Eighth Down - [ Video ] Action in the violet city pokémon center

Aug 04, 2010 02:12

[ The video feed shows Hiruma lying on a seat inside the pokémon center with his Furret and a little black book lying on his chest while he stares up at the ceiling. ]

Thanks for turning the camera on, fucking Nurse. You can go, I'll turn the video off myself.

[ Since it's midnight there are only a handful of trainers and nurses present, but that's not the reason Hiruma is being so quiet - it's because he's exhausted. Despite the fatigue he still turns to face the camera with a grin on his face. ]

Whats up, ya damn morons?

Actually never mind, just listen;

Quick question; is there such a thing as a newspaper here?

Now onto more personal matters;

Kay, it'll take a few more days before I can get that egg, I'm back tracking to Cherrygrove.

Fucking Bomb, you might be up at this hour training that ghost, so here goes. I'm going to be leaving Violet in the morning. You're free to come with, if you want.

Oh yeah, almost forgot.

[ He sits up slightly and raises his voice ]

If that Otacon is listening to this then the fucking Snake said "I'm coming"

[ He lies back down and closes his eyes while Furret comes to turn off the pokégear ]

There, now that's out of my fucking hands...

!where= violet city, !open, !when= night, !question

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