Is it just me?

Apr 28, 2007 15:10

Here lately, I’ve followed links from some themed carnivals to posts which have nothing to do with the carnival’s theme. I’m not talking maybe just an accidental link to the entire website, but a link to a post that has nothing to do with the carnival’s theme. I know this is the norm for some carnivals and there is nothing really wrong with it. I’ll still read and all. It’s still just a bit disconcerting to arrive at a post, especially if it’s a long one, has no indicator anywhere that it is a carnival post, read it, and come to find that it has nothing to do with the carnival’s theme.

Well, on to other things. I have a date tonight! Yippee! No, I’m not stepping out on the husband or anything. I’m meeting with some local women I have come across on Myspace. No, not even that sounded quite right, though it’s true. It’s just my attempt to forge some sort of social bonds here, so that I don’t feel so shut-in and out of place. Maybe make a few new friends, or at least acquaintances? I hope it all goes well. I hope they’ll all like me. And maybe even include me in future outings such as this one. I know it’s a lot to ask for, given my track record with folks here. But I am still hopeful. As much as I am a homebody, I still love getting out and tearing it up with fun people every now and then. I am nervous.

There are still a few of you in this area on the blogs that I really want to meet someday, too. And some that I have already met that I simply must find time to do things with….even if it’s a movie or coffee or something. I am open to pretty much anything at this point. I am just tired of still feeling like I haven’t settled in in this area, though I have been here for coming up on seven years now.

Hope your Saturday is going well! I am off to do yard work (maybe), or sit outside for a bit.

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

miscellaneous, go me, general

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