked out, said it was “too cold” for him to do that, and left me to deal with work and making alternate arrangements (via HIS car) to get the kids to school. Well, he soon found out what goes around comes around, since, in my rush to get inside to call out of work, I accidentally left his headlights on. They were on all day till his car died, and he had to call his mom to come jump him off. He was late for work, and he did apologize for being such a dick earlier. But that is neither here nor there; I just felt like sharing!

So today got off to a decent start, until the ride to school. My sons always find something to fight about, no matter how small, insignificant, or trivial, and today was no exception. When the car battery died, that meant it wiped out my radio presets. I was fixing them this morning while driving, and went to put a station on a different number than it was last time. The Youngest started babbling about “NO! Put that one on number 3! We had this station on number 3 last time!” Thinking it made perfect sense to put it back on number 3 since it was there for years and thinking we might be able to avoid confusion with keeping it there, I set the station at number 3. Which prompted The Oldest to turn to him and start lecturing about how “Mom was putting that on number 2! She was putting that on number 2 and you butted in and made her put it on number 3! Why does it have to be on number 3?” So then *I* had to get involved and explain why I chose to put it on number 3. I hoped that would put an end to it, but it didn’t. The conversation was then turned on me (by The Oldest) and devolved into me playing favorites. He’s cunning, he is. I see a possible career in politics for The Oldest.

No one ever got over that. We did eventually lapse into just sitting in silence, though, and I relished it. Then we got to the dropoff in the school line, where we were held up by what I’m sure White Trash Mom would refer to as a “Muffia” mom (go ahead and read if you get the chance; that is some funny shit! And you will recognize the ones in your immediate vicinity, too).

I blogged about this in last week’s weather post. C.A. Marks blogged about this very same thing in her blog. And I’ve read posts on countless other blogs I’m too lazy to go look for, but you get the picture. This is apparently becoming an epidemic, if it wasn’t already!

So here’s a message to you selfish moms who drive through the dropoff/pickup line at school, then abandon your vehicle while you go in and do whatever in God’s name it is that you do while the rest of us are dropping off our kids and trying to get to work on time (or driving through to pick them up and get them wherever else they may need to be on time):


Seriously, if it’s not some sort of emergency, you bitches need to be moving along just like the rest of us.

Whew! It felt so good to say that!

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

kids, bitchery, frustration

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