I am sooo sick again. I’ve been fighting off a pretty serious sinus infection, or brewing one, for a few weeks now. Last night, I got hit with it pretty hard. This morning, I woke up in even worse shape. And with a fever, to boot. I had to take the day off to try to recover. I’ll be downing Nyquil in the hopes that it drains my head and lets me get a bit of sleep. My face and eyes are so swollen and puffy, and the runny nose just won’t stop. Even though I can’t blow it out. And the eyes are burning and itchy, too. So frustrating!
On a positive note, I spent the entire day yesterday getting caught up. No, I didn’t actually get caught up, but I felt so much better for working on it. Got two loads of laundry and a load of dishes done, and mowed the entire yard. Okay, my oldest took pity on me and mowed the very back ten feet of the yard. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but when you figure in that the yard is what took most of the day, and I also had to leave the house to go get gas for the mower, and then after I came inside and showered, I fixed supper for everyone…..well, that is where the day went. Oh, and I also got to throw the baseball with my youngest son for a while, and even attempted the football with the oldest for a few throws.
And I also got to hang out with
Tiffani Saturday, before I got so sick. I had a great time; I hope we get to do it again soon!
Also tweaked my layout a bit. I wasn’t happy with the colors, so I changed them. I may not like these colors, either, but I won’t be able to check on the pc till my husband goes to work this afternoon. But the biggest changes I made were getting my comments, while certainly still not perfect, grammatically correct. A lot of you may have noticed that the new Blogger’s comments go something like this: 0 comments, 1 comments, 2 comments, etc. Not a really big deal, it doesn’t even look wrong unless you only have one comment. But boy, did it drive me crazy for months on end. I just removed the strip of code with ‘comment label’, and put parentheses around the number. I haven’t figured out a way to get rid of the space between the parentheses and number (yet). But this looks so much better to the grammar-nazi in me.
And on the permalink page? It would say: 1 comment, 2 comment, 3 comment. I changed that to Comments: 0 or 1, 2, etc. Also, centered the comments and Links to this post headings.
Not major changes, but good ones, I think.
Originally published at
devilishsouthernbelle.net. You can comment here or