All that stuff and more.

Aug 14, 2007 15:39

Okay, I tweaked my blog a bit last night, made a post, including screencaps, all about it. Then this morning in my still-halfway-asleep stupor, accidentally deleted that post, and the past several posts I’ve made, via Scribefire.
Live and learn! Since I am not sure if the posts remained on the feed readers, here is a summary of that post:

I may as well use my blockquote for this, since I worked so hard on getting it just right! In addition to playing around with my blockquote , I also prettified my comments with this hack from Hackosphere. (LOOK! The blockquote has link properties, too!) I know this is not the right use for a blockquote, but I just wanted to show it off
And the geeky stuff makes me so happy!

Your comments look like this:

And my comments now look like this:

Pretty neat, huh?

Also, I installed this cool comment hack from The Last Word via Greasemonkey. It creates a reply-to-comment function on the post comment page quoting the comment and the author. So now I don’t have to type out people’s names when I reply, I just hit reply. See? Like this:

Then it automatically inserts the reply/quote code (highlighted in blue):

Then your comment looks like this on your comment page:

…and like this on your permalink page:

Work was good today. I am looking forward to tonight’s LA Ink episode. I need to do more yard work, but the mower is acting strange. Grrr. Maybe it won’t act strange this evening?

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Originally published at You can comment here or there.

daily grind, blog

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