Thursday 13 - Week 15

Apr 16, 2009 19:21

I picked a weird time to resume my interest in the Thursday 13 meme. Apparently, the old site is no more, so some kind soul set up another site where TTers can come together once more.

The last time I participated in TT was just over two years ago. Apparently, I quit (or quit categorizing) after about seven contributions.

So, here’s my 8th:

Thirteen things/plants/trees I’d like in my yard and gardens:

I’m no landscaper, so my choices probably sound ridiculous. But keep in mind, I’d LOVE it if my front yard was reasonably full with several different tree types (I grew up in the woods, can’t you tell?), and plants and flowers in beds closer to the house. And I’d like a few bigger trees in my back yard, along with some tropical-ish ones. And again, more plants and flowers on the deck, patio (coming one of these days), and closer to the house. Oh, and I want some privacy shrubs/trees between our yard and the neighbors. Basically, like everything else I like…I’ll mix it up with no rhyme or reason whatsoever!

1. Red Dogwood Tree(s). One or two of these in my front yard would be so lovely, and give us even more shade.
2. Muskogee Crepe Myrtle. I think this is what we already have at one end of our house. Only problem is, we only have one. I’d like another, on the other end of our house.
3. Mimosa. I LOVE these, and I just don’t see very many anymore. Who cares if I annoy the neighbors when they see two-foot mimosas suddenly sprout in their yards? I think two or three of these would look great in my back yard. They’re tropical, they’ll provide great shade, and they grow to a good size - quickly. Best part? These grow wild at my Mom’s….I can dig a few up during one of my weekend visits, and have good size trees within a year or two!
4. Basjoo Banana tree. I’d like to have this near our eventual (yes, I keep hoping it will happen someday!) pool/patio area. Only one, though.
5. Butterfly Bush. Because we love butterflies! I’m not sure what colors these come in, but I’d like something darker.
6. Sago Palm or Pineapple tree. To add to what I hope will be a tropical feel to the back yard. Or maybe not on the Sago, since they are toxic, and the neighbor’s dog comes over often. I’ve actually seen Pineapple trees in Walmart this year, but I also want to eventually try rooting my own, such as described at this site.
7. Hydrangeas of ALL colors and varieties. I especially love Cityline - Rio, Cityline - Paris, Pinky Winky, and Incrediball.
8. Roses of any kind, but especially Hot Cocoa - I imagine this smells lovely! - and Midnight Blue. I love the smell of cloves! Some climbers would be lovely, too.
9. Ferns and other assorted greenery.
10. Gerbera daisies, in a variety of colors and styles…or is the Barberton a different type entirely? I would try to stay away from annuals, but these are too pretty to ignore!
11. Daffodils, all varieties and colors.
12. Assorted succulents.
13. Wildflowers.

I feel like there is so much that I left out! But that’s the gist of my dream garden. How does your garden grow?

I don’t know how to do Mr. Linky, but to participate in Thursday Thirteen or visit other TTers, go to

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

thursday thirteen

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