Just clearing some things up.

Jan 11, 2007 08:59

When I got to re-read my post from the other day, I realized that one thing that I didn’t mention is that up until I was 15, I lived in mobile homes. With wheels. The kind that shook when it thundered and felt like they would topple right over when the wind blew. The point I was trying to get across was NOT that it is bad to live in a trailer or that it matters at all where people live, because it DOESN’T, but that where my kids and I live now is very different from what I grew up in. I am glad no one got pissy about it or anything! But most people who read me know that sometimes I tend to think out loud, and that when I do that, I don’t always say everything I meant to say.

As for my kid (the one being bullied); well, he is no poor, vicitimized, sensitive little kid, and believe me, I realize this as well. He used to be the child I never had a problem with, and my oldest was always in trouble. But since moving to this district two years ago, my youngest son has been giving me more and more trouble. He (and the rest of the boys his age) have hit puberty, so I am sure that them going crazy with pesky hormones hasn’t helped. He’s been bullied, and still is sometimes, and in turn he has bullied other children. I HOPE we have gotten that problem taken care of. I can’t stand bullies, not when they are my own children, either.

It just really sucks when people do pick at you and you’ve been a troublemaker in the past, because then you really have no recourse. He is in trouble today because a girl started something with him in class yesterday, and the teacher did nothing about it. Of course he didn’t try to hit her or anything. She said something ugly, he said something ugly back, she told him to shut the eff up, and he told the teacher, but the teacher only said she didn’t hear anything. And the girl said he was lying, and that was that. My son asked for the school number, and then he and the teacher went to the principal’s office. Lovely. I know my son spoke out of turn, at the very least (disrupting class). I have since told him what he should have done. But still, the teacher was on the phone or her computer, not paying attention to her class, and just believed this other child over him. I don’t care that she wants to reprimand my son for disrupting class or whatever. But the little bitch who started this should be in trouble, too. It shouldn’t just be the end of it because the girl denied it. Every time either of my sons has been accused of anything, they weren’t just let off the hook if they denied it, and this girl shouldn’t be, either.

I don’t really know what all is going on there, it has been turned over to the prinicpal and I expect a call sometime this morning. See? The drama just never ends here.

I am still so tired. I was in bed by about 9 p.m. last night, and I think I am dealing with a sinus infection.

I was going to try to make my first ‘Bestet Blog’ Carnival post, but missed it. I also missed the Crazy Hip Blog Mamas Carnival post this week, and I was the one who suggested it. I am still going to label it (it’s a past post) because I already have it. I just failed to submit it. There has just been too much going on.

I still will get to comments later on. Right now, I am going to take a nap and try to get a bit more rest. Maybe I’ll be better able to deal with things when I wake up.

Originally published at devilishsouthernbelle.net. You can comment here or there.

kids, bitchery, drama

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