Okay, you all wanted details of my weekend……

May 01, 2007 00:34

…..so here are a few.

I took my youngest son to his Dad’s like I normally do every other Friday. On the way home, I heard an advertisement for Sammy T’s, a local music hall, and remembered that my Myspace friend, Stacey, had said I should come out and meet her and her friends there.

So Saturday morning rolled around, and I asked the hubby if he’d mind if I went. He didn’t care, so I got on Myspace immediately to find out from Stacey where this place was, where to park, etc. Then I started thinking ‘Oh NOES! What am I going to wear???’ So I messaged her again and asked if I’d be out of place in a camo mini and knee-high combat boots. She assured me that I wouldn’t, so I set about putting the evening’s wardrobe together.

I found the mini and the shirt I wanted to wear. I had to dig long and hard for fishnets. But I finally got all that together, and threw everything in the wash that needed to go. Then I found my boots, and guess what? No laces. I remembered that one broke a while back, and that was why I actually hadn’t been wearing them lately. So I trekked out to Walmart and bought four pairs of the longest black laces I could find.

I got back home, showered, got dolled up, and put on some cute fake nails (cause I am too cheap to go have them done professionally). I got dressed, did my makeup, and struggled with the boots. It took me about fifteen minutes to lace them up. My skirt was tighter than I remembered, dammit! But by then it was too late in the game to try and find something else. My hair was also a lost cause.

So I called Stacey at a little after nine to let her know I was on my way. She was running behind as well.

I got downtown, and to the parking garage Stacey recommended. After parking my car, I exited the garage on the street the club is on. Wouldn’t you know I turned the wrong way and walked about two blocks before I realized it? So I called Stacey again:

Me: Hey girl. I am totally lost. This place is on so-and-so street, right?
Stacey: Yeah. You’re lost?
Me: Yes. I even parked in that garage you told me about.
Stacey: Hm, where did you come out of it?
Me: On so-and-so street.
Stacey: Well, it should have been right there to the right.
Me: (starting to giggle like a dumbass) Oh. I turned left and started walking…..

So…I head in the right direction and find the club. It was about ten yards away from parking garage door. Doh.

One of my fake nails fell off.

I got inside the building, and after a short while, I found the table Stacey had reserved, though she still hadn’t been able to make it. I met and sat with Amber, Miranda, and Jennifer, and they all made me feel so welcome! We were getting worried about Tiffani, though, because none of us really knew what she looked like and she didn’t know any of us. Stacey finally got there, and hugs were exchanged, and she went to look for, and found, Tiffani. Then we all posed for a pic together, and I won’t even start talking about that, cause I don’t want to be Debbie Downer. Or whatever that saying is!

Shortly thereafter, the band took the stage. You can read about their performance in more detail over at Tiffani’s blog. Her post is aptly titled Like a Virgin. Seriously, go read it. She captured the mood of the evening so well, and she has a lot more hot pics!

A bit into the set, we met more of Stacey’s awesome friends who drove up from Birmingham for the show.

This band really knows how to work the crowd. Some of the highlights that Tiffani didn’t include in her post were:

Dancing Dave. He’s this older fellow with glasses, a suit, and tie, and….well, he dances. They brought him up on stage to shake his groove thang a total of about three times. Their friend from the crowd, I forget who they said he was, got up and sang a song or two. The birthday girl. They got her and her boyfriend up on stage, and got him to give her a lap dance! Another birthday girl. I think they all wrote on her. And the singer talking to someone down front, asking where they worked, so that he could come in and mess with them when they were doing their job!

I broke another fake nail off during a trip to the restroom.

Intermission was fun, as that is when Delicious was out getting to know us newbies a bit better.

And I can’t remember if this was before or after intermission, but the band donned cowboy hats for their rendition of Garth Brooks’s Friends in Low Places. To which Tiffani and I danced together, because they told everyone to dance. Haha!

The tall girls (coughTiffaniStaceycough) get all the love. Everyone except Delicious kept looking over my head most of the night :/

When the show was over, we got to go up and I got to meet Johnny Depp Jason and get a picture. And I met Chris, the drummer, though I was never introduced….I just kept getting in his damned way! He was sooo nice, though. I never did meet Cam, the singer.

I saw the woman who runs the parks & rec association out here. I didn’t know for sure it was her till I saw her pics up on the band’s site. Damn…if I had known she and I had anything in common besides kids who play ball, I’d have tried getting to know her better years ago.

Seriously, I had such a good time! If you like 80s hair metal and that whole 80s party vibe, you have got to check out The Velcro Pygmies.

Of course, what made the evening so great was meeting all these kick-ass chicks! Those of you who’ve been reading me a while know that I have bitched long and loud about not having anything to do here, not knowing anyone, etc, and I am so glad all that has changed now. All these girls made me feel so welcome, and like I’d known them forever. There are no words for how wonderful it is to be around a group of females who really love one another. No alpha females or Head Bitch In Charge attitudes. Every one was just so amazing, and I can’t wait to do it all again!

Originally published at devilishsouthernbelle.net. You can comment here or there.

miscellaneous, friends, entertainment, velcro pygmies, fun, myspace

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