Thursday Thirteen - 90th Edition

Apr 26, 2007 19:17

For my sixth contribution to the Thursday Thirteen, here are thirteen things which fascinate me:

1. Forests. Having grown up surrounded by forests, or ‘the woods’, I never really realized how much I adore them till I moved off and don’t have a bunch of trees to surround me anymore. There is a thick patch of woods we drive through on the way to the oldest son’s football practice, and it’s just like driving through a completely different place. It’s always dark and a bit foggy and surreal, and developers are already starting to cut parts of it down.

2. The sky. I don’t know what it is, but I could stare forever at the moon and stars at night.

3. Ocean air. The air coming in off the sea just has a certain smell and feel to it, and it’s very energizing, yet calming. And I’ve not been able to experience it in about sixteen years.

4. Sunset. Just my favorite time of day.

5. Praying Mantises. I just love these insects! They’re beneficial, cute, and look like they came from another planet.

6. The power of the human mind/controlling your own destiny. It’s not as new age-y and ‘out there’ as it sounds. I know we can’t completely control all the outside factors which determine how our lives will go, but there is a lot we can change and control in order to live the kind of life we want.

7. Dreams. As you all know, I am so obsessed with mine. I’ve tried books on dream interpretation, which never really seemed to mesh with anything I had going on. Yet I refuse to think they are meaningless.

8. Afro-Carribean/Afro-Creole religions (including, but not limited to, Voodoo, Santeria, etc.) My World Religion class in college was one of my very favorites, and we didn’t have nearly enough time to touch on these religions.

9. Paranormal activity…..I am referring here to the study of it. Everything from ESP to EVP intrigues me.

10. Urban Legends - probably in the same vein as paranormal activity, but different because of specific stories, sightings, etc.

11. The south. I’m from here, have lived here most of my life, I love it, what more can I say?

12. Old houses. And this really isn’t a surprise to those of you who’ve been reading me for a while.

13. Sea creatures. Some of the most bizzarre-looking and powerful animals on the planet. Again, this really isn’t much of a surprise if you’ve been reading me for a while.

Be sure to check out the other Thursday Thirteen participants.

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

thursday thirteen

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