Memory vanishes among the leaves

Jun 01, 2012 09:27

So. I was out hiking about two weeks ago and I fell. It's a long and hilarious anecdote involving a steep, rocky trail and a turkey, but long story short: I hit my head. I went over backwards and landed right on my back like a turtle. I happened to be wearing my CamelBak backpack, so I basically landed on a little waterbed, which kept me from getting all bruised, but my lower back immediately started to hurt (those who have been around here for a while know I have chronic back problems due to falling off too many horses over the years). When I got home I called my chiropractor and got an appointment that day, but then in the meantime while I was cleaning up and getting ready to go there, I started not feeling so great. So I did the only logical thing, which was to text
artemis2050 who is a real, live neurologist: um. so i fell while i was hiking and hit my head and now i am dizzy and nauseous AM I DYING?

A few texts and a phone call later it was determined I was not dying, just merely concussed. And I had a few really miserable days of nausea and dizziness and then I felt mostly better, except I got dizzy again during Pilates class on Tuesday, but I'm back to riding and running and Pilates and hanging upside down like a bat on my inversion table and so I guess any of you who have been hoping for my early demise are THWARTED AGAIN.

One thing that certainly helped ease the misery was that the birthday goodies continued to roll in.
chicklet_girl sent me a box of adorableness, including a pretty pink knitted dishcloth, and a bunch of cute things like makeup brushes and a mirror compact, all in the color orange (I love orange!). In addition to free medical advice,
artemis2050 also gave me some assorted goodies, too, like a USB drive that looks like a little Jawa, and the Art of Captain America book which is so beautiful and glorious I can't even. <3 <3

I also have to tell you guys that
anna_luna drew a wonderful piece of fanart based on my shameless begging prompt, in which Natasha tackles Steve to the floor. Natasha Hunts (Steve, Natasha, gen) This can be seen as taking place during Semaphore or on its own, so whether or not you read the story, you will still love it. <3

As is usual this time of year, I will likely continue to be scarce until mid-July, as horse show season is upon us and I am barely home. Don't write all the porn without me!

(Current Avengers viewing count: seven.)

Count von Count would like you to know that over at Dreamwidth this post has
comments! Ah ha ha ha ha!

my friends are the best, semaphore, captain america, concussed, fanart

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