Nov 08, 2004 23:02
I managed to get into bed earlier than usual last night and woke up at 630 this morning. (I usually stumble out at 7 or even 730! eek!) Got a shower, got dressed and had a full cup of coffee before I had to take the boys to school. Got home and did a few loads of laundry, washed mount dishmore, ate lunch before it was beyond lunchtime, ran a couple errands before getting my son from school. Then got home and discovered something. Call it an aha moment today. I started cooking dinner by 4 when I got home w/ the younger son. When the oldest got home 40 mins later he asked me why I was cooking so early. I told him that if I didn't start dinner right after getting his brother home, then dinner wouldn't be ready till bedtime. What started out as a response to my son...ended up being a revelation for myself. Then after dinner I took my shoes off a little earlier than I normally do. Apparently my brain has a trained response to bare feet lol....that after dinner 'fat-n-happy' feeling suddenly met with 'whew-its-day's-end' and I wanted to sleep. I'm trying hard to fight the urge and hopefully I'll be in bed at a decent hour and back up again in the morning at a time that allows me to ease into my day. Yes this logic has rattled around my skull numerous times but it didnt hit the right spot to trigger the light to come on. I guess actually trying something different really does garner different results lol.