Bestest Blog Carnival - Your Favorite Meme

Jan 12, 2007 17:45

Bestest Blog Carnival banner provided by Janna of One More Raindrop in the Bloggy Ocean

This week’s theme is “Your Favorite Meme”, and is being hosted here, courtesy of Mimi Writes.


I hate to choose only one particular meme, because I really think each of the few memes I’ve participated in this year have brought something different to the table, so to speak. You would learn something different about me with each one. But I think I am going to go at this time with The Thinking Meme, because…..well, it does make you think. This is a previous post (though recent), and I thought it was worthy of a Bestest Blog Carnival submission. Here it is, in its entirety:

(tagged by Starrlight)

1. If you had to choose one vice in exclusion of all others what would it be? Sweet tea, hands down.

2. If you could change one specific thing about the world what would it be? Oh gosh. I think I’d get rid of money and go back to the barter system. That way everyone truly earns what they have.

3. Name the cartoon character you identify with the most.
Wilma Flintstone - mom, wife, homemaker, fixing things/getting things done, REDHEAD!

4. If you could live one day in your life over again which one would it be?
I honestly don’t know if I can answer this. Other than the births of my children and my wedding to my current husband, nothing really stands out as worth going back for. I guess the day my Dad handed over the keys to my first car, my beautiful red 1974 Camaro.

5. If you could go back in history and spend a day with one person who would it be? Jim Morrison. That man was hot, and I’d love to find out what makes such a person tick.

6. What is the one thing you lost, sold or threw away that you wish you could have back? My grandparents’ Pyrex and Fire King items from the 50s and 60s. Some of it got broken, misplaced, and thrown out. I am an idiot! I still have some of it, but I left that at my Dad’s house.

7. What is your one most important contribution to this world? I’m not contributing to this world; I am utterly useless. Unless you count that I try to reduce waste, reuse whatever I can, and make as much from home as I can so as not to feed the consumerism machine any more than necessary.

8. What is your one hidden talent that nearly no one knows about? Um…it’s not exactly hidden, I just haven’t done it in a while or shared with the bloggy world. I draw. Really good, too.

9. What is your most cherished possession? The antique furniture that has been in my family for almost a hundred years. Which *I* now have possession of. We use it, and I hope to keep it in good condition to hand down to my kids someday.

10. What one person influenced your life the most when growing up?
My best friend Keely. She was such a good, sweet, smart person; an upstanding Christian (one of the VERY few) who lived as Christian churches encourage their flock to live. She didn’t drink and whore around and then show up for Sunday school and Youth For Christ meetings like a lot of the holier-than-thou sluts did. She genuinely cared for people of all races and religions and never tried to ‘convert’ anyone’s beliefs or behaviors, except by example.

11. What one word describes you better than any other?
Weird. That’s what I’ve always heard, anyway!

Now I shall tag Shell, Stacie, and Janet C.! And anyone else who happens to be reading that thinks this might be a fun thing to do. I want to learn more about everyone

Please say you’ll play along! And as always, if you do, leave me a comment directing me to your post so that I can come see your answers!

Originally published at You can comment here or there.


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