I think I’ve learned my lesson!

Jan 08, 2008 14:50

Some of you may have noticed that my site briefly disappeared. Or maybe not. If you read in a feed reader, it probably looked as if I’d just not updated. Anyway, I let my son do a lot of spending from my Paypal account with his Christmas money and I ended up with one cent less than I needed to cover my hosting. At first, I thought my hosting was set up to just come out. Nope. THEN, I thought I’d just wait till sponsored-post payday, which was Friday.

I woke up Thursday in a panic, thinking it was Friday, jumped the gun, and sent the payment before I realized it was only Thursday. This set in motion a transfer from my bank (I knew it would), which takes five days to complete (I really didn’t think they’d sit on it for the whole five days, though). I contacted my web hosting people who said to let them know if payment wouldn’t be made on Monday. I did. I explained to them it would be Tuesday before the necessary transfer could be completed and I could pay them. They said there was no way they could guarantee my account wouldn’t be suspended.

So Friday rolls around, and at that time, the money was now IN my Paypal account (sponsored post payday), yet the payment to my web hosting service will not go through until TODAY when this bank transfer clears, IF it clears when it is supposed to. Lovely, right? The real kicker? I could not cancel the payment to the web host, then send another one which would have gone right through.

Now? My account is suspended. EDIT: Obviously, this situation has now been rectified

I don’t have any clue how long it will take or how much of a hassle it will be to get my site(s) back up and running, but you can be sure I’ll blog all about it. And I will never, EVER let this shit happen again. I really shouldn’t even complain since it is all my fault. But I am new to this, and the whole thing was a big misunderstanding on my part.

Last night, before all this suspension and stuff started, I was quite productive. It was another good eating day. Still no exercise, and I barely started Flylady. I still did lots of dishes and laundry, though. And was showered and ready to turn in for the night by 8 pm. Hey, that is GOOD timing for me!

And…..I said ’site(s)’ up there, because I also set up my photoblog! Actually, I had to resort to Fantastico Deluxe to do it for me since I couldn’t access the server I thought I needed. But I did do the necessary upgrade.

What I plan to do with it is get all my flickr photos on it. I only have a free account there, since my photos pretty much suck. And I am not even a photo ‘hobbyist’, I just want photographic evidence of stuff like my kids growing up, family events, shows, my prized possesions, and whatever else strikes my fancy. In other words, stuff I want to show off, but not enough to justify spending $24 or whatever for a Flickr Pro account. And even though only the most recent 200 photos show on Flickr, the others are still accessible if you have them blogged. Lucky for me, most of mine were blogged elsewhere, so I can easily get to those photos’ pages. And I plan on re-uploading some that I accidentally took off because I thought I HAD to get rid of them. Of course, I could always just upload the photos here since I have lots of webspace, but I like the way Flickr blogs photos for you. And Flickr makes it easy to order photos.

So…it’s there now, and I shall see to the task of getting old photos blogged, and tweaking the theme I chose.

Oh. And I think my cilantro died :/

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Originally published at devilishsouthernbelle.net. You can comment here or there.

wordpress, blog

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