Birthday Debrief

May 20, 2012 11:25

I had the absolute best day yesterday! I had a riding lesson in the morning, which was so great and Logan was FANTASTIC, and then I ate strawberries and cream out of a Hello Kitty bowl on my patio while reading stories written for me for my birthday (YAY!) and then I went hiking and then I saw the Avengers movie for the fifth time and then I went out for a dinner that included raspberry cosmos, a lake view, fresh oysters, laughing so hard I wheezed, melt-in-your-mouth lobster, and creme brulee.

And I got three (THREE!) stories for my birthday! \o/ And the thing I love is that they are all so different and yet every one of them is wonderful and meets a different need I had after seeing the movie. How lucky am I?

(All of these should be considered spoilery for the movie.)

Calling Like a Crow (2213 words) by
Fandom: Marvel Avengers Movies Universe, Marvel (Movies), The Avengers (2012)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Summary: [Is spoilery for the movie so I will not post it here.]

Okay, I was so excited I did not read the tags on this one, so I totally thought it was going to be one kind of story, but then it turned out to be another kind, and I would have loved it either way, but the second option is definitely the happier of the two so: WHEW. This kind of killed me but it was worth it in the end.

Also features a cameo by Jeremy Renner's Resting Face, for the Tumblr savvy amongst us: He knows what he looks like - face blank, eyes dead, hands loose at his sides - and that it's probably fucking terrifying to see from the outside, but this is the only way he can make it through what comes next.

Moving Targets (3139 words) by
Fandom: The Avengers (2012)
Rating: Mature
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
Summary: Aftermath of the battle, dealing with the damages.

First I need to tell you guys I have worked my ass off incepting Artemis in Avengers fandom and it's a good thing I have unlimited texting on my phone and also: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. And now I reap the rewards, which happen to be stories written by her! \o/

This has angst and sex and also the best purse ever in the history of purses, and made my heart pitter-patter all over the place. This story deals with repairing both the people and the infrastructure, and the two are woven together here, both works in progress. And this part turned me into a puddle: [He] runs the fingers of his bow hand up her spine until he can cup the back of her head and hold her still while he covers her mouth with his own.

Six Meetings Before Lunch (4130 words) by
Fandom: The Avengers (2012)
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Thor
Summary: Six times Steve and Thor hang out.

Oh, Steve. Victoria and I literally said that out loud, in unison, during one of our viewings of the Avengers movie on opening weekend. And this story has lots of OH STEVE moments, and also a ton of OH THOR moments, which are entirely different in that Steve's are mostly melancholy and sweet, while Thor's are INTENSELY HILARIOUS. It's a perfect balance, and I love seeing these guys just bein' bros hangin' out, and Thor has so many priceless lines I cannot even pick one to share here.

Okay, fine: "This is my jam," Thor exclaims, and starts singing along, though his singing is more like bellowing half a second behind the beat. "They see me rollin', they hatin'."

Count von Count would like you to know that over at Dreamwidth this post has
comments! Ah ha ha ha ha!

avengers, birthday

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